Instabilidade no Cazaquistão

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#31 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Jan 10, 2022 12:22 am

(vídeo no link)

The counter-terrorism operation in Kazakhstan continues for the third day in a row. According to the Kazakhstan’s military officials, it will last until the “the complete elimination of terrorists and the restoration of security in Kazakhstan.”

The counter-terrorism operation was launched on January 6, following the violent clashes between the armed rioters and security forces. Earlier on the same day, the armed rioters seized the airport in Almaty, as well as the building of the National Security Committee, including the weapons storage.

Having put down the armed crowds on the streets, security forces of Kazakhstan are now detaining militants throughout the country.

According to the press service of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, about 6 000 people were detained during the riots, 125 criminal cases have been launched so far.

It was stressed out that a big part of detainees were foreigners.

At the beginning of the year, a large number of “peaceful protesters” were brought to Kazakhstan from neighboring countries. They were offered “New Year’s gifts” – $200 – for participating in the riots.

Many of them tried to cross the border with weapons and loot to avoid arrest in Kazakhstan.

On January 9, it was revealed by the Interior Minister of Kazakhstan that about 300 armed men with money in tenge and foreign currencies were detained while trying to cross the state border.

The videos showing the confessions of the foreign militants are shared by the local media:

While the Kazakh opposition, supported by the Western officials and the MSM are trying to blame the “cruel Tokayev’s regime”, the “peaceful protesters” reveal their real face.

“On January 1, I got a call from unknown men who offered me to take part the rally. They offered 90,000 tenge (about $200). Since I am unemployed in Kyrgyzstan, I agreed. They bought me a ticket. On January 2, I arrived in Almaty, and I was taken to an apartment. There were also citizens of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. I didn’t understand what they were talking about. When the rally started, I got scared and went back to the apartment, spent the night there. The next day I decided to go home and I was detained.”

While the Kazakh security forces continue fighting terrorists, the CSTO collective peacekeeping forces completed the initial stage of their deployment. CSTO forces are guarding military, state and social facilities in Almaty and the areas adjacent to the city. Despite the fake news on their involvement in the counter-terrorism operation, they do not take part in any detainment or clashes.

CSTO troops will stay in Kazakhstan until the full stabilization of situation in the country.

At the same time, Kazakhstan is mourning the victims. January 10 has been declared a day of national mourning for those who died in the riots.

On January 9, the Health Ministry claimed that 164 people were killed during the riots: 103 in Almaty, 21 in Kyzylorda region, 10 in Zhambyl region, 8 in Almaty region, including three children. The numbers were later denied. The report was claimed to be the technical error. The real number of the dead is yet to be revealed, while the number of victims, including those wounded in the riots, amounted to 2,265 people.

According to the recent claims by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 16 police officers, servicemen of the National Guard and the Ministry of Defense were killed, and over 1,300 more were injured. Earlier, it was reported that the number of casualties among the security forces was 18 servicemen.

Meanwhile, the United States wants to hear from Kazakhstan an explanation of why the authorities decided to seek help from the CSTO to stabilize the situation in the country, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on CNN.

“We have real questions about why they were forced to turn to this organization, which is dominated by Russia. We ask for clarification on this matter. But what is most important now is that everything should now be resolved peacefully and with respect for the rights of those who want their voices to be heard.”

Blinken considers he has a right to demand “explanations” from the sovereign state of Kazakhstan, thereby denying its sovereignty.

Blinken’s statement looks particularly cynical and insulting, given that the United States does not have a single meter of joint border with Kazakhstan, the United States is not in any military or political alliance with Kazakhstan. ... gin-video/

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#32 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Seg Jan 10, 2022 12:54 pm

O "sossega leão" já está sendo dosado no Kazaquistão. É vida que segue.

Carpe Diem
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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#33 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Jan 10, 2022 9:37 pm

A partir dos 42s o presidente do Cazaquistão discursa:

Tokaev: eventos no Cazaquistão foram coordenados a partir de único centro por muito tempo

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#34 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Jan 10, 2022 11:03 pm

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#35 Mensagem por knigh7 » Ter Jan 11, 2022 9:38 am

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#36 Mensagem por knigh7 » Ter Jan 11, 2022 6:38 pm

Retirada de tropas russas do Cazaquistão | AFP

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#37 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jan 13, 2022 5:07 pm

Como cantavam no Frozen

"Já passou, já passou..."

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#38 Mensagem por Túlio » Qui Jan 13, 2022 5:19 pm

Só não entendi o título do tópico, "gópi": que "gópi"? Se o governo continuou o mesmo e apenas enfiou um monte de chumbo no rabo DXX MIMIXENTXX...

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#39 Mensagem por knigh7 » Qui Jan 13, 2022 5:29 pm

Há 6 dias atrás o Pepe Escobar deu uma excelente entrevista. Na verdade foi uma aula sobre a Ásia Central, o que estava por trás dos protestos, a Turquia e as engrenagens daquela região.

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Re: Golpe no Cazaquistão?

#40 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jan 14, 2022 9:16 am

Túlio escreveu: Qui Jan 13, 2022 5:19 pm
Só não entendi o título do tópico, "gópi": que "gópi"? Se o governo continuou o mesmo e apenas enfiou um monte de chumbo no rabo DXX MIMIXENTXX...
Na altura "parecia" ser gópi mas não seja por isso, muda-se o título

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