Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação
- P44
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- Mensagens: 55690
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2890 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2550 vezes
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Russian Navy to get fifth generation carrier fighter after 2020
The appearance of a fifth generation fighter in Russian naval aviation will not happen before 2020, the outgoing head of the air forces and air defense forces of the Russian Navy, Lt. General Valery Uvarov told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.
Previously, representatives of the armed forces command and Defense Ministry had said a new naval fighter based on the Sukhoi T.50 design could enter service around 2016.
"It's difficult to say when this aircraft will enter naval service. First it will go into service with the air force, and then be 'navalised.' To build a new aircraft from scratch costs huge money, it's irrational and not competent. Conditions might be suitable by 2020," he said.
Uvarov stressed, however, that any new naval fighter would enter service only following a competition in which other designs would participate, including from the MiG, Yakovlev and Sukhoi design bureaus.
A new generation carrier fighter should enter service with the fleet not long before any new aircraft carrier on which it would be based, Uvarov said, so pilots would be ready. "The aircraft should come before a ship entering service, so pilots can train first on land, then on a special training area, then on deck," he said.
He stressed that the service was still waiting to take delivery of the naval MiG-29K, which is being exported to India.
"The first two MiG-29Ks will soon be purchased in order to carry out development of their functions," he said. "I think there should be two squadrons, that is 24 MiG-29Ks and one squadron of Su-33s."
The Russian navy is currently reforming its structure, with naval air forces and naval air defense being merged into one branch. Lt. General Uvarov is leaving his post as commander of both branches.
MOSCOW September 28, (RIA Novosti)
The appearance of a fifth generation fighter in Russian naval aviation will not happen before 2020, the outgoing head of the air forces and air defense forces of the Russian Navy, Lt. General Valery Uvarov told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.
Previously, representatives of the armed forces command and Defense Ministry had said a new naval fighter based on the Sukhoi T.50 design could enter service around 2016.
"It's difficult to say when this aircraft will enter naval service. First it will go into service with the air force, and then be 'navalised.' To build a new aircraft from scratch costs huge money, it's irrational and not competent. Conditions might be suitable by 2020," he said.
Uvarov stressed, however, that any new naval fighter would enter service only following a competition in which other designs would participate, including from the MiG, Yakovlev and Sukhoi design bureaus.
A new generation carrier fighter should enter service with the fleet not long before any new aircraft carrier on which it would be based, Uvarov said, so pilots would be ready. "The aircraft should come before a ship entering service, so pilots can train first on land, then on a special training area, then on deck," he said.
He stressed that the service was still waiting to take delivery of the naval MiG-29K, which is being exported to India.
"The first two MiG-29Ks will soon be purchased in order to carry out development of their functions," he said. "I think there should be two squadrons, that is 24 MiG-29Ks and one squadron of Su-33s."
The Russian navy is currently reforming its structure, with naval air forces and naval air defense being merged into one branch. Lt. General Uvarov is leaving his post as commander of both branches.
MOSCOW September 28, (RIA Novosti)
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2790
- Registrado em: Dom Dez 10, 2006 4:42 pm
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Eu li a documentação. No documento original da COPAC, os riscos do Gripen estão todos claros, mas depois surge uma "justificativa" para amenizá-los. Quer um exemplo: "O Gripen NG é o que apresenta maior riscos e os prazos estabelecidos para o programa podem não ser cumpridos. No entanto, pelo passado da SAAB, podemos INFERIR (destaque meu) de que eles serão cumpridos."J.Ricardo escreveu:Meu amigos digo-vos algo realemento novo: vocês acham que não haverá corrupção no processo? Qual é, independente de quem ganhar vai ter dindin a vontade para certos bolsos, é assim que funciona em compras governamentais, ainda mais quando envolve gente tão correta como os franceses, americanos... Só vai mudar os bolsos, esse acordo BrasilXFrança deve ter rendido milhões para certos bolsos...
