Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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#23131 Mensagem por Rodrigoiano » Ter Set 06, 2011 1:36 pm

06/09/2011 12h05 - Atualizado em 06/09/2011 12h08

Piloto de caça indiano ejeta e se salva antes de avião cair em campo

MiG-21 da Força Aérea Indiana caiu em campo de Rajhgar, em Patiala.
Curiosos se reuniram em volta do local do acidente.

(fotos no link)

Fonte: G1 ... campo.html

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#23132 Mensagem por suntsé » Ter Set 06, 2011 1:41 pm

Começaram a cair os migs indianos! :lol:

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Carlos Lima
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#23133 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Ter Set 06, 2011 1:48 pm

:shock: Mais um Mig-21 caiu.

A coisa é complicada por lá mesmo!


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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Pablo Maica
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#23134 Mensagem por Pablo Maica » Ter Set 06, 2011 2:06 pm

A força aérea indiana não vai retirar os Mig-21 de serviço, vai esperar todos cairem.



Um abraço e t+ :D

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#23135 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Ter Set 06, 2011 2:55 pm

Ainda bem que a tripulação ejetou, já que o avião ficou praticamente enterrado no solo, deve ter entrado de bico.

A essa hora os pilotos estariam nadando no lençol freático :roll:


amor fati
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#23136 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Set 06, 2011 3:08 pm

suntsé escreveu:Começaram a cair os migs indianos! :lol:
Dos 900 Mig-21 recebidos pela IAF desde a década de 60, metade foi perdida devido a acidentes. Outro caça problemático neste aspecto foi o F-104G.

Medida recente da IAF:

Only experienced pilots to fly MiG-21s: IAF
Last Updated: Thursday, September 01, 2011, 23:58 ... wsid=15149

New Delhi: In view of a large number of crashes involving the MiG-21s, the Indian Air Force (IAF) on Thursday said it has decided that after December 2012 only experienced pilots will fly the fighter jet aircraft.

IAF Chief Air Chief Marshal (ACM) N A K Browne today said those undergoing training in the ongoing course for trainee pilots would be the last batch of young pilots flying the MiG-21s.

"Their (trainee pilots) course finishes in December next year and thereafter only experienced pilots would be flying the MiG-21s," he told reporters here.

The IAF Chief was replying to a query on the steps taken by the force to reduce the number of accidents in wake of two recent crashes in which two IAF pilots were killed.

Browne added that the decision was taken due to the lack of availability of the aircraft and it would have happened a little earlier in case of an early delivery of Hawk Advance Jet Trainers (AJT).

"We have to do this because there is no other aircraft available. If the Hawk had come two years before as planned, the MiG-21s would have been kept for experienced pilots only," he said.

Observing that the training of young pilots is an area of concern for the force, ACM Browne said he hoped that the new basic trainers would be inducted into the IAF by 2013.

"Training is a big concern for us. At the moment we don't have a basic trainer aircraft and the case is with the government. We hope to get it cleared so that at least we can sign the contract by October, and we get the new trainers by 2013 when we start the new (flying training) course," he said.

The IAF had inducted over 900 MiG-21s in its fleet over a period of 40 years, half of which were lost in different crashes. The MiG-21s are scheduled to be phased out by 2017.


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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#23137 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Ter Set 06, 2011 3:14 pm

Com esses Mig-21 caindo como caem, a Força Aérea Indiana abre concurso para pilotos kamikazes, não para pilotos de caça! :?

[]'s a todos.

"Apenas o mais sábio e o menos sábio nunca mudam de opinião."
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#23138 Mensagem por Pablo Maica » Ter Set 06, 2011 3:19 pm

Penguin escreveu:
suntsé escreveu:Começaram a cair os migs indianos! :lol:
Dos 900 Mig-21 recebidos pela IAF desde a década de 60, metade foi perdida devido a acidentes. Outro caça problemático neste aspecto foi o F-104G.

Logo um intercâmbio EEAR/India esta fora de cogitação...

Um abraço e t+ :D

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joao fernando
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#23139 Mensagem por joao fernando » Ter Set 06, 2011 3:33 pm

Porra, desde os anos 60 e voando pra valer, vão cair mesmo

Parece até, que nunca caiu F5 por aqui

Obrigado Lulinha por melar o Gripen-NG
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#23140 Mensagem por wilsonjsjr » Ter Set 06, 2011 4:10 pm

joao fernando escreveu:Porra, desde os anos 60 e voando pra valer, vão cair mesmo

Parece até, que nunca caiu F5 por aqui

Em se tratando de F5, o maior problema não será cair e sim conseguir decolar.

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#23141 Mensagem por joao fernando » Ter Set 06, 2011 4:16 pm

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Tá cheio de sarrista o DB hoje :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Obrigado Lulinha por melar o Gripen-NG
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#23142 Mensagem por saullo » Ter Set 06, 2011 4:33 pm

Pena que no MiG-31 os dois pilotos russos morreram, e ainda bem que o indiano do MiG-21 se safou desta.


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#23143 Mensagem por Penguin » Qua Set 07, 2011 9:11 pm

Mais um F-X, o da Malásia. Será que sai antes do nosso?
Concorrentes prováveis:
1) Rafale
2) F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
3) Typhoon
4) Gripen
5) Su-35 Flanker-E

O Embraer EMB-145 EW vai brigar por lá com o Swedish Saab 2000 e E-2C Hawkeye 2000.

Fight's on for M'sia's next combat aircraft

New Straits Times
Saturday, Sep 03, 2011

As Malaysia scouts for fifth-generation replacement jet fighters for its ageing fleet, at least five contenders are bidding to be part of this ambitious programme, worth billions of ringgit.

