Segundo o Livro Branco da Defesa Francesa (The French White Paper on defence and national security), documento análogo ao END, que estabelece as diretrizes para os próximos 15 anos, diz que a frota de caças da França será composta por um
pool de Rafale e Mirage 2000-D (modernizados). Está previsto uma frota de 300 unidades incluindo os Rafale da Marinha.
Aualmente há 67 Mirage 2000D em operação (além dos 54 Mirage 2000N).
Os Mirage 2000D serão modernizados e permanecerão em operação pelo menos nos próximos 15 anos de acordo com o Livro Branco.
Também está previsto que o comando do pool de caças, incluindo os da Marinha, ficará sob responsabilidade da Força Aerea. Lembra o modelo inglês.
Trechos interessantes:
At the outcome of this process, the White Paper substantially redefines French
strategy in a 15-year perspective, embracing both defence and national security. It
includes foreign security and domestic security, military means and civilian tools. It
responds to risks emanating from either states or non-state actors. In an all-hazards
approach, it deals with active, deliberate threats but also with the security
implications of major disasters and catastrophes of a non-intentional nature.
The definition of a comprehensive security strategy is a consequence of the
challenges of our times, faced by France together with its allies and partners : the
fundamental changes of the age of globalisation are reflected in an in-depth, wideranging
strategic adaptation.
the White Paper emphasises four priority areas for the protection of
European citizens : the reinforcement of cooperation in the fight against
terrorism and organised crime; the development of European civil protection
capabilities; the coordination of the defence against cyber-attack; and the
securing of energy and strategic raw materials supply.
The White Paper emphasises that the European Union and the North Atlantic
Alliance are complementary. France is committed to the renovation of NATO
in particular on the occasion of NATO’s 60th anniversary, to be celebrated in
11. The new format of our armed forces is to be determined on the basis of
operational goals decided by the government based on the proposals made by
the White Paper Commission. The main force levels proposed are as follows:
A joint fleet of 300 combat aircraft, regrouping the combat aircraft of both the Air
Force and the Navy (Rafale and modernised Mirage 2000-D) under the
operational command of the Chief of staff of the armies and a single
management by the Air Force ; this force will allow for the permanent deployment
of 5 squadrons on our national territory and a force projection capability outside
of the national territory of 70 combat aircraft with an additional capability of 10
aircraft on permanent alert;
Fifteen prescriptions
2. Drones for surveillance and combat drones are in great demand for air-land
operations. Fighter aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles increasingly
complement each other.
6. The air strike component (combat aircraft) will be reorganised as a single pool of
300 combat aircraft (Rafale and modernised Mirage 2000) from both services
(Navy and Air Force), with management handed over to the Air Force. This new
organisation should significantly increase synergies and the fighting potential of
our air assets.
- Terrorism of mass destruction remains a key concern. Indeed, with the
prospect of terrorist groups acquiring unconventional weapons, the scale of
the threat may increase.
- Major criminal networks, including narco-traficking have become, and will
continue to be, a serious security concern. Criminal networks operate across the
continents, from the cocaine cartels of Latin America to the heroin trafickers of
Afghanistan, with financial resources comparable to those of certain states.
Similarly, the trade in counterfeit goods represents according to the OECD some
5 to 7% of global trade and disproportionately affects Western economies.
The main strategic axis
For France, the main strategic axis is the high-risk areas extending from the Atlantic
Ocean to the Sea of Oman and the Indian Ocean, with possible extension towards
Fonte: ... nglais.pdf