O uso do verbo INFERIR é assustador. Ninguém pode INFERIR se há vidas em jogo. Além do mais, se for pelo passado, teríamos problemas. O Viggen nasceu com quatro anos de atraso e o Gripen teve seu sistema de controle de vôo completamente refeito pela General Dynamics, o que retardou a entrada dos caças por dois anos. Algo soa estranho. Há um atenuante, os engenheiros da FAB adoram aprender às custas da operacionalidade da força... Sabe criança que desmonta o brinquedo de Natal? Algo que não existe, não tem radar e que deve ter problemas é irresistível para ela.
O que o Jobim fez foi uma freada de arrumação. Valorizou transferência de tecnologia e offset, pontos prioritários na END, mas secundários no RFP proposto pela Aeronáutica (que duplicou o peso do ítem "risco", o que desclassificou o Gripen em dezembro). Para os brigadeiros, o importante era custo de operação e preço de aquisição, O QUE FAVORECEU O F/A-18E/F. Vou repetir: A EXPOSIÇÃO DE MOTIVOS DO MINISTRO JOBIM, QUE DÁ A VITÓRIA AO RAFALE, NÃO MUDA O RELATÓRIO ORIGINAL DA COPAC. Mudaram os pesos de quatro itens. As notas continuam as mesmas. Não encontrei nenhum vestígio de sacanagem no meio e fui lá para investigar.
Ontem, na reunião Brasil-Rússia, houve um momento de constrangimento. Um oficial brasileiro falava da necessidade de se encontrar um produto que pudéssemos iniciar do zero para desenvolver juntos. Caiu um enorme silêncio na mesa quanto um representante de Moscou disse:
- Foi exatamente isso que propusemos com os caças e vcs recusaram...
- J.Ricardo
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 7833
- Registrado em: Qui Jan 13, 2005 1:44 pm
- Agradeceu: 2723 vezes
- Agradeceram: 1112 vezes
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Concordo, com seus termos, estou dizendo a respeito dos por fora que sempre, sempre rolam...Ontem, na reunião Brasil-Rússia, houve um momento de constrangimento. Um oficial brasileiro falava da necessidade de se encontrar um produto que pudéssemos iniciar do zero para desenvolver juntos. Caiu um enorme silêncio na mesa quanto um representante de Moscou disse:
- Foi exatamente isso que propusemos com os caças e vcs recusaram...
Quanto a afirmação acima, são as evidências de que forças sinistras agem por de trás das reuinões e contratos... O pq dessa obcessão pela França, tudo tem que vir da França, tem que se empurrar guela abaixo de todos o Rafale (que é um ótima caça) sendo que da Russia vinha um avião muito melhor e mais barato? Por que quando a Russia convidou o Brasil e Índia para desenvolverem o Pak-Fa o Brasil declinou, são coisas estranhas demais e que evidenciam que há mais entre os contratos do que nós imaginamos...
Sorte a Marinha ter peito para furar o paredon francês e escolher as FREEM italianas para não ficarmos dependentes demais da França, no entanto ainda podem espurrar-lhes as FREEM francesas guela abaixo também...
Não temais ímpias falanges,
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
- Penguin
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- Mensagens: 18983
- Registrado em: Seg Mai 19, 2003 10:07 pm
- Agradeceu: 5 vezes
- Agradeceram: 374 vezes
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Durante o desenvolvimento do Gripen, devido a um acidente, a Saab contratou a empresa de tecnologia americana Calspan ( ) para ajudar a detectar e corrigir problemas no fly-by-wire. A General Dynamics não refez nada.Pepê Rezende escreveu:Eu li a documentação. No documento original da COPAC, os riscos do Gripen estão todos claros, mas depois surge uma "justificativa" para amenizá-los. Quer um exemplo: "O Gripen NG é o que apresenta maior riscos e os prazos estabelecidos para o programa podem não ser cumpridos. No entanto, pelo passado da SAAB, podemos INFERIR (destaque meu) de que eles serão cumpridos."J.Ricardo escreveu:Meu amigos digo-vos algo realemento novo: vocês acham que não haverá corrupção no processo? Qual é, independente de quem ganhar vai ter dindin a vontade para certos bolsos, é assim que funciona em compras governamentais, ainda mais quando envolve gente tão correta como os franceses, americanos... Só vai mudar os bolsos, esse acordo BrasilXFrança deve ter rendido milhões para certos bolsos...
