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#3991 Mensagem por Juniorbombeiro » Sex Fev 23, 2018 4:49 pm

Patrocinar pilotos o caralho! Pq não vão pedir patrocínio lá no Posto Ipiranga? Esses Playboys que tratem de pagar sua brincadeira de rico do próprio bolso. Já tinha um abrindo o berreiro essa semana no Twitter, e isso que corre na Fórmula E, que vá passar o chapéu na AES ou na WEG.

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#3992 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Fev 24, 2018 3:41 pm

O Mclaren ficou bem bonito...

Pena ainda terem aquelas meias-barbatanas de tubarão, se o chassis acabasse na curvatura da entrada de ar seriam mais bonitos.

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#3993 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Seg Fev 26, 2018 10:08 am


Após perder uma roda, Alonso deu apenas 10 voltas e foi o oitavo.

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#3994 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Fev 27, 2018 6:14 pm

McLaren es el equipo que menos ha rodado tras los dos primeros días de test

Jaime Vigara Sánchez
febrero 27, 2018

Vaya dato. Pese a que el equipo McLaren ha dejado de lado a Honda como proveedor de sus unidades de potencia, pasando a competir junto a Renault en 2018, los de Woking siguen siendo el equipo con menos vueltas completadas en pretemporada. El problema con la tuerca de la rueda trasera derecha experimentado por Fernando Alonso ayer, y la rotura de un soporte del escape hoy, ha hecho que no hayamos podido ver demasiado tiempo al MCL33 en pista.

Además, las complicadas condiciones meteorológicas que se están viviendo en el Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya no han ayudado a los de Woking, que hasta la fecha registran el menor número de vueltas completadas de toda la parrilla de la Fórmula 1. Por su parte, Toro Rosso, con el motor Honda que McLaren ha dejado atrás, es el tercer equipo que más ha rodado en estos dos primeros días de test de pretemporada.

Sin lugar a dudas, un dato que deja un poco de piedra a todos los aficionados a McLaren. Los problemas siguen machacando a McLaren que intenta restar importancia a la falta de kilometraje. Recordemos que los de Woking se pusieron como objetivo el intentar completar 500 kilómetros de pruebas cada día de la pretemporada, algo que no se está cumpliendo ni de lejos hasta la fecha.

Vueltas completadas en los dos primeros días de test

Ferrari – 178

Mercedes – 177

Toro Rosso – 175

Williams – 174

Red Bull – 172

Renault – 164

Sauber – 144

Force India – 101

Haas – 91

McLaren – 88 ... s-de-test/

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#3995 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Fev 27, 2018 6:18 pm

Alonso: “Si Honda da 96 vueltas aquí y no acaba en Australia, es lo que cuenta”
Diego Sánchez
febrero 26, 2018

Cabe destacar que el motor Honda ha completado más de 90 giros en total durante el día, sin ningún problema de fiabilidad, a diferencia de años anteriores, cuando Alonso los montaba en su monoplaza. El bicampeón del mundo comenta que esto solo son test, y que lo importante se verá en Australia, donde pone en duda que el motor Honda arranque.

“Son solo entrenos, cada cosa se cuenta como si fuese el fútbol y ese es el gran error, esto es la Fórmula 1. Si uno da 96 vueltas aquí y no acaba en Australia, es lo que cuenta. Sobre el accidente, la tuerca la sentí ya en la última vuelta, pero cuando me di cuenta estaba marcha atrás y entrando en la gravilla. Fue un problema leve pero muy gráfico. Había seis equipos con la puerta del garaje cerrada y con problemas más importantes que el nuestro, pero nadie los menciona porque es peor ver un coche en la grava”, finaliza. ... ue-cuenta/


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#3996 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Fev 27, 2018 6:20 pm

El motor Honda marca la segunda mejor velocidad punta en la recta de Montmeló
Jaime Vigara Sánchez
febrero 26, 2018

Realmente sorprendentes los datos que se han registrado hoy en la trampa de velocidad punta a final de recta de meta del Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, en Montmeló. Si bien es cierto que las condiciones han cambiado a lo largo del día, dichas condiciones han sido iguales para todos y los datos obtenidos pueden ser considerados a tener en cuenta.

