por Andre Correa » Sáb Set 15, 2012 8:49 pm
Alguém sabe dizer os preços dos mísseis utilizados actualmente pela MB??
Encontrei estes preços para alguns armamentos norte-americanos:
WCMD Kit: $16,379.00
JDAM KIT: $19,960.00
CBU-103 (CBU-87 w/ WCMD): $30,153.35
CBU-97 (SFW): $354,837.00
CBU-105 (CBU-97 w/ WCMD): $371,216.00
BDU-33D/B 25 LB: $23.05
BDU-50A/B 500 LB GP BOMB: $752.43
BDU-56/B INERT 2000 LB GP BOMB: $2,008.36
2000 LB BLU-109(D-1)/B INERT: $14,679.72
Dumb Iron Warheads
MK-82: $1,881.52
MK-83 (find it hard to believe a Mk83 costs more than a 84... Would like to see the USN price as they use them the most) ( note USN iron require special fire resistant coating ): $5,848.17
MK-84: $5,663.33
M-117: $997.26
BLU-109/B: $14,679.72
Other Fin assemblys
BSU-49: $989.56
BSU-50: $1,558.00
Unguided Bombs
MK-82 LOW DRAG: $2,293.49
MK-84 HIGH DRAG: $8,005.80
MK-84 LOW DRAG: $6,227.56
BLU-109: $17,534.81
Guided Bombs
GBU-10 (BLU-109): $32,401.53
GBU-12 (INERT TRAINING):$15,435.00
GBU-12: $17,811.21
GBU-15 TV (MK-84): $207,378.33
GBU-15 IR (MK-84): $119,098.33
GBU-15 IR (BLU-109): $224,072.05
GBU-24A/B (BLU-109): $74,803.87
GBU-27: $69,735.76
GBU-28A/B: $132,848.57
GBU-31(V)1/B JDAM (MK-84): $27,509.56
GBU-31(V)3/B JDAM (BLU-109): $37,670.02
Missiles A2G
AGM-84 HARPOON: $425,478.57
AGM-86C BLK I CALCM: $400,000.00
AGM-86C BLK IA CALCM: $400,000.00
AGM-88C HARM: $240,784.14
AGM-142A HAVE NAP: $867,282.46
AGM-142CHN HAVE NAP: $676,480.32
AGM-154/A JSOW: $280,310.80
AGM-154/B JSOW: $477,850.00
Missiles A2A
AIM-7M AUR: $185,016.43
AIM-9X AUR: $262,000.00
AIM-120A BLOCK II AMRAAM: $1,096,873.60
AIM-120B AMRAAM: $629,000.00
AIM-120C AMRAAM: $481,000.00
AIM-120D AMRAAM: $700,000.00
Preços de cerca de 7 anos atrás, a excepção do AIM-9X e AIM-120D AMRAAM.