Caça de 5a geração chinês

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#436 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sex Dez 04, 2015 8:45 am

Chinese J-20 Stealth Fighter Nearing Test-flight Completion
Source : Our Bureau ~ Dated : Thursday, December 3, 2015 @ 01:00 PM

Chinese J-20 Stealth Fighter has entered its test-flight completion stage following the launch of two prototypes in quick succession last month.

The latest prototype, the eighth in the series, "proves" that the results of test flights are "satisfactory". These tests which include aerodynamic performance, stealth performance and airborne equipment have met or are close to the index requirements, China Military Online, the official publication of the Chinese Defence Ministry reported today.

The latest China-made fourth-generation J-20 stealth fighter with fuselage number 2017 has successfully completed its first flight on November 24, 2015, only two months after the launch of the prototype with fuselage number 2016. This is the eighth China-made J-20 fighter aircraft and the sixth J-20 prototype used for test flight.

The canopy of the J-20 fighter with fuselage number 2017 comes with metal-film coating which can further improve the fighter’s stealth performance, the report said.

Quoting Fu Qianshao, deputy editor of the PLA Air force's Aviation Magazine the report said that the eight prototype can be classified into three categories; the black color J-20 fighters with fuselage numbers 2001 and 2002 are technical verification models, which are similar to the U.S. YF-22 prototype models; the J-20 fighters with fuselage numbers 2011 and 2012, which have different coatings and appearances from the previous ones, are the engineering prototype models; the ones with fuselage numbers 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017 are prototype models, which are close to the stereotyped (production) models.

“It is possible that the China-made J-20 fighters will soon be deployed to PLA troops,” Fu claimed. ... mFuKeJu1fA

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#437 Mensagem por Petry » Dom Dez 27, 2015 11:27 pm

Negócio é fazer a célula do J-20 ou J-31 com os chinas e rechear com aviônicos e componentes de fornecedores a nosso gosto.

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#438 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Seg Dez 28, 2015 11:31 am

J-31, que é um projeto particular, e carecendo de um financiador, talvez sim. O J-20 nem pensar. É provável que não seja exportável, ao contrário do caça menor.

Isto, a meu ver, inclusive ajudaria-nos no processo de desenvolvimento de um futuro FX-3 para a FAB.


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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#439 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Mai 25, 2016 6:12 pm

Second radar cross-section test range identified in China

Sean O'Connor, Indianapolis - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
24 May 2016

The J-20 full-scale RCS test article present at the Dingxin RCS test complex appears to differ from current J-20 prototypes. Source: CNES 2016, Distribution Airbus DS / 2016 IHS

Key Points
Airbus Defence and Space imagery captured in 2016 shows a new radar cross-section test range in China
A J-20 full-scale test article is present at the new test range, with apparent design changes suggesting either a new powerplant installation or a new aircraft variant under evaluation
IHS Jane's recently identified a radar cross-section (RCS) test complex in China. Airbus Defence and Space imagery captured on 24 April shows a recently completed test range northeast of Dingxin Airbase (AB) - the second new test site to be identified in the East Asian nation. The first one is located southwest of Beijing near Gaobeidian. A third possible site, predating the new complexes, is situated near Luoyang.

The location near Dingxin AB is well suited for a signature evaluation complex, with flat terrain and a lack of man-made or natural obstructions near the facility. Additionally, the configuration of the J-20 full-scale RCS test article present suggests design changes may be forthcoming to China's fifth-generation stealth fighter.

Along with the Gaobeidian RCS complex, the Dingxin RCS complex illustrates China's increasing attention to low-RCS aircraft design. The Dingxin RCS complex was constructed after the Gaobeidian site, which was built in the 2009 timeframe - perhaps in an effort to establish an RCS test range in a more secure location. ... d-in-china

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#440 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Jun 18, 2016 7:34 pm


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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#441 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jul 07, 2016 3:53 pm

Images show possible FC-31 fifth-generation fighter prototype

Richard D Fisher Jr, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
06 July 2016

An image of a possible Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) airframe that may be the new prototype of the FC-31 multirole fighter. Source: CJDBY web page
A series of images have emerged on Chinese online forums that show a possible Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) airframe that may be the prototype of the FC-31, a more refined version of the company's J-31 fifth-generation multirole fighter.

Posted on 3 July the images, which show a partially dismantled airframe wrapped in fabric being transported on a lorry, are reminiscent of the June 2012 transport of a similar looking airframe, which later emerged as being the prototype of J-31 twin-engine fighter.

Other images shared on the Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo on 4 July reportedly show the second airframe being returned to SAC after static testing at another location. It is unclear when the images were taken but they reveal an airframe in which wings and an empennage similar to those of the J-31 are discernible.

However, the forward fuselage structure in the latest imagery is less apparent than in that of June 2012. On both occasions a Mercedes-Benz flatbed trailer is seen carrying the airframes tilted at an angle for better road clearance.

A comparison of images: An image of a covered airframe belonging to the J-31 fighter (bottom) emerged in June 2012, while a picture of a second airframe (top), possibly belonging to the FC-31, appeared on 3 July 2016. (CJDBY web page)

By September 2012 early images of the J-31 had appeared on Chinese web pages. The aircraft's first flight took place on 31 October 2012.

It was first flown publicly at the 2014 Zhuhai Airshow. This is also where SAC unveiled a model of a more refined version of the aircraft, which it called FC-31. The model featured an improved stealth design, new sweptback horizontal stabilisers, and an electro-optical targeting system (EOTS) mounted under the nose.

Given that the J-31 was a technology development airframe, the recently covered airframe could be that of the FC-31 prototype. If this is the case, images of this new variant could appear at the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow in November.

Chinese media reports also noted a successful engine flight test by the Guizhou-Liyang Aero Engine Corporation on 1 July. ... -prototype

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#442 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sáb Jul 16, 2016 2:14 am

July 14, 2016
China on track to 12 operational J-20 stealth fighters in 2017 for airpower edge over other countries in Asia

In July 2016, the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation rolled out two more low rate initial production (LRIP) J-20 stealth fighters. This brings to a total of four J-20 fighters built for service into the Chinese air force, as opposed to the original eight J-20 prototypes, which are still undergoing a rigorous flight testing regimen. At this rate of production, China may have 12 production J-20 ready to hand off to a PLAAF squadron for operational and flight familiarization, with an initial operating capability (IOC -- meaning those fighters can conduct combat operations) in 2017-2018.

If the J-20 meets its 2017-2018 IOC target date, it will give China a technological edge in air to air combat over all its Asian neighbors, who do not yet have 5th generation planes. As a heavyweight stealth fighter, it is armed with long range missiles, electronic warfare, advanced radar and passive sensors, making it a respectable competitor to even the new US F-22 and F-35 stealth fighters. CAC is already planning a series of future updates to keep the J-20 state of art; domestic WS-15 engines are just one of them.

The J-20 will be stealthy, fast, heavily armed with long range air to air missiles, and state of the art radar and infrared sensors. Perhaps more than any other weapon, the J-20 represents China's military modernization. via China Defense Forum

Also Improved J-31 fighter

China's second fifth generation fighter, the J-31 is a twin engine, medium weight stealth fighter built by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. It is undergoing testing, while waiting for firm domestic and export orders. A display floor model of an improved J-31, with a larger fuselage, improved indigenous engines, stealthier features and improved sensors, was prominently displayed at the Zhuhai 2014 Airshow. The second J-31 prototype, incorporating those improvements, is expected to make its first flight soon, if it already hasn't done so. A first flight of the improved J-31, just in time for the 2016 Zhuhair Airshow, would greatly improve its sales prospects at home and aboard.

Lovely Swift at The new J-31 prototype (the one in lighter gray paint) is expected to be larger, have a nose mounted infrared search and tracking sensor, and stealthy features (such as clipped horizontal and vertical stabilizers).

As Chinese defense exports grow, the J-20 and J-31 could start making the rounds at foreign airshows, and possibly even in foreign air forces.

SOURCES- Popular Science, China Defense Forum, ... -j-20.html

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#443 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Set 01, 2016 2:23 pm

ROK Media: China's R&D of J-20 Stealth Fighter Jet Completed
(Source: China Military Online; issued August 31, 2016)
BEIJING --- ROK's JoongAng Ilbo published several reports lately on the progress of China's home-made aircraft carrier and stealth fighter jet.

It reported on August 30 that China and Japan launched deployments on the fifth-generation stealth fighter jet. The F-35A fighter jet produced by the U.S. company Lockheed Martin and to be employed by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) soon had a successful test flight on August 24. Japan plans to buy 42 F-35 fighter jets, which will be based at the Misawa airbase in Aomori Prefecture.

One day before that (August 23), the photo of a gray stealth fighter flying over a test flight base in southwest China's Sichuan province appeared online.

There is no official confirmation yet, but many Chinese military experts believed that meant the J-20 stealth fighter jet that is independently developed by China has completed research and development and is entering the stage of mass production, with the possible output of two fighters per month. At this rate, China may be able to deploy 36 J-20 fighters by early 2018.

It is reported that F-35 and J-20 are both fifth-generation fighters with the most cutting-edge stealth performance. It's unclear whether it's coincidence or on purpose, China and Japan almost began the deployment of such fighters at the same time.

The ROK plans to buy F-35 from 2018 and Russia will also deploy its self-developed new-generation stealth fighter T-50 around that time, sending Northeast Asia into a new era when next-generation stealth fighters will compete for air domination.

