
Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: Mectron

#1021 Mensagem por Alcantara » Dom Abr 26, 2009 11:39 am

Skyway escreveu:Aí pessoal, não sei se vai funcionar, mas ta aí um esqueminha em .gif que explica o funcionamento do "Híbrido" que a Britanite está desenvolvendo com a Mectron.

Um abraço!

Já comecei a divulgar, rsrsrrs.. :twisted:

"Se o Brasil quer ser, então tem que ter!"
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Re: Mectron

#1022 Mensagem por Alcantara » Dom Abr 26, 2009 11:50 am

ZeRo4 escreveu:Fala sério... o MAA-1 saiu mesmo??? po... a parte mais importante que é o seeker é comprada da África do Sul... menos!!! menos!!! :)

Zero, isso foi respondido na página 67. 8-]

Walterciclone escreveu:
Vinicius Pimenta escreveu:Concordo em 100% do que diz o Walter. O programa MAA-1B era necessário.

Agora, um detalhe aqui, mas em relação ao MAA-1A. O pessoal da Mectron garantiu que o seeker do míssil não tem nada de sul-africano, eles desenvolveram totalmente aqui, o que é uma informação conflitante ao que nós já tínhamos ouvido falar aqui no fórum.
Correto, mas foi a Posteriori. Inicialmente era Zulu mesmo.

"Se o Brasil quer ser, então tem que ter!"
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Re: Mectron

#1023 Mensagem por Plinio Jr » Dom Abr 26, 2009 12:11 pm

Tbm penso que acertaram em continuar o desenvolvimento do MAA-1B, mesmo com a entrada no projeto A-Darter....quanto mais opções e de preferência nacionais, melhor.... :wink:

¨Os políticos e as fraldas devem ser mudados frequentemente e pela mesma razão ¨- Eça de Queiroz
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Re: Mectron

#1024 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Dom Abr 26, 2009 12:32 pm

Demanda: Chamada Pública MCT/FINEP Subvenção Econômica à Inovação 01/2007
Tipo de Demanda: Chamada Pública
Agência: FINEP
Período: 10/12/2007 - 10/06/2009
Coordenador: Flavio Pillon Richards

Informações Financeiras
Dados da Agência:
Valor Contratado: R$ 2.989.759,20
Valor das Bolsas: R$ 0,00

Ou seja, desde o fim de 2007 já se sabia que o projeto do auto-diretor duraria até pelo menos metade de 2009. E os testes só vêm depois que tudo estiver pronto, ou seja, 2010.


amor fati
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Re: Mectron

#1025 Mensagem por Matheus » Dom Abr 26, 2009 9:40 pm

Alcantara escreveu:
Skyway escreveu:Aí pessoal, não sei se vai funcionar, mas ta aí um esqueminha em .gif que explica o funcionamento do "Híbrido" que a Britanite está desenvolvendo com a Mectron.

Um abraço!

Já comecei a divulgar, rsrsrrs.. :twisted:
Seria um foguete que leva dentro um bomba guiada?

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Re: Mectron

#1026 Mensagem por Glauber Prestes » Dom Abr 26, 2009 9:57 pm

Acho que é mais um foguete que leva um pequeno míssil.
Cuidado com os sintomas.

Você é responsável pelo ambiente e a qualidade do fórum que participa. Faça sua parte.
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Re: Mectron

#1027 Mensagem por Skyway » Dom Abr 26, 2009 9:59 pm

É exatamente por essa confusão que a Britanite ainda não definiu direito como chamar o projeto. :mrgreen:

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Re: Mectron

#1028 Mensagem por Marino » Seg Abr 27, 2009 10:06 am


Date Posted: 24-Apr-2009
Jane's Defence Weekly
Brazil's guided weapons target export markets

The recent LAAD defence exhibition was notable for the first public
display of several new and emerging guided weapon programmes. Robert
Hewson reports

Brazil's guided-weapon sector is undergoing a renaissance. Local
industry, led by Mectron, is expanding its product lines, winning
meaningful export business and building significant partnerships with
firms at home and abroad.