O uso do verbo INFERIR é assustador. Ninguém pode INFERIR se há vidas em jogo. Além do mais, se for pelo passado, teríamos problemas. O Viggen nasceu com quatro anos de atraso e o Gripen teve seu sistema de controle de vôo completamente refeito pela General Dynamics, o que retardou a entrada dos caças por dois anos. Algo soa estranho. Há um atenuante, os engenheiros da FAB adoram aprender às custas da operacionalidade da força... Sabe criança que desmonta o brinquedo de Natal? Algo que não existe, não tem radar e que deve ter problemas é irresistível para ela.
O que o Jobim fez foi uma freada de arrumação. Valorizou transferência de tecnologia e offset, pontos prioritários na END, mas secundários no RFP proposto pela Aeronáutica (que duplicou o peso do ítem "risco", o que desclassificou o Gripen em dezembro). Para os brigadeiros, o importante era custo de operação e preço de aquisição, O QUE FAVORECEU O F/A-18E/F. Vou repetir: A EXPOSIÇÃO DE MOTIVOS DO MINISTRO JOBIM, QUE DÁ A VITÓRIA AO RAFALE, NÃO MUDA O RELATÓRIO ORIGINAL DA COPAC. Mudaram os pesos de quatro itens. As notas continuam as mesmas. Não encontrei nenhum vestígio de sacanagem no meio e fui lá para investigar.
Ontem, na reunião Brasil-Rússia, houve um momento de constrangimento. Um oficial brasileiro falava da necessidade de se encontrar um produto que pudéssemos iniciar do zero para desenvolver juntos. Caiu um enorme silêncio na mesa quanto um representante de Moscou disse:
- Foi exatamente isso que propusemos com os caças e vcs recusaram...
Os computadores que controlam o FCS são da BAe (inglesa) e o software sueco.
No desenvolvimento do AMX, a Northrop não foi contratada para ajudar na correção de falhas no projeto das asas?Saab unveiled a mock-up of the final Gripen design in early 1986. Development of the Flight Control System (FCS) proved problematic and caused delays in finalising the assembly of the first aircraft. Finally, on 26 April 1987, JAS 39-1 was rolled out at Linköping. The first flight was achieved on 9 December 1988, but a major setback occurred not long afterwards. Following the sixth flight of JAS 39-1 on 2 February 1989, the aircraft veered off the runway and cartwheeled – fortunately the pilot was unhurt. The cause was found to be flaws in the pitch control routine of the FCS software. Calspan in the USA used a modified T-33 to prove the required software corrections. After 15 months delay, the second prototype JAS 39-2 flew on 4 May 1990 with the new FCS software. Three more prototypes followed, the fifth and last flying on 23 October 1991. Flight testing showed drag to be 10% lower than predicted, and airfield performance was better than specified. In June 1992 the follow-on contract for Batch 2 aircraft was approved. ... evelopment
Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
Carlo M. Cipolla
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2790
- Registrado em: Dom Dez 10, 2006 4:42 pm
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Ontem, na reunião Brasil-Rússia, houve um momento de constrangimento. Um oficial brasileiro falava da necessidade de se encontrar um produto que pudéssemos iniciar do zero para desenvolver juntos. Caiu um enorme silêncio na mesa quanto um representante de Moscou disse:
- Foi exatamente isso que propusemos com os caças e vcs recusaram...
Em verdade, há uma forte resistência da FAB contra tudo o que não seja norte-americano. A Marinha é bem mais aberta, mas houve um forte embaraço quando uma comitiva, na época do almirante Janot, visitou São Petersburgo.J.Ricardo escreveu:Concordo, com seus termos, estou dizendo a respeito dos por fora que sempre, sempre rolam...
Quanto a afirmação acima, são as evidências de que forças sinistras agem por de trás das reuinões e contratos... O pq dessa obcessão pela França, tudo tem que vir da França, tem que se empurrar guela abaixo de todos o Rafale (que é um ótima caça) sendo que da Russia vinha um avião muito melhor e mais barato? Por que quando a Russia convidou o Brasil e Índia para desenvolverem o Pak-Fa o Brasil declinou, são coisas estranhas demais e que evidenciam que há mais entre os contratos do que nós imaginamos...
Sorte a Marinha ter peito para furar o paredon francês e escolher as FREEM italianas para não ficarmos dependentes demais da França, no entanto ainda podem espurrar-lhes as FREEM francesas guela abaixo também...
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2790
- Registrado em: Dom Dez 10, 2006 4:42 pm
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
A Calspan está ligada à General Dynamics e REFEZ todo o software original que, ao contrário dos que vc diz, foi encomendado à Lear, norte-americana. A informação é de fonte primária, da própria SAAB, obtida em visita a Linköping com 17 jornalistas de todo o mundo. O editor da Air Combat, Allan Warnes, se não me engano, ainda gozou:Santiago escreveu:Durante o desenvolvimento do Gripen, devido a um acidente, a Saab contratou a empresa de tecnologia americana Calspan ( ) para ajudar a detectar e corrigir problemas no fly-by-wire. A General Dynamics não refez nada.
Os computadores que controlam o FCS são da BAe (inglesa) e o software sueco.
- A Lear é minha empresa favorita!
Foi. A Aeritalia, contra a vontade da Aermacchi, insistiu em adotar o perfil de asa do Tornado, ótimo para geometria variável, mas que apresentava problemas em determinados regimes de vôo. A solução da Northrop foi redesenhar as superfícies móveis.Santiago escreveu:No desenvolvimento do AMX, a Northrop não foi contratada para ajudar na correção de falhas no projeto das asas?
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55690
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2890 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2550 vezes
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
India, Russia Closer to Sealing Fighter, Transport Aircraft Deals
(Source: Indian Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 7, 2010)
The Tenth Meeting of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation (IRIGC-MTC) was held here today. The Defence Minister Shri AK Antony and the Russian Defence Minister Mr. AE Serdyukov headed the respective delegations.
The Indian delegation included Defence Secretary Shri Pradeep Kumar, Secretary (Defence Production) Shri RK Singh, Shri VK Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister and other senior officials of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces. The Russian delegation included representatives from the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Russian Defence Industry.
In his opening remarks at the IRIGC-MTC meeting, Shri Antony said that India values the strong and multifaceted friendship with Russia and noted that the defence relationship between both countries is based on convergent and complementary interests and has been mutually beneficial. He also observed that the bilateral defence cooperation with Russia is a comprehensive partnership, in which both countries have moved beyond the buyer-seller relationship and are collaborating in joint R&D and production of defence equipments and systems.
The Commission took note of the progress on several major projects since its last meeting, which was held in Moscow in October 2009. Both sides expressed satisfaction at the conclusion of the Shareholders Agreement for formation of a Joint Venture Company for the development and production of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA).
Further, both sides agreed to expedite modalities for the proposed project for the joint design, development and production of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).
“India hopes to get 45 MTA and also finalize the FGFA, … all the issues we have discussed and solved between our two countries… now it is in the final stages of the Indian government, some technical formalities between the governments is needed and I am sure we will be able to complete very soon…within a few months,” Shri Antony later told a joint press conference.
“As per this agreement India will receive approximately between 250-300 most modern FGFA. These two projects are the major achievements of this year and for the next ten years these two projects, MTA and FGFA, will be a shining example of India and Russian defence cooperation,” he added.
“We have very good big plans and we have very serious projects and work before us. And this, as I said, will be a big challenge and we will try to do our best in order to prove that our bilateral cooperation can give us very good practical results,” said Mr. Serdyukov.
The Joint Commission also reviewed the status of several other ongoing and proposed projects, including the license production of T-90 tanks and the establishment of the repair and overhaul facilities in India for various defence equipment of Russian origin.
The IRIGC-MTC was established in 2000, with a view to further bilateral defence cooperation between India and Russia. Russia is the only country with which India has such an institutionalized mechanism at the level of the Defence Ministers of both sides, which highlights the strength and importance of the bilateral defence relationship. The Commission is supported by two Working groups – on Military Technical Cooperation and Shipbuilding, Aviation and Land Systems respectively and seven sub-groups.
The scope for military technical cooperation between both countries is defined through an umbrella inter-Governmental agreement; and Agreement on a long term programme for military and technical cooperation for the period 2011-2020 was signed during the visit of the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to Russia in December last year.
Prior to the IRIGC meeting today, both Defence Ministers also held separate discussions on various issues of regional and global security. Both Ministers agreed on the need to enhance interactions between the Armed Forces of both countries. Noting that a joint exercise between the Armies of both sides is due to be held in India this month, both Ministers also decided that a joint exercise between the Armed Forces would be held in Russia in 2011. The Russian Defence Minister also stated that the Chief of Defence Forces of Russia would visit India in November this year and that the Russian Navy Chief would visit in January 2011. (ends)
Reports in the Indian media included the following additional information:
-- The cost to India of the fighter deal is estimated at $25 billion. This figure presumably includes the massive infrastructure needed to base, operate and maintain such advanced platforms in India.
-- About 50% of the Indian air force’s aircraft inventory is currently considered obsolete. Following these and other new acquisitions, this percentage will fall 30% by 2014.
-- Initially, India and Russia aim to manufacture 205 Multi-role Transport Aircraft to meet the requirements of both Indian and Russian military.
-- India will received the reconditioned aircraft carrier Gorshkov by 2013. India had bought Gorshkov in 2004 for US$ 974 million but its delivery, originally fixed for 2008, slipped repeatedly. India earlier this year pad Russia an additional US$ 2.34 billion to refit the ship.
-- Both sides appear to have agreed to postpone the delivery of the Akula-II nuclear-powered attack submarine to March 2011. India was originally due to reveive it last year, after its sea trials.
-ends- ... fters.html#
(Source: Indian Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 7, 2010)
The Tenth Meeting of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation (IRIGC-MTC) was held here today. The Defence Minister Shri AK Antony and the Russian Defence Minister Mr. AE Serdyukov headed the respective delegations.
The Indian delegation included Defence Secretary Shri Pradeep Kumar, Secretary (Defence Production) Shri RK Singh, Shri VK Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister and other senior officials of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces. The Russian delegation included representatives from the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Russian Defence Industry.
In his opening remarks at the IRIGC-MTC meeting, Shri Antony said that India values the strong and multifaceted friendship with Russia and noted that the defence relationship between both countries is based on convergent and complementary interests and has been mutually beneficial. He also observed that the bilateral defence cooperation with Russia is a comprehensive partnership, in which both countries have moved beyond the buyer-seller relationship and are collaborating in joint R&D and production of defence equipments and systems.
The Commission took note of the progress on several major projects since its last meeting, which was held in Moscow in October 2009. Both sides expressed satisfaction at the conclusion of the Shareholders Agreement for formation of a Joint Venture Company for the development and production of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA).
Further, both sides agreed to expedite modalities for the proposed project for the joint design, development and production of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).
“India hopes to get 45 MTA and also finalize the FGFA, … all the issues we have discussed and solved between our two countries… now it is in the final stages of the Indian government, some technical formalities between the governments is needed and I am sure we will be able to complete very soon…within a few months,” Shri Antony later told a joint press conference.
“As per this agreement India will receive approximately between 250-300 most modern FGFA. These two projects are the major achievements of this year and for the next ten years these two projects, MTA and FGFA, will be a shining example of India and Russian defence cooperation,” he added.
“We have very good big plans and we have very serious projects and work before us. And this, as I said, will be a big challenge and we will try to do our best in order to prove that our bilateral cooperation can give us very good practical results,” said Mr. Serdyukov.
The Joint Commission also reviewed the status of several other ongoing and proposed projects, including the license production of T-90 tanks and the establishment of the repair and overhaul facilities in India for various defence equipment of Russian origin.
The IRIGC-MTC was established in 2000, with a view to further bilateral defence cooperation between India and Russia. Russia is the only country with which India has such an institutionalized mechanism at the level of the Defence Ministers of both sides, which highlights the strength and importance of the bilateral defence relationship. The Commission is supported by two Working groups – on Military Technical Cooperation and Shipbuilding, Aviation and Land Systems respectively and seven sub-groups.
The scope for military technical cooperation between both countries is defined through an umbrella inter-Governmental agreement; and Agreement on a long term programme for military and technical cooperation for the period 2011-2020 was signed during the visit of the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to Russia in December last year.
