F-35 News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: F-35 News

#1141 Mensagem por Skyway » Qua Abr 22, 2009 12:43 am

"O avião mais poderoso da história..."

Quase tive um filho pelas orelhas.

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Re: F-35 News

#1142 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Abr 27, 2009 7:45 am

Coalition Postpones Test Aircraft Acquisition until 2010

(Source: De Telegraaf; issued April 23, 2009)

(Published in Dutch; unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com)

The brawl in the Cabinet concerning the Joint Strike Fighter has been provisionally calmed. An imminent political crisis concerning the purchase of the American aircraft has been averted by a complex compromise between the CDA, PvdA and the Christian Union parties.

The coalition parties have agreed to delay until 2010 a final decision concerning Dutch participation in the program’s operational test and evaluation phase. However, the Cabinet was authorized to negotiate contractual terms for the construction of an initial test aircraft. But, formally, nothing is to be purchased this year.

Moreover the final decision concerning the replacement of the complete F-16 fleet is postponed. It will not be made in 2010, as planned, but in 2012, and therefore by the next Cabinet [ie, the next government—Ed.]. In total, the planned 85 JSF aircraft will cost 6 billion euros.

The agreement by the government coalition allows the Netherlands to make an advance payment on the projected cost of 113.2 million euros of the first aircraft. As a result, the American manufacturer Lockheed Martin can begin construction of a test plane.

The Netherlands continues in this way to participate in the test phase, as a result of which Dutch airmen can begin training on the FSF (F-35) in 2011. However, the possibility has now been built in the contract that, next year, it will still be possible to abandon the effective purchase. The ordered aircraft would then be taken back by Lockheed Martin. The maximum financial risk to the Netherlands amounts to 20 million euros.

The advantage of the compromise, according to the Labor Party (PvdA) is that the House of Commons will now have enough time to take a final decision. Further information will become available on the price, quality, the noise levels and employment impact of the JSF program. For the PvdA, it was also important that taking a new step in the JSF program would not commit the country to final selection of JSF, according to PvdA spokesman Hamer.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The coalition’s decision also freezes the procurement process for three years, thus preventing the Ministry of Defence from issuing the Request For Proposals with which it wanted to launch the formal procurement process this year. The RFP has now been postponed until 2012. Although overshadowed by other aspects of the decision, the RFP freeze is, in fact, the most significant result of yesterday’s debate.)

Crisis Averted, JSF Decision in 2012

(Source: Dutchnews.nl; published April 24, 2009)

The three coalition parties have avoided a cabinet crisis by agreeing to delay a decision on buying the JSF fighter jet until after the next election.

Labour MPs had refused to back plans to buy two test JSFs, saying they were not sure it was the best deal for voters. Junior defence minister Jack de Vries, a Christian Democrat, had wanted to sign the contract by the end of the month.

“We can go further with the process. That is the fruit of the discussions between the coalition partners,” Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende was reported as saying.

Opposition MPs described the decision as laughable. “A monster,” said Liberal (VVD) leader Mark Rutte.


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: F-35 News

#1143 Mensagem por gaitero » Seg Abr 27, 2009 3:49 pm

glauberprestes escreveu:Mas que idéia de gerico colocar esse tipo de coisa online... eu tentaria deixar tudo off...
Este é o ponto glauber....

Pessoalmente falando, isto esta mais para uma puta duma propaganda..... Do que para um real furto de tecnologia....

Interessante é que não eram só Chineses, tinha Russo junto....

Acho que é para deixar uma impressão mais forte, comover o povo.... Aquelas coisas que só norte americano sabe fazer....

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Glauber Prestes
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Re: F-35 News

#1144 Mensagem por Glauber Prestes » Ter Abr 28, 2009 8:47 am

gaitero escreveu:
glauberprestes escreveu:Mas que idéia de gerico colocar esse tipo de coisa online... eu tentaria deixar tudo off...
Este é o ponto glauber....

Pessoalmente falando, isto esta mais para uma puta duma propaganda..... Do que para um real furto de tecnologia....

Interessante é que não eram só Chineses, tinha Russo junto....

Acho que é para deixar uma impressão mais forte, comover o povo.... Aquelas coisas que só norte americano sabe fazer....
Pensando por esse lado..... :)

Cuidado com os sintomas.

