Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

Qual o caça ideal para o FX?

F/A-18 Super Hornet
Gripen NG
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5251 Mensagem por orestespf » Qua Ago 20, 2008 12:16 am

Carlos Mathias escreveu:8-] 8-] 8-] 8-]
Sacou, né?? :twisted: :lol: 8-] 8-] 8-]

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5253 Mensagem por nemesis » Qua Ago 20, 2008 11:26 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-]
cherinho de vodka....

sempre em busca da batida perfeita
Outro Lado Rock:
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5254 Mensagem por orestespf » Qua Ago 20, 2008 11:31 pm

Gente, serei mais explícito, mas não era a intenção original: não me referi compra alguma, só fiz um comentário "crítico" sobre o que li aqui no DB. Nem tudo que falo é sobre armamentos, pows!!! rsrsrs

Desculpem-me por isso.


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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5256 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Ago 21, 2008 8:05 am

Historia interessante...uma pista de como os chineses conseguiram acesso ao codigo do Flanker.

Chinese Engineer Cracks Russian Su-27 Fighter Production Codes

A DEBKAfile Exclusive from Beijing

June 29, 2002, 5:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

A 33-year old Chinese software engineer, Zhu Rong Gong, has duplicated the secret fire-control software and systems integration for Russia’s Su-27 series of aircraft, giving his country’s drive towards the fully autonomous production of this potent weapon a sharp spurt.

DEBKAfile reports this feat of Beijing’s commercial-military intelligence from its exclusive Chinese sources.

Zhu, who works at China’s Luoyang Institute of Electro-Optical Equipment (AVIC Research Institute Number 613), has won many awards, including a personal commendation from Defense Minister General Chi Haotian.

China is currently believed to operate 100 or more of these state of the art fighter aircraft, which parallel the Russian Mig-29 and US F-15C. In February 1996, Russia sold full Su-27 production rights to China for US$2.5 billion, but withheld the production secrets of certain key technologies, such as the software used to control the aircraft’s sophisticated integrated fire control system, which were supplied only in “black box” form.

Initially, China completed its first domestic production of SU-27s, which the Chinese air force designates J-11, in late 1998, from imported components. By the end of this year, its output is expected to reach ten aircraft and then rise to 15 annually. The Chinese estimate eventual domestic production going up to 100 per year, although Western estimates put this total at no more than 10 to 20 aircraft per year with substantial Russian assistance.

During August 1999, Beijing and Moscow signed an agreement for the purchase of 40 or more Su-30MKK (i.e. modernizirovannyi kommerchesky dla Kitaya, or ‘modernized commercially for China’) fighter-bombers from the Irktusk Aircraft Production Association in a contract worth up to another US$2.5 billion. A co-production agreement was subsequently made for an additional 250 aircraft, most likely at the Shenyang facility, and the purchase of a second batch of 40 constructed aircraft.

The Su-30MKK is a sophisticated long-range attack version of the Su-27 that can deliver a wide variety of ordnance.

The Russians counted on their “bans and restrictions”, coupled with China’s practical limitations, to hold Beijing back from modernizing and exporting non-licensed versions of the SU-27 and SU-30 variants without their help. They relied on the fact that the AL-31F engines and all the sets of radio-electronic equipment for these planes had to come from Russia.

However, Chinese intelligence has actively pursued the secrets of the aircraft sub-systems Russia is withholding. During early 1999, a plot to steal key Sukhoi Su-27 technologies denied to China was reportedly foiled by the Russian Federal Security Service; on May 1, 1999, the Russian Far East Military District Court charged two Chinese nationals and five Russians with stripping two sets of equipment from Russian operational aircraft and from the Komsomolsk-na-Amur Aviation Production Works, where the Su-27 is manufactured. Most of the stolen items were believed recovered.

The Luoyang Institute of Electro-Optical Equipment, Luoyang, Henan Province, where Zhu is employed, has been a key R&D establishment for Chinese airborne fire control systems for two decades. It has over 1,500 employees, including some 100 senior scientists and 300 engineers. Its departments include: fire control engineering; fire control computer; electro-optical display technology; rate gyro sensor; TV, laser and infrared technology; fire control simulation technology; opto-electronic aiming technology; trial production factory, etc. It has developed three generations of fire control and electro-optical systems (e.g. automatic tracking systems, helmet-mounted tracking and display systems, airborne video recording systems, HUD/fire targeting system, etc.), some of which the institute claims have reached Western levels of sophistication. The institute has ISO9001 quality certification and a simulation lab for airborne fire control systems.

Its work, crowned by Zhu Rong Gong’s duplication feat, has contributed significantly towards China mass-producing its own updated and improved versions of the Su-27 fighter aircraft design, free of dependence on Moscow.


