Divino Alves escreveu:
Mais uma bravata.
Nos seus posts vc sempre diz coisas impossíveis de comprovação. Vc conversa com os russos, ouve conversas do Copac, lê relatórios da FAB e do MD, tem amigos indianos, fala direto com os franceses, tem amigos brigadeiros, janta com o Lula, e por aí vai. Ou seja, sabe tudo.
Também pernoitou no Chateau Dassault?
Não pernoitei no Chateau Dassault, mas visitei e tenho uma garrafa de vinho que ganhei lá para comprovar, junto com fotos da comitiva. Também estive na fábrica da SAAB e, se fosse por uma questão de simpatia, defenderia a pôrra do Gripen NG. Confesso que me diverti muito mais entre os suecos.
Para ver como sua posição é frágil:
Brazil is going to participate in the programme to develop an advanced combat plane, the PAK-FA T-50, that will be built by the Russian Sukhoi firm. The aircraft, invisible to radar, promises to equal or exceed in performance the F-22 Raptor fighter produced in the United States (the most expensive in the world at a unit cost of 225m dollars) and should make its first flight within two years at most.
Construction of the new aircraft is only part of a wide-ranging memorandum of understanding negotiated in Moscow in February and signed yesterday by Minister of Strategic Affairs Mangabeira Unger and the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Valentin Alekseevitch. The framework agreement marks the start of extensive cooperation between the two countries, including that on technologies considered sensitive. Called for in the space field is construction of a new launch vehicle for communication and remote sensing satellites. Use of he Alcantara Airspace Base by a new binational firm is also contemplated in the treaty.
While discussing the PAK-FA, Mangabeira emphasized that it would be "a fifth-generation fighter." Total cost is estimated at about 20bn dollars to be divided among Russia, Brazil, and India, which will also participate in the programme. The unit price, lower than that of fourth-generation European fighters, will be approximately 80m dollars.
In addition to being invisible to radar, the fifth-generation combat planes will be capable of reaching supersonic speed using half the engine's power, a capability that reduces fuel expense, increases range, and reduces enemy engagement time. Currently, only the Americans have aircraft with those characteristics - the F-22 Raptors - in operation. A cheaper model, the F-35 Lightning, which costs 135m dollars, is in the certification phase. Minister of Defence Nelson Jobim was able to watch a demonstration of that fighter during his visit to the United States, but the aircraft was ruled out because no technology transfer was offered with it.
"We are interested not in buying finished goods but in partnerships that can strengthen the technological capability of both," the minister said. Besides Russia, China and Japan are also working on fifth-generation aircraft, but the PAK-FA project, which began 10 years ago, is the one currently at the most advanced stage.
Claro, vai tentar negar o inegável...
Em relação aos russos, fui o primeiro a noticiar a compra do Mi35M e as razões de sua compra pela Aeronáutica. É só checar. Também antecipei que o PAK-FA voaria entre o final de 2009 e o início deste. Quanto ao IBAS, vc deveria saber, se é tão bem informado, que sou assessor da Comissão de Relações Exteriores do Senado e que houve uma cúpula, acompanhada de uma reunião interparlamentar, do bloco em Brasília.
Por incrível que pareça, tenho amigos na Aeronáutica, inclusive na COPAC, onde houve um "pogrom" para eliminar os prórrussos (essa grafia nova é horrível) logo ao início do F-X2. Não escutei conversas internas, como vc, mal educadamente, sugeriu. Leia direito. Disse que um amigo, questionado, respondeu daquela forma...
A bem da verdade, gente como vc não merece meu tempo. Suas insinuações apenas provam falta de caráter.