F-35 News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: F-35 News

#2536 Mensagem por eagle » Ter Jun 11, 2013 12:10 am

J.Ricardo escreveu:Não entendo a Itália, sócia do projeto EF-2000 se associar aos americanos no F-35, pq não padronizar sua FA com o EF-2000???

A ideia deles é substituir o AV-8B na Marinha italiana com o F-35B.

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Re: F-35 News

#2537 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Ter Jun 11, 2013 1:26 am

eagle escreveu:
J.Ricardo escreveu:Não entendo a Itália, sócia do projeto EF-2000 se associar aos americanos no F-35, pq não padronizar sua FA com o EF-2000???
A ideia deles é substituir o AV-8B na Marinha italiana com o F-35B.
Exatamente [100]

Países como Itália e Espanha se quiserem continuar a ter aviação naval, serão clientes do F-35B.

E nessa onda ainda temos pelo menos, Coréia do Sul, Austrália e Japão que pelos tipos de navios de grande que estão incorporando são sérios candidatos ao F-35B.


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Re: F-35 News

#2538 Mensagem por J.Ricardo » Ter Jun 11, 2013 7:54 am

Mas eles precisavam de 131 F-35 para substituir os AV-8B???

Não temais ímpias falanges,
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
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Re: F-35 News

#2539 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Ter Jun 11, 2013 1:32 pm

J.Ricardo escreveu:Mas eles precisavam de 131 F-35 para substituir os AV-8B???

F-35B para substituir os Harriers.

F-35A para substituir AM-X e uma parte dos Tornados.


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Re: F-35 News

#2540 Mensagem por Túlio » Ter Jun 11, 2013 3:09 pm

Em suma, aviões DE ATAQUE! Notar isso... :wink: 8-]

Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.

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Re: F-35 News

#2541 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Ter Jun 11, 2013 3:57 pm

Túlio escreveu:Em suma, aviões DE ATAQUE! Notar isso... :wink: 8-]

Typhoon - Defesa Aérea (Primário) Ataque (secundário)
F-35 - Defesa Aérea (Primário na Marinha deles, secundário da F Aérea deles) Ataque (Primário da F Aérea deles, secundário na Marinha deles).


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Re: F-35 News

#2542 Mensagem por eagle » Ter Jun 11, 2013 10:08 pm

Pelo que eu li em um artigo da "AirForces Monthly" (não me lembro o nº), o F-35 terá capacidade de "dogfight" mínima.Na arena ar-ar, se valerá de sua capacidade no combate BVR.

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Re: F-35 News

#2543 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Jun 11, 2013 10:25 pm

eagle escreveu:Pelo que eu li em um artigo da "AirForces Monthly" (não me lembro o nº), o F-35 terá capacidade de "dogfight" mínima.Na arena ar-ar, se valerá de sua capacidade no combate BVR.
Diria que um caça "stealth" privilegiará a arena BVR, na qual ele possui mais vantagens, especialmente contra caças não-"stealth".
Mas se a coisa descambar para um dogfight, grande controlabilidade em altos angulo de ataque e a combinação HMD + AIM-9X + canhão de 4 canos de 25mm deve servir para alguma coisa.


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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Re: F-35 News

#2544 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jun 27, 2013 10:34 am

Italy Government Coalition Averts Split Over F-35 Jet Purchase (excerpt)

(Source: Reuters; published June 26, 2013)

ROME --- Italy's ruling coalition averted a split over a motion to scrap its purchase of 90 Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets on Wednesday by agreeing to seek parliament's approval before going ahead with further spending on the program.

The awkward right-left governing bloc, formed two months ago to end a political stalemate that followed February's deadlocked national election, risked fragmenting over a vote to pull out of the fighter program first agreed more than a decade ago.

The lower-house motion, presented last month and supported by opposition groups and some members of Prime Minister Enrico Letta's center-left Democratic Party (PD), was gathering further support in the PD even as late as Tuesday, the eve of the vote. (…/…)

After a two-hour meeting on Wednesday, the ruling parties came up with a new motion that the government then supported.