China has the greatest motivation because deploying J-20 will help it change the backwardness of its air force equipment. J-20 is superior to F-35 in terms of stealth performance, maneuverability, beyond-visual-range air combat and many other aspects, enabling the PLA Air Force to turn the tables in combat against JASDF. ... eport.html

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#444 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Set 27, 2016 11:23 pm

Analysis: Chengdu J-20, The Chinese Raptor?

By SOFREP 09.27.2016#Expert Analysis Email Share Tweet
Nate “Buster” Jaros says China will have a fifth generation fighter, and its development of the J-20 (amongst other fifth gen platforms) is significant.

If you haven’t been paying much attention to the jet fighter news lately, you may have missed something big. In fact, it doesn’t get a lot of press and over the past couple of years this new emerging threat really hasn’t been on anyone’s, ahem…radar, much at all.

We’re talking about the Chinese Chengdu J-20. What some are calling “the Chinese F-22 Raptor.” Also known in some circles as the “Black Eagle.”

The J-20 is still shrouded in secrecy, and the political closed doors of modern China are not saying much either. I don’t blame them. They are catching up in technology, and in this case fighter technology, and are committed to not being left behind. China will have a fifth generation fighter, and its development of the J-20 (amongst other fifth gen platforms) is significant.

Let’s take a closer look at the J-20, based on what little information is out there today.

At first glance the J-20 looks kind of like an F-22 Raptor. Why wouldn’t it? The Chinese have been copying Russian and American technology for decades. In some cases they have even improved on the designs. In the case of the J-20, you may have forgotten that a few years ago, terabytes of classified US documents were lost or stolen by the Chinese. These documents were essentially the “blueprints” for the F-35, and U.S. stealth technology. From that breach, it is surmised that China has been able to piece together the basic tenets of stealth technology and apply them to its modern aircraft designs.


What we currently know about the J-20 is that it is a single seat, twin-engine, canard/delta design, stealthy fighter platform. There are just four copies being tested right now, with fully operational fighters predicted to be ready by 2018.

The Black Eagle has two Saturn AL-31 engines producing about 30,000 lbs of thrust each. With the possibility of more powerful Xian WS-15 engines currently in development, those are speculated to produce 44,000 lbs of thrust each. For reference, the F-22 has roughly 35,000 lbs of thrust per engine.

The Black Eagle is big. It weighs an estimated 43,000 lbs empty / 80,000 lbs MTOW (Max Takeoff Weight). The Raptor weighs in at 43,000 lbs empty / 83,000 lbs MTOW. Personally, I believe that the J-20 will be a bit heavier than this, just based on size alone. These internet procured weight estimates seem a bit light to my best guesses. Here’s why.

Another interesting fighter size comparison chart. Credit:

Recall that the Chinese Chengdu J-10, which looks very much like a Eurofighter Typhoon, is actually more comparable in all aspects to the F-16 Viper. The J-10 is within inches of the F-16’s dimensions, yet the J-10 weighs over 3,000 lbs more when empty. The old Russian SU-24 Fencer was almost identical to the F-111 ‘Vark, yet it weighed nearly double the average ‘Vark’s weight. Despite their best efforts, foreign airplane makers just don’t focus on weight savings as much as US manufacturers do.

The J-20 is 67 feet long and has a 44 wingspan. The Raptor, is 62 feet long and sports an identical 44 foot wingspan. Based on size alone, there is no way a J-20 weighs the same as an F-22. The weight estimates above must be light.

Consider that, plus historical facts and now add an additional five feet of airplane in the J-20 Black Eagle over a Raptor, and you’ve got one large turkey. Remember that for later.

J-20 and F-22 length comparison. Credit:

It is predicted that the J-20 will carry four to six long range missiles and possibly two short range heat-seeking missiles as well, all inside internal bays. Very ‘Raptor-like.’ The F-22 carries six long range missiles and two heat-seeking missiles, and air-to-ground options too. The Raptor also has a gun, the J-20 does not…we think.

The J-20 shows off it’s weapons bay. Credit:

Additionally, the Raptor carries 18,000 lbs of fuel (internal). The J-20 is touted as being able to carry 25,000 lbs of fuel internally, and that’s a lot of dinosaurs. Remember the size differences we talked about? You’ve got to be able to put that fuel somewhere on board.


The J-20 is a LO (Low Observable) design. Using outside assessments and making a few of my own predictions from what little is out there on the J-20, most agree that the J-20 is “medium” stealthy in the mid to higher frequencies (acquisition and fire control radars mostly) and from front aspects only.

Most of an object’s “stealthy-ness” comes from shaping alone. No amount of RAM (Radar Absorbent Material) can undo a poorly shaped object, it must be designed and built from the ground up with stealth in mind. RAM comes later when designers want to clean up hot spots around various nacelles, apertures, and openings on the aircraft.