Prior to the IRIGC meeting today, both Defence Ministers also held separate discussions on various issues of regional and global security. Both Ministers agreed on the need to enhance interactions between the Armed Forces of both countries. Noting that a joint exercise between the Armies of both sides is due to be held in India this month, both Ministers also decided that a joint exercise between the Armed Forces would be held in Russia in 2011. The Russian Defence Minister also stated that the Chief of Defence Forces of Russia would visit India in November this year and that the Russian Navy Chief would visit in January 2011. (ends)
Reports in the Indian media included the following additional information:
-- The cost to India of the fighter deal is estimated at $25 billion. This figure presumably includes the massive infrastructure needed to base, operate and maintain such advanced platforms in India.
-- About 50% of the Indian air force’s aircraft inventory is currently considered obsolete. Following these and other new acquisitions, this percentage will fall 30% by 2014.
-- Initially, India and Russia aim to manufacture 205 Multi-role Transport Aircraft to meet the requirements of both Indian and Russian military.
-- India will received the reconditioned aircraft carrier Gorshkov by 2013. India had bought Gorshkov in 2004 for US$ 974 million but its delivery, originally fixed for 2008, slipped repeatedly. India earlier this year pad Russia an additional US$ 2.34 billion to refit the ship.
-- Both sides appear to have agreed to postpone the delivery of the Akula-II nuclear-powered attack submarine to March 2011. India was originally due to reveive it last year, after its sea trials.
-ends- ... fters.html#
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2790
- Registrado em: Dom Dez 10, 2006 4:42 pm
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Esses indianos são uns imbecis. Não leram o último artigo do Área Militar que afirma serem os aviônicos do PAK-FA os mesmos usados no Su-27! Também não leram o relatório da COPAC onde está explícito que o PAK-FA jamais voaria porque a Rússia está quebrada e não produz mais tecnologia de ponta!P44 escreveu: India, Russia Closer to Sealing Fighter, Transport Aircraft Deals
(Source: Indian Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 7, 2010)
The Tenth Meeting of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation (IRIGC-MTC) was held here today. The Defence Minister Shri AK Antony and the Russian Defence Minister Mr. AE Serdyukov headed the respective delegations.
The Indian delegation included Defence Secretary Shri Pradeep Kumar, Secretary (Defence Production) Shri RK Singh, Shri VK Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister and other senior officials of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces. The Russian delegation included representatives from the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Russian Defence Industry.
In his opening remarks at the IRIGC-MTC meeting, Shri Antony said that India values the strong and multifaceted friendship with Russia and noted that the defence relationship between both countries is based on convergent and complementary interests and has been mutually beneficial. He also observed that the bilateral defence cooperation with Russia is a comprehensive partnership, in which both countries have moved beyond the buyer-seller relationship and are collaborating in joint R&D and production of defence equipments and systems.
The Commission took note of the progress on several major projects since its last meeting, which was held in Moscow in October 2009. Both sides expressed satisfaction at the conclusion of the Shareholders Agreement for formation of a Joint Venture Company for the development and production of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA).
Further, both sides agreed to expedite modalities for the proposed project for the joint design, development and production of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).
“India hopes to get 45 MTA and also finalize the FGFA, … all the issues we have discussed and solved between our two countries… now it is in the final stages of the Indian government, some technical formalities between the governments is needed and I am sure we will be able to complete very soon…within a few months,” Shri Antony later told a joint press conference.
“As per this agreement India will receive approximately between 250-300 most modern FGFA. These two projects are the major achievements of this year and for the next ten years these two projects, MTA and FGFA, will be a shining example of India and Russian defence cooperation,” he added.
“We have very good big plans and we have very serious projects and work before us. And this, as I said, will be a big challenge and we will try to do our best in order to prove that our bilateral cooperation can give us very good practical results,” said Mr. Serdyukov.
The Joint Commission also reviewed the status of several other ongoing and proposed projects, including the license production of T-90 tanks and the establishment of the repair and overhaul facilities in India for various defence equipment of Russian origin.
The IRIGC-MTC was established in 2000, with a view to further bilateral defence cooperation between India and Russia. Russia is the only country with which India has such an institutionalized mechanism at the level of the Defence Ministers of both sides, which highlights the strength and importance of the bilateral defence relationship. The Commission is supported by two Working groups – on Military Technical Cooperation and Shipbuilding, Aviation and Land Systems respectively and seven sub-groups.