Sin embargo, no tenemos constancia de la cantidad de combustible que llevaba cada piloto, la carga aerodinámica utilizada y sobre todo, el neumático que llevaba en el momento de registrar cada piloto su mejor marca de velocidad punta en el primer día de pretemporada en Montmeló. Lo que si sorprende es ver como el motor Honda del Toro Rosso STR14, pilotado por Brendon Hartley, además de haber completado casi 100 vueltas, ha marcado el segundo mejor registro de todos los obtenidos.

Esto deja en evidencia la mejoría experimentada por Honda. A nivel de fiabilidad se ha demostrado que el motor japonés ha mejorado, siendo uno de los que más han rodado en la jornada de hoy, sin embargo, a nivel de rendimiento deberemos esperar hasta Australia para ver en qué estado de forma está, en igualdad de condiciones. Sin embargo, viendo este dato, es curioso verlo teniendo en cuenta los antecedentes de la unidad de potencia japonesa.

Velocidades punta al final de la recta de meta – Día 1 en Montmeló

Räikkönen 288.7 km/h

Hartley 284.9 km/h

Stroll 283.4 km/h

Alonso 282.7 km/h

Bottas 279.7 km/h

Ericsson 278.3 km/h

Hamilton 278.3 km/h

Grosjean 277.6 km/h

Ricciardo 277.6 km/h

Mazepin 276.9 km/h

Sainz 275.5 km/h

Hülkenberg 274.8 km/h

Sirotkin 237.3 km/h ... -montmelo/

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#3997 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qua Fev 28, 2018 9:46 am

Barulho dos motores.

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#3998 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 28, 2018 4:10 pm

Decorações memoráveis nos carros actuais


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#3999 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 28, 2018 4:12 pm


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#4000 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Mar 06, 2018 7:30 am

First Impressions – The Liveries of 2018

Formula One is currently experiencing it’s boldest and brightest combination of colours it’s seen in years, thanks to brands being developed more in terms of marketing.

Now that the covers have come off all of the new challengers and the first test is finished, Craig Norman looks at each team individually and casts his eye on the colours of 2018.



This is everyone. This is the one we’ve been waiting for – a papaya McLaren. They did it! They listened to the fans! And I’ll grant you the notion that this does look good from certain angles, it’s also a tad worrying that running a 1960s colour scheme in the year 2018 makes a car look, well, a bit simple.

This is a small negative though. McLaren has completed the metamorphosis that started with a West special in 2015 and has ended with that glorious shade of papaya edged with bright blue. The black halo adds to the crispness of the livery with it falling in line with the aerodynamic bargeboards. It’s a feel-good story, amplified by the release of the Amazon documentary that showed just how horrible the start of last season was.

This time around the new colour represents a new start, one that hopefully ends with large, bold logos over as much as the car as possible once testing is finished. And failing that, we as fans just need to be as vocal as possible to get something like “LOL RON” down the sidepods because, as the papaya shows, the power of the fans is real. But with the
dawning of the papaya, what do they have left up their sleeves to appease the fans now?



I won’t go down the usual route of “we knew it’d be red” because it’s Ferrari and, well, we knew it would be red. Dammit. But this is a pure red and, quite frankly, very, very pretty. Yet there’s still an issue we need to talk about.

There are gaps when it comes to sponsors. This is Ferrari, whose hierarchy loves to tell us how “F1 is Ferrari and Ferrari is F1” whenever the opportunity arises, yet here they are with no sponsor on the rear and front wings, and a hefty blank space on the engine cover. Santander is gone, yet no one has stepped in. Even the Phillip Morris/Marlboro logo that wasn’t a cigarette advert yet was, has been lampooned for just plain red. Ferrari could whack a massive Ferrari badge on the side of their car and it would immediately look better, yet those are saved for the Halo (good decision) and above the barge boards.

Of course, there’s the other car brand that they could put on their chassis; Alfa Romeo. Only, Sauber seems to have borrowed that coat, and wear it well.

Still, it’s still pretty, in a simple sense. It’s a shame that it’s also a symbolic representation of the commercial state of Formula One, which is another topic for another day.



The reigning champions fall into the same character as Ferrari – you know what colour it’s going to be before the veil is removed; silver with hints of teal. And this year they’ve kept up appearances.

It’s almost like Mercedes have fallen into a pattern. David Coulthard wore lucky pants for the most part of his career and the German marque are following the same train of thought. They’ve got their lucky silver and teal pants on and aren’t changing them for fear of losing. And rightly so – it’s proved very lucky indeed.

There’s more black around the intricate sidepod/bargeboard area, which makes sense in terms of saving money on paint, and makes the car still look good from front on and above. The loss of the shark fins has removed the nice touches of national flags with the driver numbers, which is a shame.

Mercedes have produced a brand and are sticking to it, but when this car is probably going to be the one we’re going to see the most of as the year unfolds yet again, we could all end up sick of it by Belgium.


The French marque has done something pretty special with their black-and-yellow for this season. There are two liveries at play here; side on it’s black with yellow hints and predominantly white logos, while front on it’s blazing yellow with black accents. That’s a mean feat of graphic design.

While there are a few angles where the car looks like a poisonous frog, overall it’s a great step in the evolution of the modern Renault F1 team. It’s gone from the matte gold to the fisherman-like overalls to this Attenborough example, but it’s still mean, sharp and distinctive. There’s still an unhealthy obsession with black, and Renault should be white with yellow, but you’ll see it on TV and know exactly what car you’re looking at.



There’s a clear difference in livery mentality between Williams and McLaren, and it’s none more obvious than in 2018. On the McLaren side of things, the team has listened to fans and served up a scheme that’s been talked about for a while, to help boost loyalty and overcome the lack of sponsors. Williams, on the other hand, sits at the other end of the spectrum by sticking to the Martini colours that had us all clapping in 2014 and now has many of us shrug four years later.

Look, I get that money dictates the way a car is coloured, but there’s still wriggle room for creating something unique within those cash guidelines. Take the halo on the Williams, for example; why don’t the stripes appear in an area that cameras will end up focusing on? And another thing that’s bugs me a bit is the use of black on the underside of the car. It’s sweeping and obviously covers some intricate bodywork, but it’s uninspiring.

Seeing as it’s now been announced that this is the last Martini Williams, my heart sinks to think about what the design team can come up with now those restrictions are lifted.



If the Renault is two cars in one, the new Alfa Romeo Sauber is in essence three. Front on it’s a hark back to the successful BMW days with the thin blue stripes down the nose and is almost borderline a mock Martini Williams, like when a toy company tries to get around not having a license. Side on it looks like it’s borrowed a hoodie from the Ferrari shop. But from behind it’s a red-blooded Alfa with the red rear wing and logo.

This is a divisive car for me. Half of it is precision and detail like the Swiss outfit should be, the other is Italian in pure passion and colour. It’s reflective of where the team is and captures the imagination slightly that maybe, just maybe, they won’t be stuck at the bottom come Abu Dhabi. But at least their merchandise will be cool to wear.



Did you ever buy a coat and really like it, and you had other coats that you tried for a bit, and then went back to that original coat because it was comfortable, looked good and was a great fit? That’s Haas’ mentality when it comes to liveries.

Their original 2016 scheme has made a comeback after the American team’s sophomore year of grey with a hint of red, and flirtation a change with white. Not that it’s a bad scheme – it looks better on these aggressively designed regulations, and they’ve gone with the black halo to try and remove it from view – and it’s serving its purpose of selling Gene Haas’ businesses to the world audience, but it’s a rerun, and therefore a bit boring.

Toro Rosso


Thank you, thank you, thank you Toro Rosso. Last season’s fresh new look continues into 2018 and it’s been tweaked a little to look even better, with the larger patches of red accommodating the new Honda logos. And, thankfully, the driver’s overalls now match the whole branding, instead of having a brightly coloured car and the old, darker overalls and the entire package is a clean, crisp change.

Force India


Force India – or whatever this team will be called come Melbourne – caused a few sniggers and wide eyes when they went pink last year. But what they really did was do what all F1 teams have struggled to do in recent memory; change their colour based on money coming in.

This year’s offering is less a muddled pink and bolder, with panels of white and darker pink giving it more of a striking look. Losing Johnny Walker as a sponsor also means the loss of really dark parts of the car, and that makes it brighter when on-track. The grid has really ditched the “black is best” obsession from a few years ago, and no team has done this more than Force India.

But what’s going on with the ownership of the team? Last season it struggled to find an identity once a big sponsor came along and made colour changes to overalls and the car as the season went on, while this one starts just the same with no team logos on anything.

Red Bull


Sigh. Red Bull teased us all with the black and blue urban camo look for a single session and then reverted to type with the on brand, matte blue colour scheme it launched only a few years ago.