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Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5257 Mensagem por FIGHTERCOM » Qui Ago 21, 2008 10:21 am

Santiago escreveu:Historia interessante...uma pista de como os chineses conseguiram acesso ao codigo do Flanker.
Chinese Engineer Cracks Russian Su-27 Fighter Production Codes

A DEBKAfile Exclusive from Beijing

June 29, 2002, 5:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

A 33-year old Chinese software engineer, Zhu Rong Gong, has duplicated the secret fire-control software and systems integration for Russia’s Su-27 series of aircraft, giving his country’s drive towards the fully autonomous production of this potent weapon a sharp spurt.

DEBKAfile reports this feat of Beijing’s commercial-military intelligence from its exclusive Chinese sources.

Zhu, who works at China’s Luoyang Institute of Electro-Optical Equipment (AVIC Research Institute Number 613), has won many awards, including a personal commendation from Defense Minister General Chi Haotian.

China is currently believed to operate 100 or more of these state of the art fighter aircraft, which parallel the Russian Mig-29 and US F-15C. In February 1996, Russia sold full Su-27 production rights to China for US$2.5 billion, but withheld the production secrets of certain key technologies, such as the software used to control the aircraft’s sophisticated integrated fire control system, which were supplied only in “black box” form.

Initially, China completed its first domestic production of SU-27s, which the Chinese air force designates J-11, in late 1998, from imported components. By the end of this year, its output is expected to reach ten aircraft and then rise to 15 annually. The Chinese estimate eventual domestic production going up to 100 per year, although Western estimates put this total at no more than 10 to 20 aircraft per year with substantial Russian assistance.

During August 1999, Beijing and Moscow signed an agreement for the purchase of 40 or more Su-30MKK (i.e. modernizirovannyi kommerchesky dla Kitaya, or ‘modernized commercially for China’) fighter-bombers from the Irktusk Aircraft Production Association in a contract worth up to another US$2.5 billion. A co-production agreement was subsequently made for an additional 250 aircraft, most likely at the Shenyang facility, and the purchase of a second batch of 40 constructed aircraft.

The Su-30MKK is a sophisticated long-range attack version of the Su-27 that can deliver a wide variety of ordnance.

The Russians counted on their “bans and restrictions”, coupled with China’s practical limitations, to hold Beijing back from modernizing and exporting non-licensed versions of the SU-27 and SU-30 variants without their help. They relied on the fact that the AL-31F engines and all the sets of radio-electronic equipment for these planes had to come from Russia.

However, Chinese intelligence has actively pursued the secrets of the aircraft sub-systems Russia is withholding. During early 1999, a plot to steal key Sukhoi Su-27 technologies denied to China was reportedly foiled by the Russian Federal Security Service; on May 1, 1999, the Russian Far East Military District Court charged two Chinese nationals and five Russians with stripping two sets of equipment from Russian operational aircraft and from the Komsomolsk-na-Amur Aviation Production Works, where the Su-27 is manufactured. Most of the stolen items were believed recovered.

The Luoyang Institute of Electro-Optical Equipment, Luoyang, Henan Province, where Zhu is employed, has been a key R&D establishment for Chinese airborne fire control systems for two decades. It has over 1,500 employees, including some 100 senior scientists and 300 engineers. Its departments include: fire control engineering; fire control computer; electro-optical display technology; rate gyro sensor; TV, laser and infrared technology; fire control simulation technology; opto-electronic aiming technology; trial production factory, etc. It has developed three generations of fire control and electro-optical systems (e.g. automatic tracking systems, helmet-mounted tracking and display systems, airborne video recording systems, HUD/fire targeting system, etc.), some of which the institute claims have reached Western levels of sophistication. The institute has ISO9001 quality certification and a simulation lab for airborne fire control systems.

Its work, crowned by Zhu Rong Gong’s duplication feat, has contributed significantly towards China mass-producing its own updated and improved versions of the Su-27 fighter aircraft design, free of dependence on Moscow.


Copyright 2000-2008 DEBKAfile. All Rights Reserved.

