Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

Qual o caça ideal para o FX?

F/A-18 Super Hornet
Gripen NG
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#70966 Mensagem por Hammer-Nikit » Sáb Mar 15, 2014 1:34 am

Um gráfico bem legal!


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Luís Henrique
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#70967 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Sáb Mar 15, 2014 8:03 pm

knigh7 escreveu:
Luís Henrique escreveu: Nossa, o mais interessante para mim não foi nem o peso, que já era dito em torno de 7,2 T.
Agora falam em 7,6T.

O mais interessante foi o comprimento que no caso do Gripen C é de 14,1m
para o Gripen D = 14,9m

Já neste site diz que o Gripen E terá: 15,2m
e o F: 15,5m
Se for verdade é estranho. Porque nas versões C/D a diferença de 80cm e nas versões E/F apenas 30cm de diferença para o segundo assento.

Outra coisa, a envergadura ampliou de 8,4m para 8,6m
Olá, Luiz Henrique.

Vale ressaltar que esse comprimento é contando com o tubo de pitot.

O Gripen E será cerca de 37cm maior que a versão "C".
Mas 14,1m para 15,2m não da 37cm. Da 1,1m a mais.....

Su-35BM - 4ª++ Geração.
Simplesmente um GRANDE caça.
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#70968 Mensagem por knigh7 » Sáb Mar 15, 2014 8:09 pm

Eu disse que 15,2m é com o tubo de pitot na versão E.

14,1m da versão C é sem o tubo de pitot.

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#70969 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Mar 15, 2014 9:03 pm

A Saab, a Força Aérea Sueca e a Selex tornam públicas novas informações sobre o Gripen E:

New Gripen Aims For Low Cost, High Capability
By Bill Sweetman
March 17, 2014
http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.asp ... 671785.xml

Saab, its Swedish air force customer and Selex-ES have disclosed new details of the JAS 39E Gripen fighter, which has been in full development for just over a year following a six-year risk-reduction and demonstration effort. The JAS 39E is a new aircraft in detail, with only a few structural or systems components in common with the current JAS 39C/D, but it shares enough with its predecessor to take full advantage of weapon-integration experience and uses an evolved version of the C/D's software.

Compared with earlier Gripen variants, the JAS 39E has a higher gross weight and can carry 2,400 lb. more internal fuel, mostly due to a redesigned main landing gear that retracts into underwing bulges rather than the body. The nose gear has also been changed, from a twin-wheel unit to a larger single wheel that is compatible with emergency arrester cables on runways. The main structure has been redesigned with continuous wing-fuselage frames that extend to the inboard wing pylons, where the outer wings are attached, and the fuselage contours have been changed, partly to accommodate more fuel. However, the redesign has reduced the airframe's proportion of the empty weight, boosting useful load.

The JAS 39E will be able to engage stealth targets with a fused, multispectral sensor suite (see article below), according to program officials. It will be able to cruise at Mach 1.25 without using afterburner, and will enter service in 2018 with a full suite of weapons including the MBDA Meteor ramjet-powered air-to-air missile (which enters service next year on the JAS 39C/D). The Swedish air force's fixed-price contract for 60 complete aircraft, converted from JAS 39Cs but with new engine, avionics and primary structure, equates to a flyaway price of $43 million.

The JAS 39E is not a classically stealthy aircraft, but the development contract stipulates a significantly lower radar cross-section (RCS) than the JAS 39C. In conjunction with the all-new Saab-developed electronic warfare system, which uses gallium nitride antenna technology and is described as an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance sensor in its own right, and the new Selex-ES Brite Cloud expendable active decoy, the reduced RCS is expected to allow the fighter to survive against advanced threats, including the Sukhoi T-50 fighter and “double-digit” surface-to-air missiles, while avoiding the cost and risk of an F-35-type stealth configuration.

