F-35 News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: F-35 News

#2971 Mensagem por mmatuso » Sáb Set 26, 2015 3:37 pm

Segundo o mantra de que quanto mais dinheiro gasto melhor, F-35 é o melhor equipamento militar de todos os tempos.

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Re: F-35 News

#2972 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Set 26, 2015 7:08 pm


Pentagon Sees F-35 Having Air Superiority For 30 Years
Aviation Week // September 23, 2015

Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will maintain the lead in air superiority over all comers for the next 20 to 30 years despite aggressive efforts emerging from new fighter technology in China, Russia and elsewhere, program officials claim.

Making one of the boldest statements in defense of the F-35 since the leaking of a critical air combat report in July that noted maneuvering shortfalls against an F-16, JSF program executive officer Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan says “nothing compares to it. I’d put this airplane up against any airplane in the world today, tomorrow and for the next 20 or 30 years and we will come out ahead.”

Answering questions about the expected combat capability of the F-35 against aircraft like Russia’s fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA) fighter, Bogdan says the JSF “is a very good dogfighting aircraft. It can pull 9g and turn almost equal to our modern fighters. But that’s not what it was uniquely designed to do. When two aircraft meet at the ‘merge’ in a visual engagement, this aircraft will have so many ‘smarts’ before you get there. And it will probably know about the other aircraft long before [the adversary] knows about it. The dogfight will end quickly, if it happens at all.”

Read the full article from Aviation Week.

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Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: F-35 News

#2973 Mensagem por Mathias » Sáb Set 26, 2015 7:32 pm

Se perguntar pro outro lado o vendedor vai dizer a mesma coisa.

“Os únicos derrotados no mundo são os que deixam de lutar, de sonhar e de querer! Levantem suas bandeiras, mesmo quando não puderem levantar!”.
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Re: F-35 News

#2974 Mensagem por kirk » Dom Set 27, 2015 12:37 pm

Mais esperneação norueguesa :

Qual é a verdade sobre o F-35?

http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks ... 61395.html

[] kirk

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Re: F-35 News

#2975 Mensagem por NovaTO » Dom Set 27, 2015 8:03 pm

Penguin escreveu:NEWS

Pentagon Sees F-35 Having Air Superiority For 30 Years
Aviation Week // September 23, 2015

Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will maintain the lead in air superiority over all comers for the next 20 to 30 years despite aggressive efforts emerging from new fighter technology in China, Russia and elsewhere, program officials claim.

Making one of the boldest statements in defense of the F-35 since the leaking of a critical air combat report in July that noted maneuvering shortfalls against an F-16, JSF program executive officer Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan says “nothing compares to it. I’d put this airplane up against any airplane in the world today, tomorrow and for the next 20 or 30 years and we will come out ahead.”

Answering questions about the expected combat capability of the F-35 against aircraft like Russia’s fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA) fighter, Bogdan says the JSF “is a very good dogfighting aircraft. It can pull 9g and turn almost equal to our modern fighters. But that’s not what it was uniquely designed to do. When two aircraft meet at the ‘merge’ in a visual engagement, this aircraft will have so many ‘smarts’ before you get there. And it will probably know about the other aircraft long before [the adversary] knows about it. The dogfight will end quickly, if it happens at all.”

Read the full article from Aviation Week.

Não é a opinião do chefe dele.

http://www.aereo.jor.br/2015/09/18/carl ... -f-22-sim/

“Não temos F-22 suficientes” :shock:


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Re: F-35 News

#2976 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Set 27, 2015 8:54 pm

NovaTO escreveu:
Penguin escreveu:NEWS

Pentagon Sees F-35 Having Air Superiority For 30 Years
Aviation Week // September 23, 2015

Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will maintain the lead in air superiority over all comers for the next 20 to 30 years despite aggressive efforts emerging from new fighter technology in China, Russia and elsewhere, program officials claim.

Making one of the boldest statements in defense of the F-35 since the leaking of a critical air combat report in July that noted maneuvering shortfalls against an F-16, JSF program executive officer Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan says “nothing compares to it. I’d put this airplane up against any airplane in the world today, tomorrow and for the next 20 or 30 years and we will come out ahead.”

Answering questions about the expected combat capability of the F-35 against aircraft like Russia’s fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA) fighter, Bogdan says the JSF “is a very good dogfighting aircraft. It can pull 9g and turn almost equal to our modern fighters. But that’s not what it was uniquely designed to do. When two aircraft meet at the ‘merge’ in a visual engagement, this aircraft will have so many ‘smarts’ before you get there. And it will probably know about the other aircraft long before [the adversary] knows about it. The dogfight will end quickly, if it happens at all.”

Read the full article from Aviation Week.

