Super Tucano News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: Super Tucano News

#601 Mensagem por Cougar_PH » Sex Jun 18, 2010 8:50 am


os UAVs só estão servindo de alvo para os terrroristas.

contudo os A-29s da black whiter -é assim q se escreve?!?!-
Colocaram no bolso o rafale e o SH.
por isso q as chances são grande para q possa ocorrer essa compra... eu acredito. Mas politica é politica...

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Re: Super Tucano News

#602 Mensagem por chm0d » Sex Jun 18, 2010 10:08 pm

Blackwater mais conhecida como Xe.

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Re: Super Tucano News

#603 Mensagem por Junker » Ter Jul 13, 2010 11:23 pm

Super Tucano na NAS Fallon brincando com uma Mk81:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#604 Mensagem por justo » Qua Jul 14, 2010 9:55 am

Putz..parece que errou feio o alvo ... era para acertar aquela viatura blindada .Queimou o filme !
Junker escreveu:Super Tucano na NAS Fallon brincando com uma Mk81:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#605 Mensagem por Skyway » Qua Jul 14, 2010 10:09 am

Acho que não heim, acredito que o alvo está dentro da bola de fogo.

Já vi A-29 lançando bombas, e vou dizer que é muito, muito difícil errar o alvo, muito menos a essa distância do "suposto" alvo.

Um abraço.

Carlos Mathias

Re: Super Tucano News

#606 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qua Jul 14, 2010 10:48 am

São dois alvos e ele acerta o da direita, que está dentro da bola de fogo.

thelmo rodrigues
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Re: Super Tucano News

#607 Mensagem por thelmo rodrigues » Qua Jul 14, 2010 11:21 am

Se com bomba burra é preciso assim.....imagina melhor equipado.

"O dia em que os EUA aportarem porta aviões, navios de guerra, jatos e helicópteros apache sobre o território brasileiro, aposto que muitos brasileiros vão sair correndo gritando: "me leva, junto! me leva, junto!"
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Re: Super Tucano News

#608 Mensagem por Glauber Prestes » Qua Jul 14, 2010 1:17 pm

Pois é... Imagina com uma Paveway no sovaco?
Cuidado com os sintomas.

Você é responsável pelo ambiente e a qualidade do fórum que participa. Faça sua parte.
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Re: Super Tucano News

#609 Mensagem por Skyway » Qua Jul 14, 2010 1:48 pm

O A-29 com Star Safire e uma bomba guiada, ninguém segura.

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Carlos Lima
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Re: Super Tucano News

#610 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qua Jul 14, 2010 2:04 pm

Já dizia o pessoal da FARC... :wink: :lol:

(O detalhe é que o T-6 de ataque está sendo testado também lá por aquelas bandas...)


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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Re: Super Tucano News

#611 Mensagem por soultrain » Qua Jul 14, 2010 2:19 pm

E o Air tractor acabou de fazer os primeiros disparos...

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#612 Mensagem por Junker » Qua Jul 14, 2010 3:38 pm

segundo o heyjoe, do AirWarriors, dia 30 de junho foi devolvido o ST à EP Aviation. Precisam de $44mi para a Fase II, mas o lobby da Hawker Beechcraft anda ganhando de lavada:
heyjoe escreveu:Alas, Imminent Fury Phase drew to a close on June 30 and the Super T was returned to it's owner sans IF mission kit*, which now awaits determination of Phase II platform (request to deploy 4 Super Ts was turned down by Congress despite request from theatre).

*So, right now, we have a box of cool stuff looking for a home.... ... post650328
According to defense officials, a request to reprogram $44 million in Navy funds to lease four Super Tucanos was made to Congress and turned down in April for reasons that remain unclear.

Suspicion is focused on pork-barrel politics. Specifically, the military was told there was no requirement for the aircraft or that the requirement was not clear, claims that would appear to be contradicted by Gen. McChrystal's letter.

Sen. Sam Brownback, a Kansas Republican who sits on the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee, is said to be behind the holdup. According to the defense officials, Mr. Brownback is delaying the funds so that a Kansas-manufactured competitor aircraft, the Hawker Beechcraft AT-6B, which has not been certified for military use, can be further developed and ultimately compete with the Super Tucano.

Spokesmen for Mr. Brownback did not return telephone calls or e-mails seeking comment.