The first customers, Sweden and Switzerland, are buying only single-seat aircraft, but codevelopment of the two-seat JAS 39F is being discussed with Brazil, which selected the new Gripen to reequip its fighter force in December.

The JAS 39E is intended to have a lower acquisition cost than the JAS 39C, despite its greater capability, and to have a lower operating cost than any other fighter. The Swedish air force reports an hourly operating cost of $7,500 for the JAS 39C, including fuel. For development costs (also covered by a fixed-price contract), Saab's goal is to spend only 60% as much as it would have cost using the same tools and processes that were used on the JAS 39C.

The program has some important events pending this year. On May 18, Switzerland will hold a referendum on its order for 22 JAS 39Es. Saab executives acknowledge that the referendum will be a close vote. Another key goal is to negotiate and close a contract for Brazil's 36 aircraft by the end of the year.

The risk that neither deal will close is seen as small, but it is a threat because Sweden's parliament approved the JAS 39E program on the condition that at least one international partner must be found. On the other hand, the program is well advanced and the air force need is established: The force's requirement for 60-80 JAS 39Es was approved by a joint-service team headed by an army officer, according to Maj. Gen. Micael Byden, air force chief of staff.

Saab's commercial goal for the JAS 39E is to export 300-450 aircraft over the next 20 years, according to Lennart Sindahl, executive vice-president and head of aeronautics. This represents 10% of the “accessible market,” he says, accounting for nations to which Sweden bans major arms exports. Gripen, Sindahl says, has won 50% of its competitions since exports started.

Active campaigns include Denmark, which is expected to start a formal competition in April with the release of a “request for binding information,” and a long-running contest in Malaysia. Brazil's order is regarded by Saab as the first of three tranches, with the JAS 39E in a strong position to replace F-5s and Alenia-Embraer A-1s.

The first of three JAS 39E development aircraft (known as 39-8, 39-9 and 39-10) will fly in the first half of 2015, the company says. 39-9 will follow about nine months later, and 39-10—basically a full-production aircraft but fitted with flight-test instrumentation—will fly in 2017.

Gripen Upgrade
......................................................JAS 39C JAS 39E
Empty weight, lb.. ........................13,000 less than 14,000
Internal fuel, lb.... ........greater than 5,000 greater than7,400
Max takeoff weight, lb. ........................30,900 36,400
Engine ..................................Volvo RM12 GE F414-GE-39E
Intermediate/Max thrust, lb. ......12,150/18,100 14,400/22,000
Supercruise ..............................................No Mach 1.25
Radar................................. Mechanical scan AESA
IRST.................................................. No Yes
Cockpit display 3 6 X 8 in. 1 8 X 20 in.

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#70970 Mensagem por knigh7 » Sáb Mar 15, 2014 9:25 pm

Essa informação sobre peso vazio está errada. O próprio site da SAAB cita o peso vazio do Gripen "C" como 6.800kg (15.000lb) e a versão "D" 300kg mais pesada.

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#70971 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Mar 15, 2014 9:57 pm

knigh7 escreveu:Essa informação sobre peso vazio está errada. O próprio site da SAAB cita o peso vazio do Gripen "C" como 6.800kg (15.000lb) e a versão "D" 300kg mais pesada.
Pois é, nesse mais atual artigo da Aviation Week, versão eletrônica e impressa, cuja fonte foi a Saab, Flygvapenet e SELEX, foi apresentado dados diferentes dos anteriores sobre peso vazio tanto do Gripen C (13.000lb) e quanto do Gripen E (menos de 14.000lb). Esses dados representam uma diferença de menos de 7,7%.