Não é a opinião do chefe dele.

http://www.aereo.jor.br/2015/09/18/carl ... -f-22-sim/

“Não temos F-22 suficientes” :shock:

O Chefe dele disse exatamente a mesma coisa que ele:

Other than direct dogfighting, the general said he believes the F-35 will be able to take down anything else in the sky.

“Probably other than a close-in maneuvering fight, it’s going to do exceedingly well,” he said. “Its capabilities to detect adversaries when they don’t even know it’s there, its weapon capability … it’s going to be a great airplane.”
http://www.airforcetimes.com/story/mili ... /32498237/

Resumo: o forte dele é BVR. Para isso ele foi otimizado. Se a coisa descambar para um indesejado WVR, ele possui os elementos para se defender: EO DAS, HMD avançado e armas adequadas (AIM-9X e AIM-120D e Cuda no futuro).


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: F-35 News

#2977 Mensagem por kirk » Dom Set 27, 2015 10:05 pm

US and TOT ... duas siglas incompatíveis !

Tech Transfer Hobbles South Korea's Fighter Program

SEOUL, South Korea — Only six months after Seoul’s KF-X fighter program took off, the state project valued at about US $15 billion faces a crash over tech transfer issues with the US government.

The KF-X is linked to Lockheed Martin’s sale of 40 F-35As to South Korea under the F-X III program through the Foreign Military sales process. Lockheed Martin offered to provide 21 technologies required to build the KF-X fighter jet as part of F-X III offset deals. The US aircraft giant was also selected as the main partner to build KF-X with Korea Aerospace Industries.

At the request of Seoul’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), Lockheed Martin also agreed to consult with the US government over the transfer of four more technologies related to the active electronically scanned radar (AESA), electro-optical targeting pod, infrared search-and-rescue systems, and radio frequency jammer.

In April, however, the DAPA received notice of the refusal to transfer the four technologies, according DAPA officials.

“We were trying to secure the US export license of those technologies but failed to get them,” Lt. Gen. Park Shin-kyu, head of DAPA’s procurement business bureau, said. “Instead, we’ll seek ways of obtaining those technologies from other countries or through local developments.”

The general hinted the KF-X timeline could be further delayed from 2025 without the US tech transfer.

The AESA, in particular, is a key specification of the KF-X, which is expected to be a twin-engine F-16-plus fighter jet with high-end sensor systems. Some 120 jets are to be built to replace the aging fleet of F-4s and F-5s.

Lockheed Martin says it is still consulting with the US government over transfer of the technologies.

“There is no F-35 customer nation receiving the AESA radar technology,” a Lockheed official said. “We made it clear that the tech transfer is only possible with the approval of the US government. We tried but failed.”

Cheong Wa Dae (executive office), however, said DAPA was trying to cover up the tech transfer failure.

The presidential office launched a probe into the suspicion that DAPA had selected Lockheed as the final bidder for both the F-X III and KF-X programs in an unfair manner.

“The presidential office will look into all paperwork and documents related to the KF-X program,” a Cheong Wa Dae spokesman said, adding that the fighter development plan could be halted if it is judged nonviable economically and technically.

Some pundits anticipate the KF-X fiasco could affect the F-X III contract in a worst-case scenario.

“I think it’s not possible that the South Korean government cancels the F-X III contract with Lockheed Martin at this moment,” Kim Dae-young, secretary-general of the Korea Defense & Security Forum, a Seoul-based defense think-tank, said. “But the controversy over the F-X III competition process could become an issue again.”

In 2013, Lockheed Martin was dropped in the middle of the F-X III competition, but the DAPA reversed its decision later, upsetting then-preferred bidder Boeing.

The DAPA argued the country’s Air Force needs to operate fighters fitted with the so-called fifth-generation radar-evading capability in response to North Korea’s threats. As a result, Lockheed Martin won the $7 billion deal, beating Boeing and Eurofighter though the latter promised to provide more lenient tech transfers than did the former.

“The easiest way is to buy US radar and sensors to fit them into the KF-X jet, but that may provoke a backlash,” Kim said, referring to the alleged trauma of the T-50 development.

Lockheed Martin helped South Korea develop the T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic trainer jet. But key technologies are protected by the US, so integrating European radars into the plane or exporting the jet to other countries requires US approval.

“This case should serve as an opportunity for us to look back on the way we treat the US,” said Rep. Kim Jung-hoon of the ruling Saenuri Party. “We decided to buy fifth-generation fighter jets with the expectation of sophisticated tech transfer, but now we have nothing.”
http://www.defensenews.com/story/defens ... /72808800/

[] kirk

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Re: F-35 News

#2978 Mensagem por NovaTO » Dom Set 27, 2015 10:40 pm

Caro Penguin,

Pelo que li, o General Carlisle foi claro: Para Combate Visual é usar o F-22. O F-35 ficará de fora até a área estiver "limpa". O Tenente-Coronel Bogdan por outro lado diz que o F-35 será bom de dogfight.