The influence of Brazil's new national plan for strategic defence
policy, which emphasises the growth of the national and independent
technology base, can be keenly felt. The evidence for this was
displayed in April at Rio de Janeiro's LAAD 2009 aerospace and defence
exhibition, where several new and emerging weapon programmes were
unveiled for the first time.

Mectron's presence at LAAD was dramatic, with the public debut of the
once highly classified MAR-1 anti-radiation missile (ARM). Alongside
this was a hitherto unknown guided bomb design, the Acauan (Falcon) or
SMKB (smart kit bomb). Mectron also brought its new MAA-1B Piranha II
agile air-to-air missile (AAM), which is about to begin flight

The MAR-1 and Acauan are important new products for Mectron's
technology base and export prospects. With the MAR-1 Brazil has done
what very few other countries have accomplished, in building an
indigenous ARM. Crucially, the company says that the design and
manufacture of the missile's multi-band passive seeker is wholly
Brazilian. Observers outside Brazil have long speculated that Mectron
received third-party assistance with the seeker design but as one
company executive told Jane's: "Actually, nobody wants to talk about
this kind of technology. It's very sensitive, so we got no help

A carbon-fibre body gives the MAR-1 a 'stealthier' radar signature,
making it difficult to detect and defeat in combat. Its 90 kg warhead
is fitted with a laser proximity fuze and the weapon can be programmed
with a range of tactical behaviours. Several launches from Brazilian
Air Force A-1 (AMX) attack aircraft have been conducted to date but
missile trials are still to be fully completed. In 2008 the Brazilian
government completed the sale of 100 MAR-1s to Pakistan but Mectron
has refused to comment on this deal.

Nevertheless, the deal with Pakistan was a milestone in Mectron's
export history.

Sales are also being won by the Acauan GPS/INS-guided bomb. Jane's
understands that orders have already been received from Brazil,
another South American country and no less than four customers in the
Middle East. The Acauan's advantage is its ease of integration,
particularly with unsophisticated aircraft, because it does not need a
databus connection for control or targeting. Instead, Mectron has
developed a handheld wireless system, described by one source as "an
encrypted Tom-Tom" (referring to the popular brand of in-car GPS
navigation system). The weapon can be programmed with target co-
ordinates on the ground or in the air using this small device.

A key requirement is that the weapon can be integrated on a given
aircraft without support from the aircraft manufacturer. Compatibility
with the US GPS, Russian GLONASS and European Galileo satellite
navigation systems has been assured. Two versions are being produced
using either 500 lb Mk 82 or 1,000 lb Mk 83 bomb bodies. A wing kit
range extension kit is also under development. First deliveries are
expected in 2010.

Partnering Mectron on the Acauan project is Brazil's Britanite IBQ
Defence Systems. Britanite is a major supplier of commercial
explosives and energetic materials. For example, it provides ammonium
perchlorate for rockets in the national space launch programme and
elsewhere. Britanite also has a munitions production capability of its
own, building bombs and rockets for Brazil and several export

Britanite is supplying the warheads, tail-kit and complete mission
planning system for the Acauan. It is also taking the experience
gained through the Acauan project and applying it to a new guidance
system for artillery rockets. The company is looking at upgrading 300
mm rockets and has also shown plans for a Unimog-based vehicle
launcher. Britanite describes the guided rocket programme as "a
conversation right now but an agreement will follow".

On the international front Brazil's major partner in missile
development is South Africa, where Denel Dynamics is co-operating with
Mectron on the A-Darter IR-guided AAM. Mectron sees its own more agile
but shorter-range MAA-1B as a fourth-generation AAM while describing
the A-Darter as a fifth-generation weapon.

