Marinha da Coreia do Sul

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#16 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sáb Jul 23, 2016 10:02 am

Protestos contra a nova base naval em Jeju
Em fevereiro deste ano foi inaugurado a nova base, mas obras ainda não terminaram, foi concluído 70% até o momento.

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#17 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qua Jul 27, 2016 9:53 am

ROK Navy Launches New Warship Capable of Hitting Targets Inside North Korea

The new ship will be commissioned by the end of 2018.
By Franz-Stefan Gady
June 09 2016

At the beginning of June, the Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy has launched its first improved Incheon-class guided-missile frigate, known as Future Frigate eXperimental (FFX) II during development, The Korea Times reports.

The launching ceremony of the 2,800-ton (3,600-ton full load) frigate Daegu took place on June 2 at the Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) shipyard–the ship’s primary contractor–on Geoje Island, 470 kilometers southeast of Seoul.

The Daegu is the first out of six to nine FFX-II ships to be built by DSME in the years ahead. The ROK Navy is slated to receive the new vessel after extensive builder’s trials at the end of 2017 with a commissioning date set for late 2018.

The ROK Navy currently operates five regular 2,300-ton Incheon-class frigates (FFX-I), with the last FFX-I ship to be commissioned by the end of the 2016. All subsequent Incheon-class vessels inducted into the South Korean Navy will be improved FFX-II types.

Next to its larger size, the improved Incheon-class vessel will be fitted with a new hybrid propulsion system consisting of a Rolls-Royce MT30 turbine engine and four diesel generators, which makes it both more fuel efficient and faster in a combat environment. The frigate is capable of reaching a top speed of 30 knots (55.6 kilometers per hour).

The Daegu’s armament consists of a 27 millimeter Mk 45 Mod 4 naval gun and one, six-barreled, 20 millimeter Raytheon Phalanx close-in weapon system for defense against incoming anti-ship missiles, as well as six 324 millimeter torpedo tubes capable of launching K745 Chung Sang Eo (Blue Shark) light anti-submarine torpedoes.

One of the most interesting new features aboard the Daegu is a 16-cell K-VLS Korean-made Vertical Launch System that can launch indigenous Cheolmae-2 medium-range air defense missiles, vertically-launched anti-submarine missiles, as well as long-range land-attack Haeseong-II cruise missiles, specifically designed to hit ballistic missile launching pads in North Korea.

Developed by the state-run Agency for Defense Development (ADD), the Haeseong-II cruise missile has an estimated range of 500 kilometers (310 miles).

The ship could also accommodate the latest variants of the Hyunmoo-3 long-range all weather subsonic cruise missile, the Hyunmoo-3B and Hyunmoo-3C with estimated ranges of 1,000 and 1,500 kilometers respectively.

Furthermore, the Daegu features a larger hangar in comparison to the previous Inchon-class variant and can accommodate a medium helicopter on its flight deck. The ship’s crew consists of 120 personnel.

It is unclear whether the FFX-II batch of ships will be equipped with a towed sonar next to the built-in sonar. A contract for the second improved Incheon-class vessel is expected to be signed by the end of 2016.
Se pretendia construir 8 unidades parou em 6 unidades

Se pretende construir 16 navios, aguardando orçamento para segunda unidade.

KDDX se pretende construir 6 unidades, quando tiver orçamento.

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#18 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qua Jul 27, 2016 9:54 am

Four Wildcat helicopters delivered to S. Korean Navy

2016/07/27 16:25

SEOUL, July 27 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's Navy said Wednesday it has received an initial delivery of four Wildcat helicopters it purchased as part of its ongoing efforts to beef up its fighting capability.

In 2013, the Navy signed a contract to buy eight AgustaWestland Wildcat marine helicopters for about 400 billion won (US$350 million), he said.

The helicopters, which carry a low-frequency dipping sonar system that helps it detect and track submarines, will be mounted on frigates or naval destroyers to be used in search and rescue operations, according to the Ministry of National Defense.

AgustaWestland is a Britain-Italy joint venture company specialized in helicopter design and manufacturing.