The scope for military technical cooperation between both countries is defined through an umbrella inter-Governmental agreement; and Agreement on a long term programme for military and technical cooperation for the period 2011-2020 was signed during the visit of the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to Russia in December last year.
Prior to the IRIGC meeting today, both Defence Ministers also held separate discussions on various issues of regional and global security. Both Ministers agreed on the need to enhance interactions between the Armed Forces of both countries. Noting that a joint exercise between the Armies of both sides is due to be held in India this month, both Ministers also decided that a joint exercise between the Armed Forces would be held in Russia in 2011. The Russian Defence Minister also stated that the Chief of Defence Forces of Russia would visit India in November this year and that the Russian Navy Chief would visit in January 2011. (ends)
Reports in the Indian media included the following additional information:
-- The cost to India of the fighter deal is estimated at $25 billion. This figure presumably includes the massive infrastructure needed to base, operate and maintain such advanced platforms in India.
-- About 50% of the Indian air force’s aircraft inventory is currently considered obsolete. Following these and other new acquisitions, this percentage will fall 30% by 2014.
-- Initially, India and Russia aim to manufacture 205 Multi-role Transport Aircraft to meet the requirements of both Indian and Russian military.
-- India will received the reconditioned aircraft carrier Gorshkov by 2013. India had bought Gorshkov in 2004 for US$ 974 million but its delivery, originally fixed for 2008, slipped repeatedly. India earlier this year pad Russia an additional US$ 2.34 billion to refit the ship.
-- Both sides appear to have agreed to postpone the delivery of the Akula-II nuclear-powered attack submarine to March 2011. India was originally due to reveive it last year, after its sea trials.
-ends- ... fters.html#
Se tivessem juízo entrariam no Gripen NG!
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55690
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
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Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Tem calma Pepê...relaxa...olha os nervos!!!!! 

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- Zepa
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- Registrado em: Sáb Mai 05, 2007 4:41 pm
- Localização: Rio de Janeiro
- Agradeceu: 75 vezes
Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Enquanto isso, no BrasilPepê Rezende escreveu:Esses indianos são uns imbecis. Não leram o último artigo do Área Militar que afirma serem os aviônicos do PAK-FA os mesmos usados no Su-27! Também não leram o relatório da COPAC onde está explícito que o PAK-FA jamais voaria porque a Rússia está quebrada e não produz mais tecnologia de ponta!P44 escreveu: India, Russia Closer to Sealing Fighter, Transport Aircraft Deals
(Source: Indian Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 7, 2010)
The Tenth Meeting of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation (IRIGC-MTC) was held here today. The Defence Minister Shri AK Antony and the Russian Defence Minister Mr. AE Serdyukov headed the respective delegations.
The Indian delegation included Defence Secretary Shri Pradeep Kumar, Secretary (Defence Production) Shri RK Singh, Shri VK Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister and other senior officials of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces. The Russian delegation included representatives from the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Russian Defence Industry.
In his opening remarks at the IRIGC-MTC meeting, Shri Antony said that India values the strong and multifaceted friendship with Russia and noted that the defence relationship between both countries is based on convergent and complementary interests and has been mutually beneficial. He also observed that the bilateral defence cooperation with Russia is a comprehensive partnership, in which both countries have moved beyond the buyer-seller relationship and are collaborating in joint R&D and production of defence equipments and systems.
The Commission took note of the progress on several major projects since its last meeting, which was held in Moscow in October 2009. Both sides expressed satisfaction at the conclusion of the Shareholders Agreement for formation of a Joint Venture Company for the development and production of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA).
Further, both sides agreed to expedite modalities for the proposed project for the joint design, development and production of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).
“India hopes to get 45 MTA and also finalize the FGFA, … all the issues we have discussed and solved between our two countries… now it is in the final stages of the Indian government, some technical formalities between the governments is needed and I am sure we will be able to complete very soon…within a few months,” Shri Antony later told a joint press conference.