Brazil's participation in the long-running A-Darter programme was
crucial to ensuring its survival as funding dried up at home. Mectron
has design personnel working with Denel in South Africa and will build
components for the missile, which is scheduled to enter service in
2012. No decision yet has been taken on establishing a Brazilian
production line.

The A-Darter should be a key weapon for whatever type is selected for
the Brazilian Air Force's FX-2 fighter requirement. The missile is the
third strand in Mectron's staged AAM development work and the company
says that it is already looking at beyond-visual-range (BVR) missile
designs as a natural next step in that process. As a similar BVR
weapon requirement exists in South Africa, it is not impossible that
this will be the next collaboration between the two.

Robert Hewson is Editor of Jane's Air-Launched Weapons, reporting from
Rio de Janeiro

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Re: Mectron

#1029 Mensagem por Booz » Seg Abr 27, 2009 3:22 pm

O cara é só elogios... Mectron e Britanite de bola cheia.

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Re: Mectron

#1030 Mensagem por ZeRo4 » Seg Abr 27, 2009 3:33 pm

Alcantara, era só "brincanagem' mesmo :)))

Rapaz... tem mta gente que deve pedir desculpas e dobrar a lingua antes de falar novamente. Eu fui um dos que achava que essas tecnologias demorariam anos para chegar... é muito interessante ver que elas chegaram rápido e com tecnologia totalmente nacional...

Estão de bola cheia mesmo!!! puta orgulho!

As GATs e RPs estão em toda cidade!

Como diria Bezerra da Silva: "Malandro é Malandro... Mané é Mané..." ;)
Carlos Mathias

Re: Mectron

#1031 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Seg Abr 27, 2009 3:38 pm

Pois é Zero, isso porque as FAs mantiveram os tais núcleos de excelência, os cérebros. Coisa que um pratelerista jamais vai entender.
A mesma coisa o "elevado nº de generais". Quanto tempo leva para se formar um oficial general???? Isso não se encontra nas prateleiras da vida, logo, deve-se estocar, entende? :wink:

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Re: Mectron

#1032 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Seg Abr 27, 2009 8:39 pm

Marino escreveu:ANALYSIS

Date Posted: 24-Apr-2009
Jane's Defence Weekly
Brazil's guided weapons target export markets

The recent LAAD defence exhibition was notable for the first public
display of several new and emerging guided weapon programmes. Robert
Hewson reports

A carbon-fibre body gives the MAR-1 a 'stealthier' radar signature,
making it difficult to detect and defeat in combat. Its 90 kg warhead
is fitted with a laser proximity fuze and the weapon can be programmed
with a range of tactical behaviours. Several launches from Brazilian
Air Force A-1 (AMX) attack aircraft have been conducted to date but
missile trials are still to be fully completed. In 2008 the Brazilian
government completed the sale of 100 MAR-1s to Pakistan but Mectron
has refused to comment on this deal.

Nevertheless, the deal with Pakistan was a milestone in Mectron's
export history.

Sales are also being won by the Acauan GPS/INS-guided bomb. Jane's
understands that orders have already been received from Brazil,
another South American country and no less than four customers in the
Middle East
. The Acauan's advantage is its ease of integration,
particularly with unsophisticated aircraft, because it does not need a
databus connection for control or targeting. Instead, Mectron has
developed a handheld wireless system, described by one source as "an
encrypted Tom-Tom" (referring to the popular brand of in-car GPS
navigation system). The weapon can be programmed with target co-
ordinates on the ground or in the air using this small device.

A key requirement is that the weapon can be integrated on a given
aircraft without support from the aircraft manufacturer. Compatibility
with the US GPS, Russian GLONASS and European Galileo satellite
navigation systems has been assured. Two versions are being produced
using either 500 lb Mk 82 or 1,000 lb Mk 83 bomb bodies. A wing kit
range extension kit is also under development. First deliveries are
expected in 2010.