The new motion called on the government to push for further integration of European Union defense projects to reduce costs, and says it should seek the support of parliament before advancing to further stages of the fighter purchase. (end of excerpt)

(Click here for the full story, on the Reuters website.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The above story is not quite right, and the compromise motion is more complicated than it appears.
The literal translation of the motion’s language is “Regarding the F-35 program, the government commits itself not to proceed with any further acquisition if Parliament has not ruled on the issue.”
This means that, while the government has avoided a vote to pull out of the program, and while Parliament has approved acquisition decisions made to date, it will subject future decisions to much closer scrutiny.
This is expected to focus on prices, as large minorities in government and in Parliament oppose paying up to 12 billion euros in a single program that will, in reality, benefit mostly one single company, Finmeccanica, at a time when Italy is starved of government investment.)


Italy Pays $200.3M for Each of its First F-35s

(Source: defense-aerospace.com; published June 27, 2013)

PARIS --- On June 26, just before the Parliamentary debate, the Italian newsletter Analisi Difesa published a very interesting analysis of what Italy has paid to date for the F-35 aircraft it has ordered. The figures it published were obtained from confidential sources it did not better identify.

It should be noted that these figures do not include R&D costs already paid by Italy, nor the €800m+ cost of building and setting up the Final Assembly and Check-Out (FACO) facility in Cameri, near Turin.

As of mid-June, Italy’s total procurement payments stand at €396.4 million, with another €516 million falling due by Dec. 31. Also coming due this year is a €60.3 million payment for long-lead items on future orders for 7 additional F-35As and the first F-35B STOVL aircraft, for a total of €972.7 million.

This is what this amount has paid for, according to Analisi Difesa:

- LRIP 6: three F-35As for the air force:
Since this order was approved in 2009, Italy has paid €323 million for the three aircraft and their engines and €26.5 million euros for logistic support. Two other payments (an additional €45 million for the aircraft and €68 million for support) come due by Dec. 31, 2013.

In all, Italy will have paid €462.5 million for the first three (LRIP 6) aircraft it is buying, which works out to €154.1 million per aircraft ($200.3 million at current exchange rates).

This is 58% more
than the €97.9M unit price that Gen. Claudio Debertolis, Italy’s National Armaments Director, provided to Parliament in December 2012.

In a general discussion of F-35 costs, not specifically related to Italy, Lockheed Martin spokesman Benjamin J. Boling told Defense-Aerospace.com June 25 that aircraft “costs continue to decrease with each successive LRIP lot.” Unit costs for the F-35A had decreased from $78.7 million reported in 2011 to $76.8 million in 2012, he said quoting the Selected Acquisition Reports (SAR) released by the Pentagon.

- LRIP 7: 3 F-35As for the air force:
In 2011, Italy signed an order for Lot 7 long lead items (€47.4 million). Two more payments fall due by December: one for the aircraft and their engines (€314 million) and one for logistic support (€89 million).

- LRIP 8: Italy is buying 4 F-35As in this lot:
In 2012, Italy paid €38.1 million for Lot 8 long-lead items.

- LRIP 9: Italy is buying 3 F-35As and one F-35B for the navy in this lot:
Earlier this year, Italy paid €22.2 million for Lot 9 long-lead items.

To sum up, by December 2013 Italy will have paid €973.2 million towards its first 14 F-35 aircraft, with a similar amount to be paid in future years. This works out to an average of about €138 million (or $179 million) per aircraft.

As we have said before, we recognize that dividing total contract cost by the number of aircraft is an imperfect way of computing average unit costs, but it is the only method available given the way that the Pentagon releases contractual information relating to the program.


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... C200m.html

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Re: F-35 News

#2545 Mensagem por NettoBR » Sex Jun 28, 2013 1:49 pm


"Todos pensam em mudar o mundo, mas ninguém pensa em mudar a si mesmo."
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Re: F-35 News

#2546 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jun 28, 2013 1:57 pm

fort knox com asas

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Re: F-35 News

#2547 Mensagem por Lirolfuti » Ter Jul 02, 2013 2:33 pm

Israel será o primeiro cliente internacional a voar o F-35
Publicado em 02/07/2013 por Giordani em Militar

Embora tenha sido o último país a entrar para o grupo de países que desenvolvem o F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, Israel será o primeiro cliente internacional a operar o caça de quinta geração.

