JAS-39 Gripen

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6196 Mensagem por Bolovo » Qui Jan 15, 2009 5:29 pm

Não é muito cara dos indianos jogar toda sua frota para um unico fornecedor.

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6197 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Jan 15, 2009 6:27 pm

Fora que lá eles podem decidir sem a ingerência americana, como em outros países. Se escolherem, tá escolhido. Porém em outros lugares fica claríssima a opção política/viver na aba.

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6198 Mensagem por Benke » Sex Jan 16, 2009 6:20 am

Jornais indianos são conhecidos por sua baixa credibilidade
Notícias são plantadas pelos concorrentes toda hora
Vamos esperar para ver o relatório

ars longa vita brevis
Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6199 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Sex Jan 16, 2009 7:24 pm

Huuuuuuuuuuuuum... Isso me lembra jornais de um outro país... :lol:

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6200 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Jan 16, 2009 10:28 pm

Gripen Denies It Failed MMRCA Evaluation
http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/ ... Evaluation

Jan 16, 2009
By Neelam Mathews

Gripen is denying a news report in a local daily claiming the company will be left out of field trials for India’s Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) competition because it didn’t make the grade with the Indian Air Force’s Technical Evaluation Committee.

The technical report is said to have been submitted to the Indian ministry of defense in mid-November of last year. It now has to be approved by the ministry before the field trials can begin.

Eddy de la Motte, director of Gripen International in India, told Aerospace DAILY, “Whether any of the competitors has failed to meet the cut for field evaluation or not is a question that should be put to the Indian Air Force. We firmly believe the report does not have any basis and the news is incorrect.

“Gripen meets or exceeds every operational requirement raised by the IAF in all roles — air-to-air fighter, [beyond visual range/within visual range], air-to-surface land and sea, and reconnaissance,” de la Motte added.

The six contenders for the 126-aircraft program also include Boeing’s F/A-18E/F, Lockheed Martin F-16, EADS Eurofighter, Dassault Aviation’s Rafale and the Russian Aircraft Corporation’s (RAC) MiG-35.

“It defeats the purpose for the air force not to experience all the six aircraft,” one senior official said. “We have nothing to lose to check them all out.” This substantiates another source that tells Aerospace DAILY that all six contenders are scheduled to participate in hot/cold trials beginning in April.

There has been speculation that with India’s indigenous Light Combat Aircraft slated to enter production in 2012, the Gripen acquisition may become extraneous. However, Gripen says it is not competing with the LCA. “In fact, the LCA program could benefit immensely from this array of technology, which Saab is happy to transfer,” de la Motte said.

The Gripen IN is a medium-weight multi-role fighter aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight 16.5 ton. The company says it is on schedule for delivery ahead of the other aircraft in contention for the MMRCA program.

Gripen has indicated that a “wide range of state-of-the-art weapons can be sourced from manufacturers worldwide, giving the Indian Air Force freedom of choice by avoiding sole source supply constraints.”

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6201 Mensagem por Penguin » Qua Jan 21, 2009 9:31 pm

A Defense Technology Blog

Sales May Not Boom, But Gripen NG Does
Posted by Bill Sweetman at 1/21/2009 10:08 AM CST

Saab's Gripen NG demonstrator achieved supercruise today. On a test flight at 28,000 feet over the Baltic, test pilot Magnus Ljungdahl accelerated to Mach 1.2 and cut the afterburner. The prototype - powered by a General Electric F414 engine - stabilized at Mach 1.2 in military power. Ljungdahl's supersonic run ended when he ran out of test area.

Saab photo

In the interests of fairness and objectivity it should be pointed out that it tends to be a smidge cold in January over the Baltic, which reduces the speed of sound. (Britain's Lightning fighter hit the Mach 2 mark in a late-November cold snap in 1958.) And one can assume that the jet was in clean configuration. Gripen is not going to be a supercruiser in the F-22 class - and neither is anything else.

Nonetheless the Mach number is slightly higher than what the JSF has achieved so far, with afterburning.

It is also good news in terms of what it means for the jet's ability to sustain high subsonic speeds with a large external load, transonic acceleration and other parameters. The F414 has a greater specific thrust than the standard Gripen's RM12 (an F404 derivative), which other things being equal gives better top-end performance.