Editado pela última vez por Penguin em Dom Mar 16, 2014 10:31 am, em um total de 1 vez.
Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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#70972 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Dom Mar 16, 2014 1:17 am

13 de março de 2014
Saab revela projeto completo do Gripen E, com redução de custos
Por CRAIG HOYLE – Flightglobal

"... Além de sua posição privilegiada em vigor no Brasil e na Suíça , a Saab também está oferecendo o Gripen para a Malásia , seja para comprar ou alugar, e acredita que a Tailândia poderia adquirir mais um lote para expandir sua frota de 12 caças. Outras perspectivas de vendas listadas por Sindahl incluem Bélgica , Botswana , Estônia, Finlândia , Indonésia, Letônia, Lituânia, Peru , Filipinas, Portugal e Eslováquia.

A empresa também espera que a República Checa assine um contrato em abril, para estender seu contrato de arrendamento de 14 aviões modelo C/D, pelo menos até 2026, refletindo uma decisão aprovada pela Hungria em 2011.

A longo prazo, o fabricante estabeleceu uma meta de vender 350-400 unidades nos próximos 20 anos. Apontando para o atual nível de interesse internacional no programa, Sindahl diz: “Eu acho que 350-400 aeronaves é realmente viável”.

http://www.aereo.jor.br/2014/03/13/saab ... de-custos/

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#70973 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Mar 16, 2014 10:33 am

Artigo sobre os sensores do Gripen E que saiu na ultima edição da Revista Aviation Week:

Aviation Week

Seeking Stealth

New sensors being developed for the JAS 39E and close to starting flight tests on the JAS 39-7 Gripen Demo testbed will be able to detect low-radar-cross-section (RCS) targets, and will provide the pilots in a Gripen formation with a new level of situational awareness, according to Bob Mason, Selex-ES marketing director for advanced sensors.

The JAS 39E will have three Selex-ES sensors. The Raven ES-05 active, electronically scanned array radar (AESA), developed by the company's Edinburgh unit, will be the first production AESA to be mounted on a “repositioner,” a rotating mount that gives the radar a ±100-deg. field of view around the nose. The Skyward-G infrared search and track (IRST) system (from Nebbiano, Italy) is based on experience with the Eurofighter Typhoon's Pirate IRST and Selex-developed land- and sea-based IRSTs. The fighter also has a new identification friend-or-foe (IFF) system with three electronically steerable antenna arrays, which matches the radar's range and field of view.

The three main sensors will cue one another automatically to display to pilots a fused picture of airspace around the fighter; it will also be fused with the JAS's new electronic-warfare system. Finally, sensor data can be shared between Gripens in a flight via data link.

The IRST is capable of detecting low-RCS targets at distances compatible with a beyond-visual-range missile launch, Mason says. “We have seen them,” he responds when asked if Selex IRSTs have tracked low-RCS targets. “We are looking at very small delta-Ts [temperature differences between the target and the background]. Some infrared absorbent paints cause more friction than standard surfaces, and that causes kinetic heating that the IRST will pick up.” Skyward-G does not depend on a supersonic target—“skin heating at 300-400 knots is significant”—and detects heat radiating through the aircraft's skin from the engine, as well as skin friction and the exhaust plume.

The IRST uses a long-wave focal plane array sensor (a dual-band system, adding mid-wave capability, is a potential upgrade) with three fields of view. In its long-range search mode, the system is an IR telescope with a fast-moving scanning mirror (located in a transparent dome in front of the windshield) and “step-scans” through its search sector. It also has a single-target track mode, and in wide-field mode it provides a night-vision image on the head-up display. As a passive system, IRST does not have inherent range data, but it can perform “kinetic ranging”—the aircraft performs a weaving maneuver and the range is determined by the change in azimuth angle to the target—or the IRSTs on two aircraft can triangulate the target over the TAU-Link.

IRST hardware—the optics, detector and processor—has been improved since the development of Pirate started, but (according to Mason and other industry sources) the most important change has been the development of algorithms, based on operational experience and the analysis of real-world imagery, that look at IR signatures in detail, including variations of color and brightness within the target, in order to filter out false alarms caused by everything from birds to barbecue grills.