"Another four Wildcat helicopters are scheduled to arrive by the end of this year after undergoing a series of tests at home and overseas," a Navy spokesman said.

In this photo taken on July 27, 2016, a Wildcat helicopter is being delivered to the South Korean Navy at its base in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province. (Yonhap) In this photo taken on July 27, 2016, a Wildcat helicopter is being delivered to the South Korean Navy at its base in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province. (Yonhap)

In addition to the eight Wildcats, the Navy plans to spend another 900 billion won to buy 12 more helicopters. But it has not yet decided on the time frame for the purchase and the manufacturer, the spokesman said. ... 00315.html

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#19 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sex Jul 29, 2016 9:34 am

South Korean Navy Unveils New Fast Patrol Boat
Our Bureau
09:33 AM, July 28, 2016
South Korea's Navy Unveils New Armed Fast Patrol Boat

South Korea's Navy launched a new fast patrol boat in a ceremony held at Busan shipyard on Thursday, to help counter North Korea's hovercraft force along its maritime demarcation line.

The new 210-ton patrol boat killer medium, rocket (PKMR), named Chamsuri-211, will gradually replace the existing 20-year-old Chamsuri patrol boats in service, the Navy said in a statement.

Navy spokesman told Yonhap news that the new boats will greatly bolster Seoul's ability to defend the tension-prone western maritime sea border with North Korea. The new boat will undergo extensive sea trials before officially joining the fleet in the second half of 2017.

The Chamsuri-211 is armed with 130 millimeter anti-ship guided rockets, which can hit North Korean hovercraft or air-cushion vehicles (ACV), that are very fast and hard to hit using conventional naval guns. The Navy added the new boat can effectively engage other small boats and even has countermeasures if attacked by missiles.

Besides the guided rockets, the boats are armed with a 76 mm rapid-firing main gun and two radar-guided 12.7 mm heavy machine guns.

The new PKMRs measures 44 meters in length has a beam of 7 meters and a crew of 20 sailors. It can reach speeds up to 40 knots, or 74 kilometers per hour, the Navy said.

Compared with the existing Chamsuri patrol boat killer medium (PKM) boats, the new vessels are larger, faster and more powerfully armed, while having a smaller crew. Existing PKMs have a crew of more than 30 with their main armament being limited to 30-40 mm automatic cannons along with smaller 20 mm Sea Vulcans guns.

These purely gun armed boats were cited for not being effective against ACVs, military sources said. ... 5tMyDUj5YE

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#20 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sex Jul 29, 2016 3:04 pm

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#21 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Seg Ago 08, 2016 5:46 am

S. Korean Navy to resume exchange program with Japan

2016/08/07 17:01

SEOUL, Aug. 7 (Yonhap) – The South Korean Navy will resume its exchange activities with Japan next month, a local military official said on Sunday.

"A delegate of 600 Navy sailors and senior-year cadets of the Korea Naval Academy (KNA) will make a port call to Japan in early September," said a military official in Seoul. The group is set to leave on Sept. 5.

Japan will be one of the 12 countries that the sailors and cadets visit during their global training cruise, along with Russia, Australia, Singapore and the United States, according to official. The crew will be sailing on the 4,400-ton destroyer Yi Sun-shin and 4,200-ton combat support ship Cheonji, and are set to return home in December.

A group of South Korean Navy ships carrying all 125 graduating cadets of the Korea Naval Academy (KNA) and some 500 crew members departs from the naval base in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province, on July 2, 2010, for a 90-day training cruise. This year's cruise will take them to eight ports in seven nations, including Canada, the United States and the Philippines. (Photo courtesy of KNA)(Yonhap)

The group will call at the Port of Tokyo on Sept. 8 for three nights and four days. During the stay, the KNA cadets will visit a Japanese local navy base, and invite Japanese navy officials to their vessels.