France's Dassault Aviation's Rafale, the United States' Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Europe's Eurofighter Typhoon, the Swedish JAS-39 Gripen and the Russian Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E are reportedly the top contenders for the Royal Malaysian Air Force's (RMAF) new-generation front-line fighters.

The MRCA programme is to replace the 16 Russian MiG-29N Fulcrums purchased in 1995.

RMAF chief Gen Tan Sri Rodzali Daud said the air force was looking at acquiring between 12 and 18 ultra-modern jet fighters per squadron, to replace the MiG-29N by 2015.

"Ideally, we want to operate not more than two types of fighters.

"Although nearly 16 years old, the MiG-29Ns are still very useful and can serve up to 30 years with proper maintenance and refurbishment.

"Our ultimate aim is to refurbish and upgrade our combat aircraft every 10 years to remain as a deterrent force and enhance our surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities."

The government announced that the new-generation MRCA would strengthen the RMAF's capability in protecting the country's maritime assets within the exclusive economic zone, including vital oil and gas assets like those in the Spratly Islands and the Ambalat oil block, off Borneo.

The decision to acquire a mix of Western and Eastern-bloc fighters took into consideration factors like versatility, transfer of technology, cost, operational effectiveness, availability of spares, logistics support, crew training, the environment and weather.

The RMAF is also looking at stealth technology in the near future, to enhance its electronic and non-conventional warfare capability, especially in combating terrorism.

A more immediate priority is the acquisition of airborne early warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft.

The contenders are believed to be the Embraer EMB-145 from Brazil and the Swedish Saab 2000 equipped with Saab Microwave Systems' Erieye radar, and the US' Northrop Grumman's E-2C Hawkeye 2000.

The RMAF operates 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM procured in 2007 and eight Boeing F/A-18D strike and interdiction fighters bought in 1997.

The Su-30MKM, ordered at a cost of RM3.42 billion (S$1.38 billion), are based with the 11 Squadron in Gong Kedak, Kelantan, while the MiG-29N are with the 17/19 Squadrons in Kuantan, while the F/A-18, are with the 18 Squadron in Butterworth.

The Flanker-E and Super Hornet are upgrades of the Su-30MKM and Hornet aircraft.

The tender for the MRCA replacement programme is expected to be announced at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (Lima) 2011 show this December.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
Carlos Mathias


#23144 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Set 08, 2011 11:15 am


Editado pela última vez por Carlos Mathias em Qui Set 08, 2011 11:19 am, em um total de 1 vez.
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#23145 Mensagem por guilhermecn » Qui Set 08, 2011 11:16 am

Penguin escreveu:Mais um F-X, o da Malásia. Será que sai antes do nosso?
Concorrentes prováveis:
1) Rafale
2) F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
3) Typhoon
4) Gripen
5) Su-35 Flanker-E

O Embraer EMB-145 EW vai brigar por lá com o Swedish Saab 2000 e E-2C Hawkeye 2000.

Fight's on for M'sia's next combat aircraft

New Straits Times
Saturday, Sep 03, 2011

As Malaysia scouts for fifth-generation replacement jet fighters for its ageing fleet, at least five contenders are bidding to be part of this ambitious programme, worth billions of ringgit.

France's Dassault Aviation's Rafale, the United States' Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Europe's Eurofighter Typhoon, the Swedish JAS-39 Gripen and the Russian Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E are reportedly the top contenders for the Royal Malaysian Air Force's (RMAF) new-generation front-line fighters.

The MRCA programme is to replace the 16 Russian MiG-29N Fulcrums purchased in 1995.

RMAF chief Gen Tan Sri Rodzali Daud said the air force was looking at acquiring between 12 and 18 ultra-modern jet fighters per squadron, to replace the MiG-29N by 2015.

"Ideally, we want to operate not more than two types of fighters.

"Although nearly 16 years old, the MiG-29Ns are still very useful and can serve up to 30 years with proper maintenance and refurbishment.

"Our ultimate aim is to refurbish and upgrade our combat aircraft every 10 years to remain as a deterrent force and enhance our surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities."

The government announced that the new-generation MRCA would strengthen the RMAF's capability in protecting the country's maritime assets within the exclusive economic zone, including vital oil and gas assets like those in the Spratly Islands and the Ambalat oil block, off Borneo.

The decision to acquire a mix of Western and Eastern-bloc fighters took into consideration factors like versatility, transfer of technology, cost, operational effectiveness, availability of spares, logistics support, crew training, the environment and weather.

The RMAF is also looking at stealth technology in the near future, to enhance its electronic and non-conventional warfare capability, especially in combating terrorism.

A more immediate priority is the acquisition of airborne early warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft.

The contenders are believed to be the Embraer EMB-145 from Brazil and the Swedish Saab 2000 equipped with Saab Microwave Systems' Erieye radar, and the US' Northrop Grumman's E-2C Hawkeye 2000.

The RMAF operates 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM procured in 2007 and eight Boeing F/A-18D strike and interdiction fighters bought in 1997.

The Su-30MKM, ordered at a cost of RM3.42 billion (S$1.38 billion), are based with the 11 Squadron in Gong Kedak, Kelantan, while the MiG-29N are with the 17/19 Squadrons in Kuantan, while the F/A-18, are with the 18 Squadron in Butterworth.

The Flanker-E and Super Hornet are upgrades of the Su-30MKM and Hornet aircraft.

The tender for the MRCA replacement programme is expected to be announced at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (Lima) 2011 show this December.
Torcendo para a Embraer [009] ! Caro Penquin, acredito que sim :evil: Acho que o nosso só sai em 2012, se sair...

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Winston Churchill
