Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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#17506 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Mar 08, 2010 1:34 am

Bender escreveu:Santiago
Na minha opinião, incrivelmente as críticas à proposta da Saab estão se intensificando pelos partidários da proposta da Dassault. Incrivelmente, pois todos os sinais emitidos pelo GF apontam para a escolha do Rafale.

Mesmo achando interessante a proposta da Saab, no meu ver, o ponto fraco dela não estaria em supostas fragilidades financeiras e nem na turbina GE. Estaria na falta de compromisso claro do governo sueco quanto a aquisição do Gripen NG independente de vendas externas.
Essas criticas são só reflexos da insistente repetição da mesmice do tal on the job,melhor para o Brasil.

Quanto as fragilidades da proposta da Saab,na minha maneira de observar e ouvir atentamente o que o governo brasileiro sempre sinalizou,desde as entrevistas dos ministros MU e NJ,pré END,a variedade de fornecedores no projeto é a maior fraquesa,negociar propriedades intelectuais com 30 é muito complicado,e sem duvida o descompromisso do governo suéco pesa muito também,fora o atraso do projeto e suas incertezas de prazos de conclusão,é muito complicado,mas os simpatizantes de SJC,forçaram e esticaram a corda pois tem seus interesses,quem acredita que o comando da Fab,ficaria ao lado dos interesses de meia duzia de empresas em detrimento da vontade do GF,foi iludido pelas boatarias de jornal.


Grande variedade de fornecedores os 3 possuem.
Os fornecedores são empresas e cada empresa detem certas tecnologias.
Para ter acesso a cada tecnologia, de variadas empresas, será necessário negociar com cada uma e fazer contratos específicos. A Dassault é uma integradora, assim como a Embraer, a Saab e a Boeing. Elas não podem repassar a terceiros tecnologias de outras empresas que não lhes pertencem.

A diferença é que no caso do Rafale, há uma preponderancia de fornecedores francesas, da UE. Mas há tb muitos fornecedores de fora da França, americanos, canadenses, suiços, alemães, britânicos, etc.

Fornecedores do Rafale:

Aérospatiale Matra (EADS)
Aerotech Herman Nelson, Inc.
Air Liquide
Ateliers De La Hte. Garonne
Avibank Mfg. Inc.
Ducommun Technologies, Inc.
EADS Test & Services
Eaton Aerospace Phelps Valve
Goodrich Sensors & Integrated Systems
Hexcel Composites
HiRel Connectors, Inc.
Hispano Suiza
Ho-Ho-Kus, Inc.
Le Bozec Filtration et Systemes
Le Creneau Industriel
Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH
Magnolia Plastics, Inc.
Martin Baker Aircraft
Microturbo S.A.
Moog Controls (UK)
Omega Technologies, Inc.
Orelube Corporation
Precimecan - Caromar Group
Rexnord Aerospace
Rexnord Cartriseal
RUAG Aerospace
Sagem Défense Sécurité
Saint-Gobain Sully
SNECMA Moteurs
Thales Airborne Systems
Thales Optronics (Bury St Edmunds) Limited


Editado pela última vez por Penguin em Seg Mar 08, 2010 1:41 am, em um total de 2 vezes.
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#17507 Mensagem por Andre Correa » Seg Mar 08, 2010 1:35 am

acabou, e o entrevistador não conseguiu espremer nada dele... ficou com uma cara de frustrado... lol

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#17508 Mensagem por Booz » Seg Mar 08, 2010 1:36 am

Bender escreveu:
alcluiz escreveu:ele não quer falar sobre o assunto... cortou rapidinho...
Nem dá pra falar luis,ele tá certo,muita hora nessa calma,de bico fechado surjem especulações que não acbam mais,por isso,ele só fala o óbvio e o que já é notório e público.

Ele se negou a fazer ejaculações precoces...

Carlos Mathias


#17509 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Seg Mar 08, 2010 1:36 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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#17510 Mensagem por AlbertoRJ » Seg Mar 08, 2010 8:46 pm

Tradução do sueco pelo Google:
Saab problems for children Wallenberg
Perspectives | SvD's Andreas Cervenka on Saab
Published: March 6, 2010, 12:34
BAE to reduce its stake in the defense group Saab is highly anticipated. But the deal confirms that the company has developed into a headache for the Investor. Preferably, the Wallenberg family may want to eventually jump out of the politically sensitive and difficult defense industry.

Saab Aerospace is borne out by the same group as the automaker and made up to the end of the 1990s civil aircraft, competing with cars in losses. As a pure defense companies have been major successes, but then a couple of years are piling up problems.

1 Size: To BAE chooses to step out of Saab is more than expected. Ties between the two companies were cut in practice in 2004 when co-operation to sell Gripen fighter aircraft was completed. It is rather surprising that a sale of the remaining shareholding delayed so long. There were already several years ago is clear that BAE and Saab are more adversaries than partners.

BAE sells the same time as the Eurofighter and the U.S. Joint Strike Fighter. It later struck out the Gripen in the high-profile deal in Norway last year. When the former partner now wanted to sell it is a bit of a question of honor for the Investor to purchase a portion of the shares. Just letting BAE evict them out of the stock market would have been tantamount to saying that we do not believe in his own company, especially when the price has halved since the peak 2007th 95:50 The price per share is only a dollar over the course when it went to the Exchange 1998th

But the link to the giant BAE finally settled illustrates that Saab is very small and alone in the highly competitive defense industry, even if the company is strong in certain niches. Through several acquisitions, Saab has consolidated almost all of the Swedish defense industry, but the size is still a dwarf.

2Industry: Size does matter because the defense industry is fundamentally quite hopeless. It is illustrated by the ongoing giant procurement of fighter aircraft in Brazil. The buyer - the Brazilian air force - states like Gripen. But to offer the best product does not last long in the defense industry where there are policies that determine. Everything indicates that the French Dassault - heavily backed by President Sarkozy now win the deal.

To Swedish politicians are not as enthusiastic as other arms dealers were Investors CEO Borje Ekholm that last summer suggesting that the Gripen would need more support from the Swedish government. It led to a scolding from Rosenbad. But it is a fact that Saab is the plain of competition in the lobby area. Saab can no longer rely on the Swedish military as reliable reference customer. The company may find itself in becoming a supplier, among others, when the defense will buy stock.

It has made the company had to restructure and cut back sharply in recent years.

If even a looming order in India goes past the Saab, it may be the end of the export drive around the Gripen.

On top of this there is the risk of corruption. BAE paid more than 3 billion to avoid prosecution on bribery in a giant tangle in which the sale of Gripen to the Czech Republic was under scrutiny of prosecutors.

Saab's first officially knew nothing about their partner's shady practices (Who believes that?) But each time only suspicions splashing it forward into the Investor's office.

3 Management: Recently, it became clear that Saab's CEO Ake Svensson ends. The intranet ver-sion was that he moved on to new challenges. In fact, he had reportedly been questioned for many years and a problem. It raises big questions about how skillfully Investor has been in its corporate governance and how appropriate is Marcus Wallenberg as Chairman.

That he would not even be available to explain the change of CEO is just a big over scores. If had to choose it would probably be quite easy to get rid of Saab, which is a bit of an odd bird in the portfolio and accounts for only 2 percent of assets.

Borje Ekholm is now increasing instead the operation and is committed to Saab's new CEO will complete the restructuring and get the Saab of new course with more civil affairs. Since it can be sold.

But the question is who will buy.

Saab is very small and lear mt in the hard competition - vulnerable defense branch.
Original: ... 383725.svd


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#17511 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Mar 08, 2010 9:53 pm

Interessante texto...
Alberto escreveu:Tradução do sueco pelo Google:
Saab problems for children Wallenberg
Perspectives | SvD's Andreas Cervenka on Saab
Published: March 6, 2010, 12:34
BAE to reduce its stake in the defense group Saab is highly anticipated. But the deal confirms that the company has developed into a headache for the Investor. Preferably, the Wallenberg family may want to eventually jump out of the politically sensitive and difficult defense industry.

Saab Aerospace is borne out by the same group as the automaker and made up to the end of the 1990s civil aircraft, competing with cars in losses. As a pure defense companies have been major successes, but then a couple of years are piling up problems.

1 Size: To BAE chooses to step out of Saab is more than expected. Ties between the two companies were cut in practice in 2004 when co-operation to sell Gripen fighter aircraft was completed. It is rather surprising that a sale of the remaining shareholding delayed so long. There were already several years ago is clear that BAE and Saab are more adversaries than partners.

BAE sells the same time as the Eurofighter and the U.S. Joint Strike Fighter. It later struck out the Gripen in the high-profile deal in Norway last year. When the former partner now wanted to sell it is a bit of a question of honor for the Investor to purchase a portion of the shares. Just letting BAE evict them out of the stock market would have been tantamount to saying that we do not believe in his own company, especially when the price has halved since the peak 2007th 95:50 The price per share is only a dollar over the course when it went to the Exchange 1998th

But the link to the giant BAE finally settled illustrates that Saab is very small and alone in the highly competitive defense industry, even if the company is strong in certain niches. Through several acquisitions, Saab has consolidated almost all of the Swedish defense industry, but the size is still a dwarf.

2Industry: Size does matter because the defense industry is fundamentally quite hopeless. It is illustrated by the ongoing giant procurement of fighter aircraft in Brazil. The buyer - the Brazilian air force - states like Gripen. But to offer the best product does not last long in the defense industry where there are policies that determine. Everything indicates that the French Dassault - heavily backed by President Sarkozy now win the deal.

To Swedish politicians are not as enthusiastic as other arms dealers were Investors CEO Borje Ekholm that last summer suggesting that the Gripen would need more support from the Swedish government. It led to a scolding from Rosenbad. But it is a fact that Saab is the plain of competition in the lobby area. Saab can no longer rely on the Swedish military as reliable reference customer. The company may find itself in becoming a supplier, among others, when the defense will buy stock.

It has made the company had to restructure and cut back sharply in recent years.

If even a looming order in India goes past the Saab, it may be the end of the export drive around the Gripen.

On top of this there is the risk of corruption. BAE paid more than 3 billion to avoid prosecution on bribery in a giant tangle in which the sale of Gripen to the Czech Republic was under scrutiny of prosecutors.

Saab's first officially knew nothing about their partner's shady practices (Who believes that?) But each time only suspicions splashing it forward into the Investor's office.

3 Management: Recently, it became clear that Saab's CEO Ake Svensson ends. The intranet ver-sion was that he moved on to new challenges. In fact, he had reportedly been questioned for many years and a problem. It raises big questions about how skillfully Investor has been in its corporate governance and how appropriate is Marcus Wallenberg as Chairman.

That he would not even be available to explain the change of CEO is just a big over scores. If had to choose it would probably be quite easy to get rid of Saab, which is a bit of an odd bird in the portfolio and accounts for only 2 percent of assets.

Borje Ekholm is now increasing instead the operation and is committed to Saab's new CEO will complete the restructuring and get the Saab of new course with more civil affairs. Since it can be sold.

But the question is who will buy.

Saab is very small and lear mt in the hard competition - vulnerable defense branch.
Original: ... 383725.svd

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#17512 Mensagem por soultrain » Seg Mar 08, 2010 10:00 pm

Interessante escolha de frase, num texto tão esclarecedor...

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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#17513 Mensagem por AlbertoRJ » Seg Mar 08, 2010 10:15 pm

Mas e o barquinho fazendo água?


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#17514 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Mar 08, 2010 10:22 pm

soultrain escreveu:Interessante escolha de frase, num texto tão esclarecedor...
Que a indústria de defesa está cada vez mais consolidada não é segredo a ninguém. Questão de escala e custos crescentes.
Mais cedo ou mais tarde a Saab AB e a Dassault acabarão sendo assimiladas ou se tornarão empresas especializada, de nicho de mercado e parte de cadeias de suprimento para os maga-grupos tais como Boeing, EADS, LM, BAe, Airbus, Finmecanica, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, United Technologies, etc.


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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#17515 Mensagem por prp » Seg Mar 08, 2010 10:27 pm

KC-X: Northrop alega licitação dirigida em favor da Boeing e desiste Postado por Vinna Segunda-feira, Março 08, 2010

Northrop acusa Boeing de favorecimento na concorrência KC-X da USAF

A escolha do avião-tanque que sucederá o famoso KC-135 teve mais um capítulo polêmico nesta semana. A Northrop anunciou a pouco que desistiu de participar da concorrência KC-X da Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos. E foi dura ao explicar a razão. Para ela, a USAF modificou os requerimentos para beneficiar o aparelho oferecido pela Boeing.

A concorrência KC-X chegou a ter como vencedor o avião oferecido pela Northrop em parceria com a EADS – uma versão militar do Airbus A330 -, mas o Pentágono voltou atrás e mudou os requerimentos, colocando a Boeing novamente na disputa com sua versão do 767.

A Northrop diz que o avião oferecido pela Boeing é menor e mais caro de operar, mas que isso não está sendo considerado pela USAF. Já a Boeing divulgou hoje novas imagens do NewGen Tanker e reafirmou que seu projeto é mais moderno que o da concorrente e que ela é a única empresa que já produziu com sucesso as lanças de reabastecimento, o sistema adotado pela USAF. Para alfinetar os europeus, a Boeing ainda lembrou que seu avião gerará mais empregos que o Airbus, obviamente.

O prazo para apresentação das propostas vai até o dia 24 de maio e não se sabe ainda se a EADS entrará sozinha na concorrência.

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#17516 Mensagem por Juliano Lisboa » Ter Mar 09, 2010 1:06 pm

Suécia vai comprar o Gripen NG? Foi isso que eu entendi?

$11 bn in the balance, a no-show by Gripen fighter
The high-voltage $11 bn contest to sell India 126 Medium Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MMRCA) is reaching the end of the trials phase
Ajai Shukla / New Delhi March 9, 2010, 0:43 IST
The high-voltage $11 billion contest to sell India 126 Medium Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MMRCA) is reaching the end of the trials phase in a blaze of potential controversy. Today, the last of the six contenders being evaluated by the Indian Air Force — the Swedish Gripen — will fly into Bangalore for trials. But Business Standard has learnt that the fighters that will touch down are not the ones Gripen International has offered: the JAS-39IN Gripen NG. Instead, two older-model Gripen-D fighters will arrive.

The Gripen NG, a light, agile, ultra-modern fighter built by Swedish aerospace giant Saab, has always been one of the hottest contenders in the fray. Saab’s default on the MoD’s trial directive, which lays down that the fighter being offered must be the one that comes for trials, will delight its rivals — Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Dassault, Eurofighter and MiG — since Gripen is now vulnerable to disqualification.

The arrival of the Gripen-D instead of the Gripen NG has a simple cause: the Swedish Air Force, having opted to buy the Gripen NG, has ordered a series of improvements on the Gripen NG prototype. With those under way, Sweden’s flight certification agency, SMV, has ruled that the prototypes require additional flight-testing in Sweden before the aircraft can be sent to India.

Confirming these developments, Gripen International’s Director India Eddy de la Motte told Business Standard, “The Gripen NG prototype cannot come just yet to India as it is required in Sweden for testing and evaluation by the Swedish Air Force which is interested in buying the fighter. Indian pilots have not yet flown the Gripen NG, but we will make sure that they get an opportunity at the very earliest.”

Sources close to the Gripen campaign say IAF pilots will be offered a chance to fly the Gripen NG during a visit to Sweden from April 6 to April 10. Gripen International will also ask for fresh dates for bringing the Gripen NG to India for trials.

Even without having flown the Gripen NG prototype, IAF pilots have been extremely impressed by the fighter’s capabilities. Besides superb avionics and superior flight performance, they say the Gripen NG can land on an 800-metre stretch of highway; and then refuel, rearm and take-off within 10 minutes. This allows each Gripen NG to fly far more sorties per day than any other aircraft today.

The IAF pilots who have visited the Gripen simulators in Sweden have also been impressed by its electronic warfare capabilities and by the training facilities on offer.

The Swedish MoD’s unexpected refusal to allow the Gripen NG to India for trials has blown the race wide open. From a clear front-runner in the eyes of the IAF, the Gripen NG’s very participation in trials now depends upon a decision to be taken by the IAF and the Indian MoD. ... er/387992/

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#17517 Mensagem por Marino » Ter Mar 09, 2010 1:21 pm

Argentina compra helicópteros e anuncia recuperação de Super Puma
Ter, 09 de Março de 2010 12:15
O Ministério da Defesa da Argentina anunciou que está adquirindo dois helicópteros russos de transporte Mi-17 para a Força Aérea Argentina (FAA) a um custo de US$ 27,2 milhões, para recuperar a capacidade de apoio às operações na Antártica. Os aparelhos serão entregues no primeiro trimestre de 2011.

Desde a retirada de seus dois helicópteros pesados BoeingVertol CH-47 Chinook, aeronaves que aguardam recuperação e modernização há alguns anos, a FAA tem utilizado seus Bell 212 para operações no continente gelado. Entretanto, esses aparelhos são limitados e não possuem os requisitos necessários para a tarefa. O Mi-17, além de oferecer maior capacidade de carga, será entregue com adaptações adequadas às inóspitas condições do intenso frio glacial.

Por outro lado, foi anunciada também a recuperação de três helicópteros Super Puma pertencentes ao inventário do Exército Argentino que estão fora de operação. Serão destinados US$ 4,6 milhões para colocar essas aeronaves em condições operacionais, sendo que um exemplar já se encontra na França e deverá retornar a curto prazo.

Adicionalmente, serão comprados cinco helicópteros Bell 206 Jet Ranger para serem empregados na formação de tripulações que irão atuar nos esquadrões de asas rotativas da Forças Armadas da Argentina. Esses aparelhos serão operados pelo Exército do país em seu aeródromo do Campo de Mayo, província de Buenos Aires.

"A reconquista da soberania perdida não restabelece o status quo."
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#17518 Mensagem por Sávio Ricardo » Ter Mar 09, 2010 1:55 pm

Tomara que voltem a ser uma grande FA como antigamente.

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#17519 Mensagem por avc1 » Ter Mar 09, 2010 2:54 pm

A Rússia está a desenvolver um novo míssil: o S-500
2010/03/06 — Clavis Prophetarum

Sistema S-300

A força aérea russa confirmou que o seu país está a desenvolver um novo míssil antiaéreo e antimíssil, com a designação S-500 e que deverá estar a realizar os seus primeiros testes já em 2012.

Ainda que seja capaz de intercetar múltiplos tipos de alvos, o S-500 está a ser concebido especialmente para enfrentar mísseis de alcance médio deslocando-se a velocidades até 5 km por segundo, fora da troposfera.

O S-500 terá um alcance máximo de 600 km e cada sistema será capaz de atacar até dez alvos em simultâneo. O novo sistema será capaz de atacar alvos deslocando-se a velocidades supersónicas e balísticas. O S-500 poderá funcionar em conjunto com mísseis da geração anterior, o S-400.

O desenvolvimento do novo míssil começou no começo da década e na época chegou-se a ponderar a utilização do sistema como parte de um sistema de defesa conjunto com os EUA, algo que depois, com o solipsismo da política externa Bush, viria a cair.

Fonte: ... 50909.html

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#17520 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Mar 09, 2010 3:11 pm

India set to discuss overhaul of Su-30 fighter jets with Russia

India set to discuss overhaul of Su-30 fighter jets with Russia

NEW DELHI, October 9 (RIA Novosti) - India will discuss the modernization of the Russian-made Su-30MKI aircraft in service with its air force during an upcoming military-technical cooperation meeting in Moscow, the country's Defense Ministry said on Friday.

The Indian Air Force currently has 105 Su-30MKIs mainly deployed at airbases close to the Chinese border.

"The aircraft, contracted in 1996, are due for overhaul shortly and Russia has offered an upgrade of the aircraft with incorporation of the latest technologies during the major overhaul," the ministry said in a statement.

The IAF originally ordered 50 Su-30MKI aircraft from Russia in 1996 and an additional 40 planes in 2007. India's Hindustani Aeronautics (HAL) was also contracted to build 140 aircraft in India between 2003 and 2017 under a licensed production agreement.

India previously said it was satisfied with the performance of Russian Su-30MKI fighters and has recently expressed interest in buying another 50 Su-30MKIs.

The 9th meeting of the Russia-India Inter-Governmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation will be held on October 14-15 in Moscow and will be chaired by Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and his Indian counterpart A. K. Antony.

The main focus of discussions during the meeting will be the extension of the existing bilateral agreement on military-technical cooperation for another 10 years, from 2011 to 2020.

Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission sessions are held annually and alternate between New Delhi and Moscow.

The current cooperation program until 2010 comprises about 200 joint projects, including the modernization of the Vikramaditya aircraft carrier (formerly the Admiral Gorshkov) for the Indian navy, the transfer of technology for the licensed assembly of T-90 tanks in India, the production of BrahMos missiles and the purchase of Smerch MLRS by India.

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*