“Israel vai se tornar o primeiro operador do F-35 fora dos EUA”, informou Steve O’Bryan, vice-presidente da Lockheed Martin para a integração do F-35 do programa e desenvolvimento de negócios em uma entrevista no Paris Air Show.

O primeiro esquadrão de combate F-35I é esperado para atingir a capacidade operacional inicial em 2018.

Oito outros países já se comprometeram com o programa com contratos firmes.

Os primeiros pilotos israelenses para o treinamento no F-35A deverão chegar à base aérea de Eglin, Flórida, no início de 2016. A primeira entrega à Força Aérea de Israel está prevista para o final daquele ano.Israel adquiriu 19 aeronaves iniciais a um custo de US$2,75 bilhões e a IAF deverá receber todos num período de cinco anos. Um novo contrato para mais aviões é esperado para 2018. Com novos pedidos e taxa de produção o valor unitário do caça deverá ficar abaixo de US$ 85 milhões.

O F-35 de Israel usará o míssil de curto alcance AIM-9X e o míssil AMRAAM Raytheon AIM-120 com capacidade além do alcance visual (Beyond Visual Range – BVR). Existe um problema de integração entre o Sidewinder 9X e o F-35. A IAF integra o Bloco I do F-35, pois usará o AIM-9X nos cabides alares, quando na configuração não-stealth. Esta lacuna será corrigida no Bloco II, que se seguirá em breve.

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Re: F-35 News

#2548 Mensagem por J.Ricardo » Qua Jul 10, 2013 9:03 pm

Carlos Lima escreveu:
J.Ricardo escreveu:Mas eles precisavam de 131 F-35 para substituir os AV-8B???

F-35B para substituir os Harriers.

F-35A para substituir AM-X (tecla inveja ligada! [102]) e uma parte dos Tornados.

Volto ao início, seria mais inteligente investir apenas no Tyfoon como a Alemanha...

Não temais ímpias falanges,
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
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Re: F-35 News

#2549 Mensagem por Bourne » Qua Jul 10, 2013 10:06 pm

A Alemanha está investindo em drones. Investir em um caça como F35 não parece ser interessante no momento. O Typhoon dá conta.

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Re: F-35 News

#2550 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Jul 13, 2013 7:20 am

estou mesmo a ver isto a acontecer...
Taiwan Makes Pitch for Purchase of F-35 Fighter Jets

(Source: China News Agency; published July 11, 2013)

WASHINGTON --- A delegation from the Taiwan-US Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association of Taiwan's Legislature said Wednesday in Washington that Taiwan wants to purchase advanced F-35 fighter jets that best suit its defense needs.

Kuomintang (KMT) Legislator and Association Chairman Lin Yu-fang briefed reporters in Washington after the delegation's meeting at the Pentagon with David Helvey, deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia, to discuss Taiwan's needs for advanced defense weaponry.

The delegation members, in their capacity as the Republic of China (ROC) lawmakers, also met with Gregory Kausner, deputy assistant secretary of state for regional security and arms transfers, at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Washington Headquarters, according to Lin.

The lawmakers said Taiwan needs more advanced fighter jets and submarines to enhance its defense, and also needs to gain more international space.

Lin said Taiwan will continue to push for the purchase of F-35 fighters from the U.S. but should also consider buying a reasonable number of F-16C/D jets to replace Taiwan's aging F-5s, which are expected to be phased out in the next few years.

When the United States agreed to upgrade Taiwan's current fleet of F-16A/B fighter jets in September 2011, it effectively ruled out the sale of the next-generation F-35s, according to Lin.

It would be ideal if Taiwan could purchase the new fighters, which are capable of vertical and short take-off and landing, Lin said.

But even if the U.S. approves the sale, the global waiting list is so long that it would take 15-20 years for Taiwan's order to be delivered, he added.

While in Washington, the delegation also met with members of the U.S. Congress including Sen. Benjamin Cardin, chairman of the East Asian & Pacific Affairs Subcommittee, and Rep. Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Earlier in New York, the delegation met more than a dozen of the permanent representatives to the United Nations of Taiwan's allies at the U.N. headquarters.

http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... hters.html

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