The IRST can give the radar a very accurate azimuth and elevation to the target, which allows it to focus its energy and increase the probability of achieving detection and track on a low-RCS target, Mason says. The AESA provides virtually instantaneous beam-steering within its ±70-deg. scan, but the repositioner is slower. One concept to be demonstrated will be the use of two Gripen radars and the TAU-Link to provide a wide-angle picture to both targets.

The new IFF is designed to provide low-latency coverage over the radar's entire field of view and to its maximum range, and is independent of the radar. That approach has been selected to furnish the best possible information on cooperating targets (such as friendlies and commercial traffic), allowing the IRST and radar to concentrate on potentially hostile aircraft.

Selex-ES is now delivering what it calls “C-model” sensors to Saab for installation on the Demo and the three JAS 39E development aircraft. These units are built to production standards, Mason says, but have not undergone the full range of tests required for full qualification. The C-Model IRST is expected to fly on the Demo imminently, the radar is being delivered to Linkoping and the IFF will arrive later in the year. c

Bill Sweetman Linkoping

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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#70974 Mensagem por kirk » Dom Mar 16, 2014 11:14 am

knigh7 escreveu:Essa informação sobre peso vazio está errada. O próprio site da SAAB cita o peso vazio do Gripen "C" como 6.800kg (15.000lb) e a versão "D" 300kg mais pesada.
Olá knigh7,

Importante frisar que não sabemos em que condições o peso do Gripen C é 6.800 kg (empty weight), munição do canhão, pilones, decoys ... 1.000 kg ... é semelhante a diferença entre 13 e 15 mil lbs.

Achei mais importante nessa matéria é que nas mesmas condições diferença entre C e E é de 1.000lb ou + ou - 450kg ... se é 6.800 passou para 7.250 kg ... achei a info positiva.
The main structure has been redesigned with continuous wing-fuselage frames that extend to the inboard wing pylons, where the outer wings are attached, and the fuselage contours have been changed, partly to accommodate more fuel. However, the redesign has reduced the airframe's proportion of the empty weight, boosting useful load.

[] kirk

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#70975 Mensagem por kirk » Dom Mar 16, 2014 11:31 am

Penguin escreveu:Artigo sobre os sensores do Gripen E que saiu na ultima edição da Revista Aviation Week:

Aviation Week

Seeking Stealth

New sensors being developed for the JAS 39E and close to starting flight tests on the JAS 39-7 Gripen Demo testbed will be able to detect low-radar-cross-section (RCS) targets, and will provide the pilots in a Gripen formation with a new level of situational awareness, according to Bob Mason, Selex-ES marketing director for advanced sensors.

The JAS 39E will have three Selex-ES sensors. The Raven ES-05 active, electronically scanned array radar (AESA), developed by the company's Edinburgh unit, will be the first production AESA to be mounted on a “repositioner,” a rotating mount that gives the radar a ±100-deg. field of view around the nose. The Skyward-G infrared search and track (IRST) system (from Nebbiano, Italy) is based on experience with the Eurofighter Typhoon's Pirate IRST and Selex-developed land- and sea-based IRSTs. The fighter also has a new identification friend-or-foe (IFF) system with three electronically steerable antenna arrays, which matches the radar's range and field of view.

The three main sensors will cue one another automatically to display to pilots a fused picture of airspace around the fighter; it will also be fused with the JAS's new electronic-warfare system. Finally, sensor data can be shared between Gripens in a flight via data link.

The IRST is capable of detecting low-RCS targets at distances compatible with a beyond-visual-range missile launch, Mason says. “We have seen them,” he responds when asked if Selex IRSTs have tracked low-RCS targets. “We are looking at very small delta-Ts [temperature differences between the target and the background]. Some infrared absorbent paints cause more friction than standard surfaces, and that causes kinetic heating that the IRST will pick up.” Skyward-G does not depend on a supersonic target—“skin heating at 300-400 knots is significant”—and detects heat radiating through the aircraft's skin from the engine, as well as skin friction and the exhaust plume.