Chinese J-20. Note the Raptor like appearance and intake designs. Credit:

From what I can see (and read) the J-20 is shaped about as well as can be expected for a fighter aircraft (go figure, it looks like a Raptor, which was heavily tested and tweaked for LO considerations). Front hemisphere designs appear to be in accordance with standard radar laws, with parallel lines, and minimum rough or flat edges. The J-20 uses angled chines along the sides of the aircraft (like the F-22), and a hidden engine intake design both to help lower side-section and front aspect RCS (Radar Cross Section).

Of course, a close-up examination of the J-20 will decide if the Chinese LO craftsmanship is up to par with Western standards. However, no one has been permitted to get up close to one yet. Simple things like blemishes, roughly fit skin panels, screw heads, and the like will destroy the stealth capabilities of any well-shaped stealthy design.

Visually, the J-20 does have some stealth faux pas. The tail section and engine nozzles appear to have little to no LO treatments or shaping. From a tail aspect, it almost appears that the Chinese have just given up on stealth altogether. Keep that in mind for later in our analysis too.

The J-20. Note the tail section and engine nozzles. Credit: Mission

The Chinese are rapidly working toward a future A2/AD (Anti Access / Aerial Denial) concept of force. A2/AD is the future of defensive systems and includes fourth and fifth generation fixed-wing, as well as a Cyber network, and a robust IADS (Integrated Air Defense System). The Chinese currently have all but one part of their A2/AD protective net built…that missing puzzle piece is (you guessed it) a stealthy frontline fighter.

That’s about to change.

Some researchers speculate that the J-20 will have similar performance and agility as a Raptor, some think it will be a fighter/bomber only. I believe it will be more of a “night one” strike asset, with the ability to quickly penetrate enemy defenses, deliver weapons, and safely retreat. It’s not going to be an overly capable dogfighter.

Why do I think this?

From the J-20’s size to wing area alone, one can see that it simply will not be a highly maneuverable fighter. Especially with the weaker Saturn engines. Now add in the weight she will have. Sure, it will be fast, and stealthy by some measure, but looking at the design and numbers we have on the J-20, I just don’t see it performing like a Raptor on most fronts.

Remember those figures from above that I asked you to remember? The J-20 is a large and heavy bird, with primarily front hemisphere LO, can possibly carry a lot of fuel, and it has smallish wings and lower thrust as compared to similar “fighters.”

Based on that, what would you have it do?

Chinese J-20 in full burner. Note lack of LO treatments and designs around engine and tail. Credit:

The Black Eagle will certainly be the sharpest and most agile sword in the Chinese inventory, and it will be able to sneak in and deliver some crippling blows to any nearby adversary. Something to keep you up at night if you’re parking C2ISR (Command/Control Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance) or Carrier Groups somewhere offshore. Armed with capable air-to-air missiles, and pilots trained in LO tactics, it’s enough the outclass any US fourth generation fighter while BVR (Beyond Visual Range) or provide highly capable strike and standoff to China’s leaders.

We don’t know much about the J-20 Black Eagle yet, but as more are built and tested details will emerge. We have yet to see if the larger WS-15 engines will be fitted, and personally, I’m interested in seeing what kind of LO capabilities the Chinese will be able to incorporate into this large beast. Don’t forget those canards! Traditional canard-carrying aircraft are quite ‘dirty’ and easily spotted on radar.

Modern effective LO is much more than just shaping and angular panels. Time will tell if the Chinese can figure that out as well. I’m also watching for some flight test numbers. Speed, altitudes, and maneuverability (don’t forget those canards here too) might be abysmal, but it could also be off the charts.

Either way you look at it, the Chinese are not far behind us in 5th generation fighter technology. The technology gap continues to narrow.

This article was originally published on Fighter Sweep and written by Nate Jaros

Featured image courtesy of ... se-raptor/

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#445 Mensagem por Bolovo » Qui Set 29, 2016 3:05 pm

J-20 LRIP (Low-rate initial production).


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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#446 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Set 30, 2016 3:49 pm

J-20's countermeasure dispensers clearly seen on this photo.

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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#447 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Set 30, 2016 3:52 pm


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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#448 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Ter Out 18, 2016 3:51 am

E lá vem mais 5 geração...


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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#449 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qui Out 20, 2016 11:59 am

E em 2024, para quem quiser, e puder, claro, este aqui já estará totalmente operacional e disponível.

Bem, por mim eles poderiam ficar com o desing externo que o recheio poderia ser todo nosso.
Imagino eles nisto aqui em uns 20 anos:

Bom, pequeno e suficientemente mais barato que outros por ai.

Cabe até no nosso bolso. :mrgreen:


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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

#450 Mensagem por Bolovo » Qui Out 20, 2016 12:08 pm


"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)