“As per this agreement India will receive approximately between 250-300 most modern FGFA. These two projects are the major achievements of this year and for the next ten years these two projects, MTA and FGFA, will be a shining example of India and Russian defence cooperation,” he added.
“We have very good big plans and we have very serious projects and work before us. And this, as I said, will be a big challenge and we will try to do our best in order to prove that our bilateral cooperation can give us very good practical results,” said Mr. Serdyukov.
The Joint Commission also reviewed the status of several other ongoing and proposed projects, including the license production of T-90 tanks and the establishment of the repair and overhaul facilities in India for various defence equipment of Russian origin.
The IRIGC-MTC was established in 2000, with a view to further bilateral defence cooperation between India and Russia. Russia is the only country with which India has such an institutionalized mechanism at the level of the Defence Ministers of both sides, which highlights the strength and importance of the bilateral defence relationship. The Commission is supported by two Working groups – on Military Technical Cooperation and Shipbuilding, Aviation and Land Systems respectively and seven sub-groups.
The scope for military technical cooperation between both countries is defined through an umbrella inter-Governmental agreement; and Agreement on a long term programme for military and technical cooperation for the period 2011-2020 was signed during the visit of the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to Russia in December last year.
Prior to the IRIGC meeting today, both Defence Ministers also held separate discussions on various issues of regional and global security. Both Ministers agreed on the need to enhance interactions between the Armed Forces of both countries. Noting that a joint exercise between the Armies of both sides is due to be held in India this month, both Ministers also decided that a joint exercise between the Armed Forces would be held in Russia in 2011. The Russian Defence Minister also stated that the Chief of Defence Forces of Russia would visit India in November this year and that the Russian Navy Chief would visit in January 2011. (ends)
Reports in the Indian media included the following additional information:
-- The cost to India of the fighter deal is estimated at $25 billion. This figure presumably includes the massive infrastructure needed to base, operate and maintain such advanced platforms in India.
-- About 50% of the Indian air force’s aircraft inventory is currently considered obsolete. Following these and other new acquisitions, this percentage will fall 30% by 2014.
-- Initially, India and Russia aim to manufacture 205 Multi-role Transport Aircraft to meet the requirements of both Indian and Russian military.
-- India will received the reconditioned aircraft carrier Gorshkov by 2013. India had bought Gorshkov in 2004 for US$ 974 million but its delivery, originally fixed for 2008, slipped repeatedly. India earlier this year pad Russia an additional US$ 2.34 billion to refit the ship.
-- Both sides appear to have agreed to postpone the delivery of the Akula-II nuclear-powered attack submarine to March 2011. India was originally due to reveive it last year, after its sea trials.
-ends- ... fters.html#
Se tivessem juízo entrariam no Gripen NG!

- FCarvalho
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- Registrado em: Sex Mai 02, 2003 6:55 pm
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Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Enquanto isso em algum angar perdido do brasil, o brasileiro sonha...


Carpe Diem
- Luiz Bastos
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- Registrado em: Qui Out 06, 2005 12:40 pm
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Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
E em algum hospital da força aérea por este imenso Brasil um tenente aviador patriota, lendo estas paginas, chama a enfermeira e pede:
- Tira o tubo que eu quero morrer. Nao aguento mais tanta burrice.

- Tira o tubo que eu quero morrer. Nao aguento mais tanta burrice.


Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Russia's fifth-generation fighter -- the PAK-FA -- staged an air show for Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin back in May. Russian TV showed a few clips of what was then the 16th flight of the prototype called the T-50.
A new video posted on YouTube on 13 October reveals nearly 2 minutes of new footage allegedly from the same demonstration flight. It doesn't tell us anything remarkably new about the aircraft's capabilities, but the footage is stunning. Whatever its combat capabilities, Sukhoi definitely has a new star on the air show circuit. I hope we'll see the T-50 make its debut at the MAKS air show in Moscow next Aug 16-19, although the Paris Air Show in June would be even better since I'll probably be there.
Stephen Trimble
ars longa vita brevis
- Boss
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- Mensagens: 4136
- Registrado em: Ter Ago 10, 2010 11:26 pm
- Agradeceu: 103 vezes
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Re: PAK FA - VOOU!!!
Esse tópico deveria ser deletado, é uma facada no peito lembrar disso 