The IRST uses a long-wave focal plane array sensor (a dual-band system, adding mid-wave capability, is a potential upgrade) with three fields of view. In its long-range search mode, the system is an IR telescope with a fast-moving scanning mirror (located in a transparent dome in front of the windshield) and “step-scans” through its search sector. It also has a single-target track mode, and in wide-field mode it provides a night-vision image on the head-up display. As a passive system, IRST does not have inherent range data, but it can perform “kinetic ranging”—the aircraft performs a weaving maneuver and the range is determined by the change in azimuth angle to the target—or the IRSTs on two aircraft can triangulate the target over the TAU-Link.

IRST hardware—the optics, detector and processor—has been improved since the development of Pirate started, but (according to Mason and other industry sources) the most important change has been the development of algorithms, based on operational experience and the analysis of real-world imagery, that look at IR signatures in detail, including variations of color and brightness within the target, in order to filter out false alarms caused by everything from birds to barbecue grills.

The IRST can give the radar a very accurate azimuth and elevation to the target, which allows it to focus its energy and increase the probability of achieving detection and track on a low-RCS target, Mason says. The AESA provides virtually instantaneous beam-steering within its ±70-deg. scan, but the repositioner is slower. One concept to be demonstrated will be the use of two Gripen radars and the TAU-Link to provide a wide-angle picture to both targets.

The new IFF is designed to provide low-latency coverage over the radar's entire field of view and to its maximum range, and is independent of the radar. That approach has been selected to furnish the best possible information on cooperating targets (such as friendlies and commercial traffic), allowing the IRST and radar to concentrate on potentially hostile aircraft.

Selex-ES is now delivering what it calls “C-model” sensors to Saab for installation on the Demo and the three JAS 39E development aircraft. These units are built to production standards, Mason says, but have not undergone the full range of tests required for full qualification. The C-Model IRST is expected to fly on the Demo imminently, the radar is being delivered to Linkoping and the IFF will arrive later in the year. c

Bill Sweetman Linkoping
Impressionante !

""As a passive system, IRST does not have inherent range data, but it can perform “kinetic ranging”—the aircraft performs a weaving maneuver and the range is determined by the change in azimuth angle to the target—or the IRSTs on two aircraft can triangulate the target over the TAU-Link.""

Google tradution :

Como um sistema passivo, IRST não tem dados inerentes alcance , mas ele pode executar " cinética variando " , a aeronave realiza uma manobra de tecelagem eo intervalo é determinado pela mudança no ângulo de azimute ao - alvo ou os IRSTS em duas aeronaves pode triangular o alvo sobre o TAU -Link .


[] kirk

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#70976 Mensagem por LeandroGCard » Dom Mar 16, 2014 11:49 am

kirk escreveu:Como um sistema passivo, IRST não tem dados inerentes alcance , mas ele pode executar " cinética variando " , a aeronave realiza uma manobra de tecelagem eo intervalo é determinado pela mudança no ângulo de azimute ao - alvo ou os IRSTS em duas aeronaves pode triangular o alvo sobre o TAU -Link .

Sim, os sistemas IRST estão avançando cada vez mais, colocando dúvidas sobre a validade das aeronaves stealth.

Leandro G. Card

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#70977 Mensagem por knigh7 » Dom Mar 16, 2014 2:01 pm

kirk escreveu:
knigh7 escreveu:Essa informação sobre peso vazio está errada. O próprio site da SAAB cita o peso vazio do Gripen "C" como 6.800kg (15.000lb) e a versão "D" 300kg mais pesada.
Olá knigh7,

Importante frisar que não sabemos em que condições o peso do Gripen C é 6.800 kg (empty weight), munição do canhão, pilones, decoys ... 1.000 kg ... é semelhante a diferença entre 13 e 15 mil lbs.