Partnering Mectron on the Acauan project is Brazil's Britanite IBQ
Defence Systems. Britanite is a major supplier of commercial
explosives and energetic materials. For example, it provides ammonium
perchlorate for rockets in the national space launch programme and
elsewhere. Britanite also has a munitions production capability of its
own, building bombs and rockets for Brazil and several export

Britanite is supplying the warheads, tail-kit and complete mission
planning system for the Acauan. It is also taking the experience
gained through the Acauan project and applying it to a new guidance
system for artillery rockets. The company is looking at upgrading 300
mm rockets and has also shown plans for a Unimog-based vehicle
launcher. Britanite describes the guided rocket programme as "a
conversation right now but an agreement will follow".

On the international front Brazil's major partner in missile
development is South Africa, where Denel Dynamics is co-operating with
Mectron on the A-Darter IR-guided AAM. Mectron sees its own more agile
but shorter-range MAA-1B as a fourth-generation AAM while describing
the A-Darter as a fifth-generation weapon.

The A-Darter should be a key weapon for whatever type is selected for
the Brazilian Air Force's FX-2 fighter requirement. The missile is the
third strand in Mectron's staged AAM development work and the company
says that it is already looking at beyond-visual-range (BVR) missile
designs as a natural next step in that process. As a similar BVR
weapon requirement exists in South Africa, it is not impossible that
this will be the next collaboration between the two.

Robert Hewson is Editor of Jane's Air-Launched Weapons, reporting from
Rio de Janeiro
Muito obrigado por ter postado Marino, estava falando do BVR a alguns dias atrás...

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
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Re: Mectron

#1033 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Seg Abr 27, 2009 8:44 pm

jp escreveu:O cara é só elogios... Mectron e Britanite de bola cheia.
Vem mais, é só aguardar uns dois anos ou menos. O Pessoal do CTA falava que uma vez que o pessoal engajado nos ATUAIS programas de mísseis armas guiadas, assim que tiverem seus projetos entrando em produção, já serão engajados em OUTROS projetos...[009] [009] [009]

É isso aí gurizada, não se pode falar ainda que o Brasil é um "grande player" no mercado internacional de mísseis táticos, mas sem dúvida estamos no caminho certo.

A propósito, se "alguém" pedir Fuentes a vcs... podem procurar acá... :twisted: :twisted:

Vale lembrar uma frase do pai do prograama nuclear da MB o Alte. Álvaro Alberto.

"Tecnologia própria é independência"

E uma série de crianças em fila, é a ante sala do Lugo... [101] [101] [101] [101] [101] [002]

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
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Re: Mectron

#1034 Mensagem por Bolovo » Seg Abr 27, 2009 11:08 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Pois é Zero, isso porque as FAs mantiveram os tais núcleos de excelência, os cérebros. Coisa que um pratelerista jamais vai entender.
A mesma coisa o "elevado nº de generais". Quanto tempo leva para se formar um oficial general???? Isso não se encontra nas prateleiras da vida, logo, deve-se estocar, entende? :wink:
Eu não entendi a relação. [085]

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
Carlos Mathias

Re: Mectron

#1035 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Seg Abr 27, 2009 11:15 pm

É o seguinte Bolovo. este tipo de pessoal foi mantido em prontidão, com seus programas tocados a passo de lesma as vezes, mas sem nunca parar, por quê? Porque havendo grana, o mais difícil já temos, a massa crítica de cérebros, o embrião dos projetos.
Pessoal de alto nível não se consegue numa prateleira, leva décadas e décadas para se formar.

O paralelo com os oficiais generais é que temos uma grande quantidade deles pronta, o resto de consegue, bastando haver grana e vontade política. Então se precisarmos aumentar nosso EB de tamanho rapidamente , podemos comprar de tudo, produzir de tudo, formar sargentos e tenentes em três anos talvez. Mas e generais, almirantes e brigadeiros????
Chuto no mínimo duas décadas. Podemos esperar esse tempo em caso de aumento de tensões?

Acho que agora foi. :wink:

