Mundo pós-2025

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Mundo pós-2025

#1 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Set 14, 2009 9:06 pm

Long-term Forecast of Global Economy and Population 2006-2050 (January 17, 2007)



Letter by current Foreign Minister to former Brazilian President
February 1, 2021

I once heard a story—though I don’t know whether it is true—that Goldman Sachs added
Brazil as an afterthought to the now-famous grouping of emerging powers or BRICs.
Rumor has it that they needed a fourth country, preferably from the southern hemisphere
since the others were in the north. It also helped that Brazil began with a B.

True or not, Brazil has pulled its weight over the past six months, performing feats of
diplomacy that even the US could not equal in present circumstances.

Let me go back to the beginning even though a lot of this you probably know. In fact, to
get to the root of the Sino-Indian clash one has to go back to before there was any news
coverage of the events. A lot of little incidents led to the Chinese attack on two Indian
warships near the Gulf of Oman, which in turn triggered the US attack disabling the
Chinese ships as they tried to withdraw from the area.

For a couple years, the Chinese had been watching what from their standpoint was a
dangerous confluence of events that could jeopardize their economic, and therefore
political survival. First, the Japanese had been making considerable progress in
increasing their sea control capabilities in contested ocean areas that looked promising
for producing oil and gas.

Second, there had been a notable acceleration in Indian military modernization as well as
Indian attempts to erode Chinese gains in influence in Southeast Asia, increasing India’s
sea denial capabilities in the areas through which oil and gas move to China from the
Middle East. China responded, extending its naval presence in the region by establishing
naval basing rights in Pakistan. It became clear that Beijing’s strategy was to deter any
attempts by India to cut off China’s sea access to energy resources by creating a threat
to India’s sea lanes in return. Tensions between India and China increased sharply when
a Chinese submarine disappeared without explanation while monitoring an Indian naval

Third, Sino-Russian ties were simultaneously taking a tumble despite earlier cooperation
in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Beijing detected increasing signs of Russia
undercutting Chinese relations with Central Asian energy producers. This stoked Chinese
energy insecurity. The fact that emerging alternative energy technologies—clean coal,
solar, wind, and geothermal—did not materialize after heavy Chinese and US investments
did not help.

As you know, even before the Sino-Indian incident, there had been a skirmish or two last
year between the Chinese and Russians in Russia’s Far East. If the Chinese had feared
Russian double-dealing in Central Asia, the Russians were just as paranoid about what
the Chinese were up to in Russia’s Far East. Russia’s accusation of spying by a group of
students from Beijing and their subsequent imprisonment in Vladivostok occasioned, as
you well remember, the spectacular Chinese rescue effort which thoroughly humiliated
the Russians. Some called it a second Port Arthur in reference to the Japanese sinking
the Russian fleet in 1905.

Finally, the strategic competition for influence and access to energy that emerged in the
Middle East provided a new backdrop for the increasing rivalry among China, India, and
Russia. As the United States reduced its military forces in the Middle East following its
involvement in Iraq, the other great powers sought to fill the vacuum. The Gulf Arab states
in particular sought to strengthen their relationships with other powers to compensate for
what they perceived as a weakened US security commitment post Iraq.

Tensions in the Middle East meanwhile were building as Iran continued to exert its
growing power. A crisis erupted after a series of naval incidents between Iranian and
Arab naval forces in the Persian Gulf and the Iranian threat to close off access to the
Persian Gulf to all naval forces from outside the region except those of “friendly” powers.
In response the United States introduced new economic sanctions against Tehran
and sought to conduct an embargo of arms shipments to Iran. Tehran countered by
threatening to disrupt oil traffic through the Gulf if Washington did not back down.

US pressure on the Chinese, Indians, and others to reject Iranian blandishments and
eschew trade with the Iranians was intense. Beijing, fearing a disruption of its energy
supplies, sought to play both sides, maintaining good relations with the Saudis while also
promising Iran its support. China had established years back a strategic reserve, but that
would last only so long and the uncertainty about what happened after a couple months
was putting political pressure on the government. New Delhi also sought to nuance its
response noting its need for natural gas from Iran but also seeking to maintain its good
relationships with the United States and the Arab states. As a result, India declined to
participate in economic sanctions that were deemed to be most harmful to ordinary
Iranian citizens but agreed to help the United States enforce an arms embargo of Iran.