É como se diz, sem P&D não há indepedência. :roll:



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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5258 Mensagem por cesarw » Qui Ago 21, 2008 1:24 pm

Para vender caças, Boeing aceita repassar tecnologia

Tânia Monteiro
Com discurso mais agressivo e se comprometendo a vencer as barreiras americanas que
restringem a transferência de tecnologia, a Boeing Company apresentou à Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB),
no último dia 30, a proposta de venda de 20 a 36 caças F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, para o programa FX-2
de substituição dos atuais supersônicos brasileiros destinados a missões de superioridade aérea.
“Houve uma evolução nas negociações. O governo dos Estados Unidos está dando suporte e
apoio necessário, enquanto estamos aqui apresentando a nossa proposta à FAB. Será uma venda governo a governo”, afirmou ao Estado Bob Gower, vice-presidente dos programas F/A-18 e EA-18 da
Boeing Integrated Defense Systems. “Vai haver, sim, a transferência de tecnologia e integração de armas
e equipamentos pretendidas pelo Ministério da Defesa.”
Gower frisou que a empresa oferece um amplo pacote de contrapartida tecnológica, com a
promessa de repasse de evoluções que sejam aplicadas ao F-18 E/F nos EUA.
Em junho, a FAB expediu solicitação de informações para recebimento de propostas de seis
concorrentes para venda de até 36 caças para o Brasil, lote inicial de uma frota que pode chegar 120
aeronaves com as quais a aeronáutica pretende substituir, até 2025, seus aviões de combate. Pela
ordem, primeiro serão substituídos os Mirages 2000C/B, depois os F-5EM e, por último, os A-1 AMX.
Gower disse não temer a aproximação entre os governos brasileiro e francês - o presidente da
França, Nicolas Sarkozy, visitará o País no fim do ano, quando serão assinados diversos acordos na
área militar. “A França vai competir com tudo que tiver de melhor, mas esperamos que o governo
brasileiro veja a vantagem de trabalhar com múltiplos parceiros, não apenas com um único”, comentou o
executivo da Boeing.

"A guerra, a princípio, é a esperança de q a gente vai se dar bem; em seguida, é a expectativa de q o outro vai se ferrar; depois, a satisfação de ver q o outro não se deu bem; e finalmente, a surpresa de ver q todo mundo se ferrou!"
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5259 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Qui Ago 21, 2008 1:28 pm

Esquentam as tensões EUA X Rússia.

E lógicamente, os americanos não nos querem em outra órbita senão na deles.


amor fati
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5260 Mensagem por cesarw » Qui Ago 21, 2008 2:32 pm

Brasileiro escreveu:Esquentam as tensões EUA X Rússia.

E lógicamente, os americanos não nos querem em outra órbita senão na deles.

A hora de tirar vantagens é agora.

"A guerra, a princípio, é a esperança de q a gente vai se dar bem; em seguida, é a expectativa de q o outro vai se ferrar; depois, a satisfação de ver q o outro não se deu bem; e finalmente, a surpresa de ver q todo mundo se ferrou!"

Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5261 Mensagem por PRick » Qui Ago 21, 2008 3:57 pm

Brasileiro escreveu:Esquentam as tensões EUA X Rússia.

E lógicamente, os americanos não nos querem em outra órbita senão na deles.


E para nós não vale ficar na órbita de ninguém, russos e americanos que se matem longe da gente. O nosso caminho não passa por ficar na órbita de nenhum deles.

[ ]´s

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Lucius Clay
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5262 Mensagem por Lucius Clay » Qui Ago 21, 2008 4:10 pm

orestespf escreveu:Tem momentos que a língua coça e muito, mas... Deve ser para curtir os bons momentos dos amigos... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Orestes (em momentos felizes)
Permita-me a alcançar a sua intimidade!

Deve estar desfrutando de um bom vinho chileno nessa hora? ou será francês?

"A televisão, essa última luz que te salva da solidão e da noite, é a realidade. Porque a vida é um espetáculo: para os que se comportem bem, o sistema promete uma boa poltrona".(Eduardo Galeano)
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5263 Mensagem por Bourne » Qui Ago 21, 2008 4:12 pm

Brasileiro escreveu:Esquentam as tensões EUA X Rússia.

E lógicamente, os americanos não nos querem em outra órbita senão na deles.

Essa tal de "órbita" pegou mau. :? :? :?

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5264 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Qui Ago 21, 2008 4:17 pm

Bourne escreveu:
Brasileiro escreveu:Esquentam as tensões EUA X Rússia.

E lógicamente, os americanos não nos querem em outra órbita senão na deles.

Essa tal de "órbita" pegou mau. :? :? :?

Eu não disse nada mais do que a realidade: Amanhã? Ano que vem? Ano 3000? Não sei. Mas ainda vivemos na órbita dos EUA, e a eles interessa que continuemos assim. Se o "pau comer" na europa oriental, estaremos no máximo neutros, como de costume aliás.


amor fati
Carlos Mathias

Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#5265 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Ago 21, 2008 5:27 pm

Disseste-o muito bem:
Mas ainda vivemos na órbita dos EUA, e a eles interessa que continuemos assim