Você é responsável pelo ambiente e a qualidade do fórum que participa. Faça sua parte.
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Re: F-35 News

#1145 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Abr 28, 2009 8:56 am

DINAMARCA também adia decisão sobre o JSF
Fighter Jet Decision Postponed

(Source: The Copenhagen Post; issued April 24, 2009)

Defence Minister Søren Gade announced Wednesday that a decision on which fighter jets the military will purchase to replace the current F-16s is being postponed, reports Berlingske Tidende newspaper.

The issue has been hotly debated in both parliament and in the media over the past two years. But since the planes would not be put into service until 2020 anyway, Gade said there is no reason for MPs to get bogged down in the discussion.

Politicians had originally taken the issue up in parliament in connection with talks for the upcoming national defence plan, which would cover the next five years.

“The information for making any decision on the planes is not yet available, and I want to get started with negotiations on the national defence plan,” said Gade.

Gade said he expected that the fighter plane debate would begin again in the fall.

Denmark currently has 48 F-16 fighter planes, but it has sunk vast sums into the US Joint Strike Fighter project over the past few years. This investment has been criticised by many MPs as laying the foundation for justifying the purchase of the American planes.

The Norwegian military recently decided to purchase 56 JSF Lockheed Martin F35 Lightning II jets at a price of 145 billion Norwegian kroner, payable over a 30-year period.

In addition to Lockheed Martin, the other fighter jets being considered by the Danish military are the Saab-manufactured Gripen and the joint-EU project Eurofighter.

US manufacturer Boeing also entered the field recently, guaranteeing 20 billion kroner in contracts to Danish companies if the military purchased its F-18 Super Hornet.

http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... ision.html

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: F-35 News

#1146 Mensagem por gaitero » Ter Abr 28, 2009 2:06 pm

A umas 20 páginas alguem levantou esta hipótese, e agora a cada dia ela parece crescer e crescer....

O F-35 vai ou racha???

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Re: F-35 News

#1147 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Ter Abr 28, 2009 5:12 pm

O F-35 vai!


amor fati
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Re: F-35 News

#1148 Mensagem por LeandroGCard » Ter Abr 28, 2009 5:39 pm

gaitero escreveu:A umas 20 páginas alguem levantou esta hipótese, e agora a cada dia ela parece crescer e crescer....

O F-35 vai ou racha???
Com o encerramento da linha do F-22 já em vista (com menos de 200 unidades) o F-35 agora tem que ir de qualquer jeito. Duvido muito que as quantidades chegem ao que se imaginava inicialmente, mas sair ele vai.

Leandro G. Card

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Re: F-35 News

#1149 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Ter Abr 28, 2009 5:55 pm

LeandroGCard escreveu:
gaitero escreveu:A umas 20 páginas alguem levantou esta hipótese, e agora a cada dia ela parece crescer e crescer....

O F-35 vai ou racha???
Com o encerramento da linha do F-22 já em vista (com menos de 200 unidades) o F-35 agora tem que ir de qualquer jeito. Duvido muito que as quantidades chegem ao que se imaginava inicialmente, mas sair ele vai.

Leandro G. Card
Essa coisa de ele "ir ou não", p/mim já é questão fechada...

...agora cidadão...

... é tentar advinhar o preço... :? :? :? :? :? :lol: :lol: [005]

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
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Re: F-35 News

#1150 Mensagem por PRick » Ter Abr 28, 2009 6:31 pm

LeandroGCard escreveu:
gaitero escreveu:A umas 20 páginas alguem levantou esta hipótese, e agora a cada dia ela parece crescer e crescer....

O F-35 vai ou racha???
Com o encerramento da linha do F-22 já em vista (com menos de 200 unidades) o F-35 agora tem que ir de qualquer jeito. Duvido muito que as quantidades chegem ao que se imaginava inicialmente, mas sair ele vai.

Leandro G. Card

O problema todo é que com menos caças fabricados e encomendados, o custo desenvolvimento vai as alturas, como no F-22. Cada vez mais será raro um caça ser produzido acima de 1000 unidades. Porque o custo deles disparou. Acho todos eles muito caros. Imaginem um Gripen pesando de 16 toneladas sair por mais de 70 milhões de dólares a unidade. Os outros vão de 90 milhões para cima. E tudo fly cost. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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Re: F-35 News

#1151 Mensagem por gaitero » Qua Abr 29, 2009 4:56 pm

Walterciclone escreveu:
LeandroGCard escreveu: Com o encerramento da linha do F-22 já em vista (com menos de 200 unidades) o F-35 agora tem que ir de qualquer jeito. Duvido muito que as quantidades chegem ao que se imaginava inicialmente, mas sair ele vai.