Launched in 1954, the KNA's senior cruise has been an annual tradition before the graduates start duty the next year. Since 2011, Japan had been cut out of the itinerary of the training program, most likely due to the cold Seoul-Tokyo relationship, exacerbated by long-standing disputes on skewed history and liabilities for Japan's wartime crimes. ... 00315.html

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#22 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sex Ago 26, 2016 1:53 am

Controversies over nuclear-powered submarines resurface

Updated August. 26, 2016 07:22
Controversies over nuclear-powered submarines resurface

Nuclear-powered submarines are holding the limelight as countermeasure against the threat from North Korea’s Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBM) for their performance in covertness and striking power that overshadows conventional (diesel-powered) submarines. Conventional models are more likely to be detected by enemy in the process of emerging above the surface of the waters to replenish oxygen for their storage batteries. For proper operation, conventional submarines need to charge their batteries two or three times a day, each for one to two hours, which makes it highly likely for them to be seen and struck by anti-submarine forces such as the maritime operation helicopter. While there are more enhanced diesel-powered submarines, which generate oxygen with fuel cells, even with those, under-water operation can only last a maximum two hours.

By contrast, nuclear-powered submarines can stay under water practically for an unlimited span of time and move twice faster than their conventional counterparts. In other words, South Korea can use nuclear-powered submarines to monitor and track down North Korean submarines armed with ballistic missiles long enough, and in case of emergencies, they can evacuate quickly after striking their strategic target. This explains why some of the most advanced countries are running nuclear-powered submarines as a strategic weapon.

In 2003, the South Korean military had been pushing for a behind-the-scenes project to build three units of 4,000-ton nuclear submarines by 2020 under the Roh Moo-hyun administration, but the project was suspended after the project details were leaked out. “If the project had not been suspended, two nuclear submarines would have been combat-ready by now, and they would have served us greatly in dealing with the threats from North Korea’s nuclear weapons,” an official from the South Korean Navy said.

South Korea has the necessary technologies to develop small-sized nuclear reactors for 3,000 to 4,000-ton submarines, and it can also conduct uranium enrichment programs with the cap of 20 percent of enrichment levels pursuant to the revision to the Korea-U.S. nuclear cooperation agreement. Some experts project that South Korea will be able to build a nuclear submarine in the similar class to that of the French submarines such as Rubis (2,500 ton) or Barracuda (4,000 ton), in several years. Hurdles remain, however, such as the expected opposition from China and Russia and the tricky job of persuading the U.S. “During the early 2000s, the South Korean military tried to build nuclear submarines to secure strategic weapons against the North and neighboring countries," said a military official. "Of course, it won’t be easy to persuade the U.S. or cover the costs, but as nuclear threats from the North are extremely worsening, more will endorse the project to counter North Korea.”
Se eles desenvolverem tudo internamente não vai ter problema nenhum, o problema seria se eles quiserem comprar equipamentos para equipar esses subs do exterior, tecnologia para desenvolver o reator e para o combustível eles tem, porem é duvidoso a capacidade técnica para desenvolver um SNA pois até o momento, ainda nem sequer conseguiram resolver todos os problemas dos U214.

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#23 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qua Set 07, 2016 8:17 am

New South Korean Destroyers to Have Ballistic Missile Defense Capability
By: Sam LaGrone
September 6, 2016 11:38 AM
ROKS Sejong the Great (DDG-991) in 2008. RoK Navy Photo

A trio of planned South Korean guided missile destroyers will be built with the capability to intercept ballistic missile threats, USNI News has learned.

The addition of the capability will give the Republic of Korea (RoK) Navy a powerful organic BMD capability in addition to U.S. Army ground-based interceptors peppered throughout South Korea.

Under the plan, the three remaining ships in the Sejong the Great-class will be able to simultaneously intercept traditional air warfare threats while adding a ballistic missile defense capability through a series of hardware and software upgrades over the current class of ship, several sources confirmed to USNI News.

The destroyers will be fitted with the U.S. Navy’s Baseline 9 version of the Aegis Combat System that combines modern computing architecture to allow the ship’s AN/SPY-1D(v) radar to detect and track aircraft, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles at the same time.

The capability will likely be paired with Raytheon Standard Missile 3 BMD interceptors the ships can pair with the combat system to detect and destroy medium-range ballistic missile threats. Several Korean press outlets have reported the military is seeking to install SM-3s on the three new ships.