The launch livery was very, very unique and garnered a lot of attention, so switching almost immediately made it even more of a special edition. The now generic Red Bull livery shouldn’t be discounted as a great one though, as it’s now into year three, has the additional logos of Aston Martin this year and is pretty distinctive to see. But once you’re teased with something that looks fantastic, it’s hard to go back to the status quo, isn’t it? ... s-of-2018/

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#4001 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Mar 06, 2018 12:16 pm


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#4002 Mensagem por Juniorbombeiro » Ter Mar 06, 2018 2:06 pm

akivrx78 escreveu:Imagem
Isso é hoje?

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#4003 Mensagem por Bourne » Ter Mar 06, 2018 4:38 pm

Os tempos pela manhã. A McLaren quebrou e deu algumas voltas. Os tempos nada querem dizer. Semana passava estavam virando próxima aos tempos. Noção de fato só no fim da semana.
Vettel encerra terça-feira na frente em Barcelona

1 Sebastian Vettel Ferrari 1m20.396s 171
2 Valtteri Bottas Mercedes 1m20.596s +0.200 86
3 Max Verstappen Red Bull 1m20.649s +0.253 130
4 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 1m20.808s +0.412 91
5 Pierre Gasly Toro Rosso 1m20.973s +0.577 54
6 Kevin Magnussen Haas 1m21.298s +0.902 96
7 Nico Hulkenberg Renault 1m21.432s +1.036 48
8 Carlos Sainz Renault 1m21.455s +1.059 93
9 Sergey Sirotkin Williams 1m21.588s +1.192 42
10 Sergio Perez Force India 1m21.643s +1.247 93
11 Marcus Ericsson Sauber 1m21.706s +1.310 120
12 Stoffel Vandoorne McLaren 1m21.946s +1.550 38
13 Lance Stroll Williams 1m22.937s +2.541 86 ... a-1011998/
Ouvi alguns ilustres comentaristas como Flávio Gomes dar o Hamilton como campeão e se orgulhar de ter acertado em 2017. Só que em 2017 a Ferrari não venceu por culpa dos problemas de confiabilidade e do Vettel. A Ferrari tinha mais carro e a Mercedes viveu uma fase que tudo dava errado, especialmente nas corridas em que gastava mais pneu ou que não funcionava.

Já em 2018, o Hamilton fez 1:19 com pneu médio e o Senhor Gomes diz que é campeão. Menos, bem menos. Pode ter sido um mero teste de velocidade e como os pneus se comportam no pau. A RedBull que o Senhor Gomes dava como morta apareceu em terceiro. O Sirotkin que diziam ser muito ruim fez um tempo razoável e acho que pilota mais que o Stroll.

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#4004 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qua Mar 07, 2018 7:46 am

McLaren mantém a calma depois de ter problemas técnicos no mesmo dia

O diretor de corrida da McLaren, Eric Boullier, afirmou que não há “absolutamente nenhum drama” na McLaren depois de um dia sombrio no segundo teste de inverno em Barcelona.

Havia uma forte sensação de déjà vu no Circuito da Catalunha como o MCL33 foi carregado no caminhão depois de quebrar três vezes ao longo do quinto dia geral de teste.

Vandoorne experimentou apagões de energia nos dois primeiros incidentes, o segundo resultou em uma sessão com bandeira vermelha e, em seguida, uma questão hidráulica aruinou o programa planejado da tarde.

O belga conseguiu apenas 38 voltas no total na terça-feira, mas Boullier é inflexível que a McLaren não está sofrendo uma repetição dos problemas experimentados ao longo de seu tempo com a Honda.

“Não há absolutamente nenhum drama”, disse o diretor de corrida da McLaren à ‘Sky Sports News’.

“São apenas os testes. Nós forçamos o carro até os limites e tentamos algumas condições e configurações e coisas. Às vezes isso funciona, às vezes não.

“Os carros são complicados e quando você precisa mudar algo no coração do carro demora mais do que nos velhos tempos, quando era muito mais simples”.

“Há peças importantes [para testar] e peças menos importantes e faremos o nosso melhor para cobrir a maioria quilometragem possível nos últimos três dias”.

Fernando Alonso deve retornar ao carro na quarta-feira ... mesmo-dia/

Até agora se confirma que tudo que saia na mídia japonesa falando mal do chassi da Mclaren era tudo verdade, ao que parece a Mclaren fecha o pacote na aerodinâmica e deixa os problemas de integração para serem resolvidos depois ao invés de integrar tudo corretamente e alterar a aerodinâmica para tudo funcionar corretamente.

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#4005 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qua Mar 07, 2018 8:38 am