(...) ... 92/?page=1

Juntando a isso a dificuldade da Embraer em achar uma parceira nos EUA para se associar... Sem ST para USAF/NAVY e/ou MC. :(

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Carlos Lima
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Re: Super Tucano News

#613 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qua Jul 14, 2010 3:43 pm


Os caras não iam ficar parados olhando o ST passar batido com as Star and Stripes e principalmente 'MARINES" ao lado da fuselagem...

O interessante é que não é um problema com as FAs Americanas... os caras estào pedindo o ST para Ontém!!!...

O problema é puramente da influência política e dos lobbies... só isso...

É bom separar as coisas e observar tais lições do aspecto político das compras e aquisições.


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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Re: Super Tucano News

#614 Mensagem por Junker » Qua Jul 14, 2010 3:46 pm

Ainda mais com o McChrystal sendo sacado, sem chances mesmo.
McChrystal’s Imminent Fury

July 8, 2010 by E.J. Smith Print This Post Print This Post

Do you want to know why General Stanley McChrystal’s departure is so costly? He’s no longer around to fight the inept Congress, who just rejected a $22-million reprogramming request for Imminent Fury, a $100-million classified Navy-run light-attack airplane program he championed. An indisputable expert in Special Forces, McChrystal strongly felt that light air support was needed in Afghanistan. In a May 20 memo to the Joint Staff urging the backing of the request, he wrote, “The immediate deployment of the Imminent Fury team into Afghanistan will validate the concept while simultaneously providing rapid means to help meet urgent theater demands.”

Air support is still in high demand in Afghanistan. Even though there were 19% fewer bombs dropped in the 10 months up to April compared to the previous 10 months, there was an overall increase in fighting. Before his departure McChrystal authorized over a dozen special operations per night against the Taliban. In this type of irregular warfare where collateral damage is not acceptable, it’s understandable that McChrystal felt light air support was critical to finishing the job, especially when some Taliban fled from population centers when attacked. Chasing them down could be better handled by light aircraft with .25 mm strafe, rather than the overkill of an F-15E or F-16. Getting close to the enemy is what this war is all about and McChrystal knew that. The nighttime raids were working. In one successful nighttime op, the “shadow” governor of Kandahar, Mullah Zergay, was captured. Light air support would make the raids work even better and fill the gaps left by dropping fewer bombs.

Light air support would also be helpful against the two insurgent groups linked to al-Qaeda, led by former commanders of the anti-Soviet Jihad, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Jalaluddin Haqqani, both of whom we supported in the ’80s. They are currently hiding in the sanctuary of the rugged tribal areas in Pakistan. McChrystal knew part of his strategy in winning this war would be to keep costs down yet keep the pressure from the air on the insurgents in Pakistan. He recognized how much cheaper it would be to fly prop planes over Afghanistan compared to F-15Es or F-16s.

In fact, Hawker Beechcraft sees prop-driven aircraft playing a key role in irregular warfare. Of course it would be in their best business interest to think that way, but there’s no question their AT-6 gives us an economical edge too. Once we have air supremacy thanks to the F-15Es or F16s, running a prop plane makes much more sense in areas like Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which are uncontested air environments. This would solve two problems. One, it would increase the years of operation for America’s already aging fourth-generation fleet, and two, prop planes are less expensive. In Iraq and Afghanistan we have been performing armed-overwatch missions for years. Hawker Beechcraft tested the AT-6 on 24 mock sorties that resulted in using less fuel than an F-16 uses in one sortie.

Whether the military uses a Hawker Beechcraft or the Embraer Super Tucano turboprop used in Imminent Fury, the reprogramming rejection is devastating because it delays a sensible weapon for Afghanistan. Imminent Fury would have created the operations manual (called build tactics, techniques, and procedures) for the program, which would have been useful to the Air Force, regardless of the final platform, to move the program further along faster. With its cancellation, it seems to me Imminent Fury is headed into more bureaucracy rather than the battlefield where it could meet urgent demands. ... nent-fury/

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Re: Super Tucano News

#615 Mensagem por Wingate » Qua Jul 14, 2010 4:05 pm


Pergunta de leigo:

O Super Tucano seria um bom interceptador para o Boeing Phantom Eye, novo avião espião da Boeing não-tripulado? Vejam no link abaixo:

Se a resposta for sim, seria uma ótima e mais econômica solução de interceptação para aqueles países que temem ser sobrevoados por essas aeronaves "abelhudas" e não dispõem de verbas suficientes para aeronaves mais potentes e sofisticadas.