The Gripen Demo has flown 40 times since getting airborne on May 27 last year.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6202 Mensagem por Mapinguari » Qua Jan 21, 2009 10:01 pm

Santiago escreveu:Ares
A Defense Technology Blog

Sales May Not Boom, But Gripen NG Does
Posted by Bill Sweetman at 1/21/2009 10:08 AM CST

Saab's Gripen NG demonstrator achieved supercruise today. On a test flight at 28,000 feet over the Baltic, test pilot Magnus Ljungdahl accelerated to Mach 1.2 and cut the afterburner. The prototype - powered by a General Electric F414 engine - stabilized at Mach 1.2 in military power. Ljungdahl's supersonic run ended when he ran out of test area.

Saab photo

In the interests of fairness and objectivity it should be pointed out that it tends to be a smidge cold in January over the Baltic, which reduces the speed of sound. (Britain's Lightning fighter hit the Mach 2 mark in a late-November cold snap in 1958.) And one can assume that the jet was in clean configuration. Gripen is not going to be a supercruiser in the F-22 class - and neither is anything else.

Nonetheless the Mach number is slightly higher than what the JSF has achieved so far, with afterburning.

It is also good news in terms of what it means for the jet's ability to sustain high subsonic speeds with a large external load, transonic acceleration and other parameters. The F414 has a greater specific thrust than the standard Gripen's RM12 (an F404 derivative), which other things being equal gives better top-end performance.

The Gripen Demo has flown 40 times since getting airborne on May 27 last year.
Acho que ele estava "limpo". Quero ver é a confirmação de que faz supercruise ao menos em configuração ar-ar: 1 tanque extra, 4 BVR e 2 WVR.


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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6203 Mensagem por kekosam » Qui Jan 22, 2009 8:56 am

Bom... pode até fazer... mas vai precisar PC pra acelerar até lá... :roll:

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6204 Mensagem por A-29 » Qui Jan 22, 2009 11:12 am

Embora não possamos nos esquecer de que por enquanto apenas o prototipo de desenvolvimento está em testes.

Imagino que o NG tenha algumas soluções aerodinâmicas buscando o supercruzeiro.

De toda sorte, mesmo ao Gripen C/D já era atribuída essa capacidade em algumas notícias. Não sei se isso é verdade ou não.

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6205 Mensagem por Benke » Seg Jan 26, 2009 6:03 pm


Caprice mp.net

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6206 Mensagem por trabuco » Seg Jan 26, 2009 8:35 pm

Capacidade de supercruzeiro do Gripen


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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6207 Mensagem por kekosam » Ter Jan 27, 2009 10:00 am

Nesta notícia do Defesanet diz que atualmente, além do NG só p F-22 tem capacidade supercruise em seu projeto (entendo isto como conseguir voar supercruise nivelado, não em descida como o F-16). Mas se não me engano, o EF-2000 também tem esta capacidade.

Assinatura? Estou vendo com meu advogado...
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6208 Mensagem por Wolfgang » Ter Jan 27, 2009 10:23 am

Olha, impossível um caça hoje voar em supercruise com cargas externas. O F-22 faz com maestria, mas com cargas na baia.

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6209 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Ter Jan 27, 2009 11:24 am

kekosam escreveu:Nesta notícia do Defesanet diz que atualmente, além do NG só p F-22 tem capacidade supercruise em seu projeto (entendo isto como conseguir voar supercruise nivelado, não em descida como o F-16). Mas se não me engano, o EF-2000 também tem esta capacidade.
Não tem nada de além do NG.

O F-22 é o ÚNICO.

O Gripen não foi desenvolvido desde o início para ter esta capacidade.

E tb fala que não foi especificado pela SAAB se o vôo foi todo nivelado, etc. Ou seja, talvez este supecruise tenha sido igual o do F-16....

Dificilmente uma aeronave com cargas externas conseguirá manter supercruise.

Se quisessemos isso, aliás, muito mais que isso (> Mach 1.5) como o F-22, teriamos que adquirir o Pak-Fa.

Su-35BM - 4ª++ Geração.
Simplesmente um GRANDE caça.
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#6210 Mensagem por kekosam » Ter Jan 27, 2009 11:27 am

Talvez com dois AAM... já que refere-se a uma chegada rápida para interceptação.

Assinatura? Estou vendo com meu advogado...