Officials with Aegis combat system developer Lockheed Martin told USNI News the new Korean ships would have an “integrated air and missile defense” (IAMD) capability installed aboard but would not elaborate on any other details of the combat system.

IAMD is a term used widely by the U.S. Navy to describe the ability of an Aegis-equipped guided missile destroyer to perform the traditional air warfare and BMD missions at the same time using the Baseline 9 combat system.

The first three Sejong the Great destroyers are fitted with Aegis Baseline 7, which is based on older proprietary computers, that aren’t able to carry out IAMD operations.

In addition to the South Korean Navy, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) is upgrading their Aegis destroyers with a Baseline 9 capability and is developing a new BMD interceptor with the U.S.

News of the planned RoK Navy capability comes as North Korea steadily improves its ballistic missile technology from both ground station and from submarines. In addition to a late August test of a submarine launched ballistic missile, North Korean forces also launched three medium-range ballistic missiles into the sea on Monday.

“In light of recent North Korean efforts to bolster offensive missile capabilities, it now makes a lot of sense for the South Koreans to consider the potential acquisition of defensive SM-3s to arm their Aegis warships and to boost ballistic missile defense capabilities,” Eric Wertheim author of U.S. Naval Institute’s Combat Fleets of the World told USNI News on last month. ... capability

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#24 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Set 13, 2016 8:10 am

Estão querendo desenvolver um SNA em 10 a 15 anos, o reator eles não teriam problemas para desenvolver, o problema seria o casco e o recheio, eles tiveram muitos problemas na fabricação sob licença dos U-214, soldas mal feitas, baterias que pegam fogo e se descarrega muito rápido 2 semanas previstas 2 dias..., hélices com rachaduras, vibração excessiva da propulsão...e mesmo sem resolver estes problemas eles continuaram a construir os subs... ... 442929961/

U-214 da Coreia do Sul emite mais de 40 decibéis acima do normal.

Os japoneses dizem que eles deveriam desenvolver uma ou 2 classes convencionais sem apresentar problemas primeiro para depois partir para um projeto nuclear.

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#25 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Set 27, 2016 6:52 pm

Navy grounds Lynx choppers after crash

Updated : 2016-09-27 20:59

The South Korean Navy on Tuesday said they had suspended operations of all 20 Lynx multipurpose military helicopters, a day after one of them crashed into the East Sea.

According to the Navy, the helicopter crashed at around 9:05 p.m. during a joint nighttime drill by Seoul and Washington. Three officers were onboard when the aircraft lost communication and disappeared from radars, about 48 kilometers south of the Northern Limit Line and 52 kilometers east of Yangyang, Gangwon Province.

The pilot had sent out distress signals four times before crashing, according to a Navy official. He added that the military was able to recover parts of the chopper along with the pilot’s helmet at around midnight.
Lynx chopper (Yonhap)

The Navy said it recovered the body of the 33-year-old pilot surnamed Kim around 6:00 p.m. The two other crew members remain missing as of Tuesday afternoon.

A Navy investigation committee headed by Vice Adm. Jung Jin-sup is conducting an investigation to determine the exact cause of the crash. Officials said that the weather conditions had met the criteria required for a military drill.

They added that the chopper in question had been acquired by the Navy in 1999 and underwent maintenance in August. The Lynx helicopters are conventionally operated for over 30 years.

It marks the third time the Navy’s Lynx helicopters have crashed. A crash in 1993 left 10 killed, while four died when a Lynx plunged into waters off Jindo, South Jeolla Province.

No distress signals were sent in either of the cases, and the Navy had assessed the pilot’s mistake caused the crashes.

The helicopter was conducting a drill to trace and chase North Korean submarines. North Korea in July conducted what was evaluated as its first successful test firing of a submarine-launched ballistic missile.

Officials said that there is no evidence to believe the chopper was shot down by a North Korean missile, or that Pyongyang’s radars had been operated to spot the aircraft.

By Yoon Min-sik (

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Re: Marinha da Coreia do Sul

#26 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Out 25, 2016 1:40 pm


Terceiro navio desta classe LST, 4.900t, 127m, 23nos.