You can see how this set the stage for the incident at sea. Chinese nerves were on edge,
but the Chinese were feeling very confident after the Russian Far East affair. The Indian
attempt to stop a Chinese vessel believed to be carrying new antiship cruise missiles
to Iran was resisted by Chinese naval forces in the area. The Chinese saw the Indian
warships as surrogates for the United States. The US attack confirmed it. The original
crisis in the Middle East—which really pitted the US and Europe against Iran—was
suddenly transformed into a serious global one.

Fortunately over the past few weeks, unlike 1914, all the powers drew back from the
brink. But oil is now over $300 a barrel and stock markets are tanking everywhere. That
gets me to the Brazilian angle. We were the only country of any stature that had the trust
of all the others. Even the Europeans were discredited because of their links to the US
in the Iranian crisis. China was desperate to find a way out of what could have been an
even worse position if a full-scale conflict with the Indians and the United States had
ensued. The US too wanted a face-saving way out of the impasse since it looked like
the only victor would be the Iranians and to an extent the Russians who sat smugly on
the sidelines, reaping a fortune from the spike in energy prices. Of course, our continued
development of biofuels in a responsible way only added to our credibility.

In the negotiations, I have tried to do more than just get all sides to back off and pay
compensation to one another for the damages to each others’ fleets. China needs to be
assured about energy flows from the Gulf—at least once they resume.

I’m not sure that I have succeeded in building up mutual confidence and trust. I sense that
the militaries in all three places—the US, China, and India—will use the incident to push
for greater militarization of energy security. We could experience a new naval arms race.
In China, the government still fears public retribution because of the humiliation suffered
by the US attack. Of course, for the moment, the US is the target of the nationalistic
outburst—the United States’ new embassy is a charred ruin. The Iranians have let up
some, particularly as the US and its European partners made some concessions to get
the oil flowing again and defuse the crisis with China and India.

I’ve told the three—the US, India, and China—that the next round of talks has to be held
here in Rio. I’m hoping a more convivial atmosphere will do the trick. Rio Carnival is
around the corner…

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#2 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Set 14, 2009 9:16 pm

BRICs’ Bust-Up. In this scenario, growing
great power rivalries and increasing energy
insecurity lead to a military confrontation
between India and China. The US is
perceived by Beijing as favoring India to
China’s detriment. Great power war is
averted, but the protagonists must rely on a
third party—in this case Brazil—to help
reconstitute the international fabric. Given
the BRICs’ disarray, the United States’ power
is greatly enhanced, but the international
system is in for a bumpy ride as the military
clash leads to internal upheavals increasing
nationalist fervor. ... Report.pdf

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#3 Mensagem por Zanako » Ter Set 15, 2009 1:30 am

Eu Juro que queria saber as vezes de onde esse pessoal tiram essas projeções tão exatas....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Paulo Pantanal
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#4 Mensagem por Paulo Pantanal » Ter Set 15, 2009 1:43 am

......será que tem bola de cristal....
ou recebem emails de Ets....

o Brasil acima de tudo


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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#5 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Set 15, 2009 9:34 am

Esse tipo de estudo são projeções de cenários. São refeitos constantemente.

O GLOBAL TRENDS 2025, do NSI (do Director of National Intelligence) é particularmente interessante. É como os serviços de inteligência americanos antevêm as coisas no futuro.


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#6 Mensagem por edson_spbr » Ter Set 15, 2009 2:12 pm

2025??? Melhor esperar a profecia de 2012 acontecer primeiro. :wink: :wink:

O rio atinge seus objetivos, pois aprendeu a contornar seus obstáculos.
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Ilya Ehrenburg
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#7 Mensagem por Ilya Ehrenburg » Qua Set 16, 2009 8:58 pm

Como aqui não estarei, revelo a pouca importância que dou ao assunto. Preocupa-me mais, se a bela morena da padaria estará disponível para a noitada de sábado à noite.

Não se tem razão quando se diz que o tempo cura tudo: de repente, as velhas dores tornam-se lancinantes e só morrem com o homem.
Ilya Ehrenburg

Uma pena incansável e combatente, contra as hordas imperialistas, sanguinárias e assassinas!
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#8 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Set 17, 2009 4:19 am

És idoso, Ilya? Contas já em 2025 estar sepultado no Kremlin, ao lado dos Imortais Vladimir Ilytch e Joseph Vissarionovich, o paizinho dos povos? :shock: :shock:

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#9 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Qui Set 17, 2009 7:10 am

Ilya Ehrenburg escreveu:Como aqui não estarei, revelo a pouca importância que dou ao assunto. Preocupa-me mais, se a bela morena da padaria estará disponível para a noitada de sábado à noite.
Mais ânimo camarada, que a luta é brava. Verás a redenção de um povo em 2025. E o deca-campeonato mundial do Corinthians...!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Brasileiros de todo o Mundo Uni-vos!!!!!!!!

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#10 Mensagem por czarccc » Sáb Out 24, 2009 1:39 pm

Ressuscitando aqui diretamente do tópco do F-X2! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Achei que o estudo japonês subestimou muito o Brasil. Colocaram como crescimento médio entre 2005 e 2050 2,1%, eu acho muito pouco. Acredito que o Brasil tem capacidade para crescer entre 4% e 5% nesse período. Se o Brasil crescer a uma taxa média de 4% terá um PIB de 8,2 trilhões, lá eles colocam 3,6 trilhões.

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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#11 Mensagem por gaitero » Sáb Out 24, 2009 1:53 pm

Bom minha contribuiação inicial...

Divisão do Globo.

1- Aliados dos EUA.
2- Aliados dos EUA, mas que se contrapõem ao sistema de submissão.
3- China.
4- Neutros.

Os aliados dos EUA, são os mesmos.

Os aliados dos EUA, mas que de certa forma serão independentes das tencologias lá produzidas. Eu diria que serão 4, os BRIF ( Brasil, Russia, India e França ).

A China será indepentente e será a principal responsável pela queda da UE. ( concorrência desleal, que já hoje esta a fechar industrias por toda a europa. A UE se manterá, mas perderá força ).

E os neutros. Que são os países ''rebeldes'' e ''pobres'', os rebeldes são o que hoje representam, Irã, Venezuela, Bolívia. E os pobres, são os países da Africa, com ecessão de alguns aliados dos EUA e aliados dos BRIF.

My Two Centes...

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#12 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Sáb Out 24, 2009 4:06 pm

Difícil colocar a Russia como aliada americana heim... eles tem interesses próprios e vão bater o pé toda vez que o calo apertar na ásia ou no leste europeu. É mais fácil colocá-la como 'independente' junto com a China. A Índia é um aliado em maior grau, mas também vai bater o pé quando precisar.

Brasil e França são realmente aliados. Mas o Brasil tem tendência de se aproximar da China e Índia, convivendo entre os dois.

De mundo bipolar dos anos 70, unipolar dos anos 90, vamos passar para um multipolar nos anos 2020/30, com vários núcleos dissipados ao redor do globo de poder financeiro, político e militar.


amor fati
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#13 Mensagem por soultrain » Sáb Out 24, 2009 6:14 pm

gaitero escreveu:Bom minha contribuiação inicial...

Divisão do Globo.

1- Aliados dos EUA.
2- Aliados dos EUA, mas que se contrapõem ao sistema de submissão.
3- China.
4- Neutros.

Os aliados dos EUA, são os mesmos.

Os aliados dos EUA, mas que de certa forma serão independentes das tencologias lá produzidas. Eu diria que serão 4, os BRIF ( Brasil, Russia, India e França ).

A China será indepentente e será a principal responsável pela queda da UE. ( concorrência desleal, que já hoje esta a fechar industrias por toda a europa. A UE se manterá, mas perderá força ).

E os neutros. Que são os países ''rebeldes'' e ''pobres'', os rebeldes são o que hoje representam, Irã, Venezuela, Bolívia. E os pobres, são os países da Africa, com ecessão de alguns aliados dos EUA e aliados dos BRIF.

My Two Centes...
Meu caro,

Acho que não está correcto, a China já acabou com o tecido industrial Americano, se nada for feito será catastrófico mesmo, como um Americano CEO de uma major me disse esta semana, "o tecido industrial está destruído, os valores morais também, pouco nos resta". A Europa ainda se debate, mas debate-se sozinha, é necessário que haja mais justiça no Comércio Mundial, o Brasil vai ter um papel muito importante nessa luta.


"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Al Zarqawi
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#14 Mensagem por Al Zarqawi » Sáb Out 24, 2009 7:02 pm

E o V Império?Nem em 2025! :evil: :evil:


Al Zarqawi - O Dragão!

"A inveja é doce,o olho grande é que é uma merda"Autor desconhecido.
Jolly Roger
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Re: Mundo pós-2025

#15 Mensagem por Jolly Roger » Dom Out 25, 2009 4:00 am

Eu li um artigo.. não embro o autor..

ele desenhava um cenario que que a China entraria em atrito com a Russia...

a China cada vez mais avida por recursos.. e a Russia ali do lado rica em petroleo e minerios, mas com uma população em declinio

Acho meio improvavel mas o artigo era bastante interessante e os argumentos usados, eram até certo ponto.. plausiveis

vou procurar para postar aqui creio ser pertinente