Fico com a opinião do General. :mrgreen:

Continuo com minha opinião : O F-35 é um Strike Aircraft com capacidade secundária de combate ar-ar(principalmente em BVR). Fora isso é se arriscar desnecessariamente. (desengajar).


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Re: F-35 News

#2979 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Set 27, 2015 11:03 pm

NovaTO escreveu:Caro Penguin,

Pelo que li, o General Carlisle foi claro: Para Combate Visual é usar o F-22. O F-35 ficará de fora até a área estiver "limpa". O Tenente-Coronel Bogdan por outro lado diz que o F-35 será bom de dogfight.

Fico com a opinião do General. :mrgreen:

Continuo com minha opinião : O F-35 é um Strike Aircraft com capacidade secundária de combate ar-ar(principalmente em BVR). Fora isso é se arriscar desnecessariamente. (desengajar).

Ambos estão dizendo que o F-35 não foi otimizado para WVR.
Ambos disseram que ele será superior em BVR.
O coronel Bogdan disse que ele será muito bom em WVR (mas não disse que será superior) e que terá muitos recursos a serem usados antes disso acontecer.
Já o General disse que os F-22 ficarão encarregados do WVR, pois o F-35 não foi otimizado para isso.

Ou seja, o que um disse complementa o outro. Não vejo contradição.

Minha conclusão: em WVR, o F-35 terá que compensar suas limitações cinemáticas com melhor consciência situacional antes do "merge", EO DAS, HMD avançado e armas eficazes (AIM-9X, ASRAAM, AIM-120 e no futuro o Cuda).


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Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: F-35 News

#2980 Mensagem por Justin Case » Dom Set 27, 2015 11:10 pm

Tenente Coronel, Coronel?
Ou seria esse aqui? Lt. Gen. Christopher C. Bogdan - Program Executive Officer for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office in Arlington, Va?
De quem estamos falando?


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Re: F-35 News

#2981 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Set 27, 2015 11:16 pm

Justin Case escreveu:Tenente Coronel, Coronel?
Ou seria esse aqui? Lt. Gen. Christopher C. Bogdan - Program Executive Officer for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office in Arlington, Va?
De quem estamos falando?

No post acima.
Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan
Gen. Hawk Carlisle

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Carlos Lima
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Re: F-35 News

#2982 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Seg Set 28, 2015 2:51 am

Já disse isso antes e repito novamente.

O F-35 será um novo F-4... podem apostar.

Com suas vantagens e desvantagens e a adição da 5 geração, que é outro patamar.


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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Re: F-35 News

#2983 Mensagem por NovaTO » Seg Set 28, 2015 7:51 am

Justin Case escreveu:Tenente Coronel, Coronel?
Ou seria esse aqui? Lt. Gen. Christopher C. Bogdan - Program Executive Officer for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office in Arlington, Va?
De quem estamos falando?

Realmente me confundi. Foi a pressa..... :oops:

Estamos falando das falas desses 2 oficiais da USAF. Um no meu entender como CEO do JSF defendeu seu peixe. O outro foi mais realista. 8-]


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Re: F-35 News

#2984 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Set 28, 2015 9:05 am

Carlos Lima escreveu:Já disse isso antes e repito novamente.

O F-35 será um novo F-4... podem apostar.

Com suas vantagens e desvantagens e a adição da 5 geração, que é outro patamar.

Um F-4 pilotado adequadamentr era osso duro de roer na sua época. Com a vantagem stealth...

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: F-35 News

#2985 Mensagem por LeandroGCard » Seg Set 28, 2015 10:12 am

Penguin escreveu: Um F-4 pilotado adequadamente era osso duro de roer na sua época. Com a vantagem stealth...

O F-4 ficou na proporção de apenas 2:1 no Vietnã contra os "primitivos" Mig-21 e os pra lá de obsoletos Mig-19 e Mig-17. E isso só depois da versão E, e ainda pilotados por americanos super-treinados com todo apoio possível contra pilotos vietnamitas que muitas vezes só tinham embarcado em um avião pela primeira vez poucas semanas antes.

No O.M. o desempenho nas mãos dos israelenses contra os árabes foi melhor, mas também longe de mostrar superioridade absoluta. Mesmo naquele teatro houve batalhas em que os Mig's superaram os F-4 em vitórias.

Somando tudo, os F-4 acabaram sendo um avião de desempenho "regular", apesar de toda a sua sofisticação, de seu alto custo, e de terem sido apresentados durante seu desenvolvimento como "um passo revolucionário na guerra aérea, sem similar no mundo"... . Qualquer semelhança com algum modelo mais recente é mera coincidência :wink: .

Leandro G. Card