Achei mais importante nessa matéria é que nas mesmas condições diferença entre C e E é de 1.000lb ou + ou - 450kg ... se é 6.800 passou para 7.250 kg ... achei a info positiva.
The main structure has been redesigned with continuous wing-fuselage frames that extend to the inboard wing pylons, where the outer wings are attached, and the fuselage contours have been changed, partly to accommodate more fuel. However, the redesign has reduced the airframe's proportion of the empty weight, boosting useful load.
Olá, kirk.

Mas será que de 1 ano par outro já desceu assim??

Eu vou mandar uma mensagem para o Bill Sweetman.

Obs: agora vi lá que vc já enviou para ele...

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#70978 Mensagem por kirk » Dom Mar 16, 2014 2:14 pm

LeandroGCard escreveu:
kirk escreveu:Como um sistema passivo, IRST não tem dados inerentes alcance , mas ele pode executar " cinética variando " , a aeronave realiza uma manobra de tecelagem eo intervalo é determinado pela mudança no ângulo de azimute ao - alvo ou os IRSTS em duas aeronaves pode triangular o alvo sobre o TAU -Link .

Sim, os sistemas IRST estão avançando cada vez mais, colocando dúvidas sobre a validade das aeronaves stealth.

Leandro G. Card
Achei especialmente interessante o fato de utilizar os sensores de mais de uma aeronave para composição de uma única informação / imagem ... além de favorecer a identificação de aeronaves furtivas, pois o nível do RCS é dependente do "anglo de captação dos sensores" ou seja a multiplicidade do "Anglo de visão" prejudica a furtividade ... além do fato da triangulação determinar "distância" do alvo e sobretudo identificação ... para que não se confunda com pássaros e coisas do tipo.

Incrível !


[] kirk

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#70979 Mensagem por kirk » Dom Mar 16, 2014 2:18 pm

knigh7 escreveu:
kirk escreveu: Olá knigh7,

Importante frisar que não sabemos em que condições o peso do Gripen C é 6.800 kg (empty weight), munição do canhão, pilones, decoys ... 1.000 kg ... é semelhante a diferença entre 13 e 15 mil lbs.

Achei mais importante nessa matéria é que nas mesmas condições diferença entre C e E é de 1.000lb ou + ou - 450kg ... se é 6.800 passou para 7.250 kg ... achei a info positiva.
Olá, kirk.

Mas será que de 1 ano par outro já desceu assim??

Eu vou mandar uma mensagem para o Bill Sweetman.

Obs: agora vi lá que vc já enviou para ele...
Vamos aguardar irmão ! :wink:

[] kirk

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#70980 Mensagem por Justin Case » Dom Mar 16, 2014 4:15 pm


Deixe eu tentar uma tradução mais fácil em Português: "Sendo um sistema passivo, o IRST não recebe informações de alcance, mas pode realizar um um cálculo de distância em movimento - a aeronave realiza variações de rumo, e a distância pode ser determinada pela mudança no ângulo da linha de posição para o alvo - ou a posição do alvo pode ser obtida pela triangulação de linhas de posição para o alvo computadas de aeronaves diferentes, usando data-link."

E pensar que só tinham pensado nisso, há mais de um século, para calcular tempo e distância!
Descobriram que, com duas linhas de posição, podem identificar um ponto?! Se tivessem mais uma aeronave, poderiam até precisar melhor a posição e resolver ambiguidade.
Acho que o próximo passo vai ser usar dois pontos para prever uma trajetória reta, três para definir um plano de movimento, quatro para prever um ponto futuro.
Quem sabe se, com isso, não podem calcular até a velocidade relativa?
Só falta alguém colocar isso em um computador para fazer os cálculos.
Se forem ainda mais evoluídos, vão colocar um "time tag" em cada ponto computado (retardado do tempo de processamento) e jogar esse ponto no calculador de "data fusion".
Não sei como só os suecos são capazes de imaginar isso tudo. Nem o Justin Case seria capaz de imaginar tal solução criativa!!!