Leandro G. Card
Essa coisa de ele "ir ou não", p/mim já é questão fechada...

...agora cidadão...

... é tentar advinhar o preço... :? :? :? :? :? :lol: :lol: [005]
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Re: F-35 News

#1152 Mensagem por caixeiro » Seg Mai 04, 2009 12:30 pm

Esse artigo e em Israel, e tem muitas duvidas validas, boa leitura.

o we really need such a pricey plane?
By Reuven Pedatzur
Tags: Israel News, IAF, budget

Since the 1960s, when Israel began equipping itself with U.S.-made fighter jets, our air force commanders have always wanted us to buy the most advanced generation of planes made by the American defense industry. The reason was to maintain air superiority and an excellent ability to attack targets from above, a central tenet of military doctrine. One of the consequences is the need to allocate a large chunk of the Israel Defense Forces' budget to acquiring combat jets.

The price of American fighter planes has ballooned, and the value of the deals has risen accordingly. While the cost of a Phantom jet toward the end of the 1960s was less than $2 million, the price of an F-15I jumped to $43 million by the end of the 1990s.

As we speak, Israel is negotiating a deal with the United States to buy 75 stealth-capable F-35 fighter jets, whose cost is likely to reach $15 billion. As in the past, the decision on whether to do a deal will almost certainly be made by the air force and be adopted by policymakers. But this time ministers and MKs should take an interest in the matter because of the repercussions a deal would have on the state budget and the IDF's preparedness. They will discover that many questions hover over the decision to buy such an expensive plane (around $200 million each). When examining such a large deal, we must consider whether the benefit to the air force justifies the high price.
Experts' appraisal of the F-35 raises doubts when considering future missions. Experts claim that its maneuvering capability is quite poor, perhaps worse than planes that flew missions over Vietnam. Its maximum speed is 1.6 times the speed of sound; the F-15 can reach 2.5 times. Yet the plane's biggest problem is probably its miserable payload. To prevent it from being picked up by radar, its munitions must be carried inside the aircraft. As a result, it holds just two bombs, each weighing one ton. An F-15, for instance, can carry a payload eight times as high.

Experts are convinced the F-35's maneuvering capability does not ensure that it will be able to evade enemy radar. As such, its ferry range is 1,800 kilometers, which means the plane can't fight a mission to Iran without refueling in midair. This is in contrast to the F-15's ferry range, which is four times as large.

All these factors lead us to wonder whether the air force's future missions can be executed with its current planes, or with the new line of fighter aircraft, whose prices are much lower (like the F-15 Silent Eagle, which sports impressive maneuvering capabilities). In any case, air forces around the world are increasingly opting for unmanned aircraft. Thus, it would be ill-advised to buy such expensive planes just to preserve the air force's prestige. If the main rationale for buying the new plane is to attack targets in Iran, this does not square with the fact that most of the plane's features make this task harder to carry out.

Before approval is given to allocate the $15 billion, the ministers and MKs should try to study the issue rather than blindly trusting whatever the IDF decides, as has always been the case.

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Re: F-35 News

#1153 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Seg Mai 04, 2009 1:40 pm

Artigo MUITO interessante.

Realmente, se o F-35 terá alcance INSUFICIENTE para guerrear com o Irã, e ainda essa PEQUENA capacidade de levar bombas, o F-15 Silent Eagle é uma opção MUITO TENTADORA.

Israel teria o alcance necessário e a capacidade de armas superior, além de poder executar certas missões em modo FURTIVO com armamento interno.

Su-35BM - 4ª++ Geração.
Simplesmente um GRANDE caça.
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Re: F-35 News

#1154 Mensagem por gaitero » Seg Mai 04, 2009 1:51 pm

Ora mas o F-35 não é ''o avião mais poderoso da história''???


Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Re: F-35 News

#1155 Mensagem por soultrain » Seg Mai 04, 2009 1:54 pm

Mas o Brasil não ia fabricar o -35 e vender para o pessoal do deserto, customizado e a preço de banana, para 2014? Estou deveras surpreendido com todo esse vinagre neste tópico.

Desculpem mas até estava com inveja...


"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:
