
Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: Eurofighter

#241 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Jun 24, 2008 1:01 pm

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SOURCE:Flight International
Eurofighter Typhoon proves close-air support credentials for RAF
By Craig Hoyle

Early in 2007, the incoming commanding officer of the UK Royal Air Force's newest unit to receive the Eurofighter Typhoon was issued with a daunting challenge: to prepare his aircraft, pilots and squadron personnel to sustain deployed operations as a multirole type from 1 July this year.

For 11 Sqn boss Wg Cdr Gav Parker, this meant an ultimate objective of being able to deploy to Afghanistan's Kandahar airfield, and potentially within less than 18 months of receiving his first Typhoon in March 2007.

With the deadline for the Typhoon FGR4's multirole employment imminent, Flight International visited 11 Sqn at Nellis AFB in Nevada on 3-4 June as it was completing its toughest test to date: a detachment of around seven weeks to the USA. Conducted alongside the US Air Force, the manoeuvres provided an operationally realistic test of the RAF's ability to use the Eurofighter for missions such as providing close-air support for ground forces.

For years branded a "Cold War relic" by programme critics in the UK because of its initial focus on air superiority duties, could the Typhoon succeed in proving its doubters wrong, and soon protect British and coalition forces against the threat of the Taliban?

"We knew we had a world beater air-to-air, but we weren't sure about the air-to-surface environment," says Typhoon force commander Gp Capt Stu Atha.

Seven of 11 Sqn's aircraft left the unit's home base at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire on 21 April for Davis-Monthan AFB in Arizona - the home of the USAF's Fairchild A-10 community. After a week of work-up activities, the RAF unit participated in a two-week exercise, during which 67 live 455kg (1,000lb) bombs were dropped, including more than 40 Raytheon Paveway II laser-guided bombs, plus laser/GPS-guided Enhanced Paveway IIs and freefall weapons.

Representing the first squadron-level opportunity to demonstrate the UK's so-called austere weapons capability for the Tranche 1 Typhoon, the work came just weeks after BAE Systems had in early March completed the integration of the aircraft's Rafael Litening III laser designator pod. Bombs were typically released from a medium altitude of around 10,000ft (3,000m), with pilots using a mix of co-operative and self-designated targeting.

With interoperability a key objective of the detachment, Typhoons in some cases operated alongside USAF A-10C pilots acting as airborne forward air controllers (FAC).

"The [Litening III] pod has been one of the success stories of this detachment," says Parker, whose squadron received the systems only on arriving in the USA. Capable of displaying high-quality images in TV and infrared modes, the design also features a datalink card that enables pilots to relay live images to Rover III terminal-equipped FACs. An IR marker also means a target can be verified by the ground controller before weapons release.

Weapons accuracy at Davis-Monthan was high, with 100% of released stores landing within their circular error of probability distance, and 65% scoring direct hits on their targets. Several pilots from the RAF's 3 Sqn - its first frontline unit to have received the Typhoon, initially for use only for air defence purposes - took part in the exercise, where around 700 rounds were also fired from the type's Mauser 27mm cannon. More work needs to be done with the reactivated weapon, but Atha says: "As a first step, we're there."

The Typhoons achieved a 99.3% "strike rate" against their planned sortie programme, with just two missions having been cancelled: one due to high winds, and the other because of a technical fault. "That's unprecedented, in my knowledge," says Parker, who adds that the Typhoon's strong performance was also "a real head-turner" for the RAF's Panavia Tornado GR4 community, which also participated in exercise Torpedo Focus.

The 11 Sqn aircraft then moved on to Nellis near Las Vegas to take part in the USAF/US Army Green Flag West manoeuvres, which concluded on 6 June. They were joined by a further three Typhoons and personnel from the RAF's 17 Sqn operational evaluation unit, with 20 pilots and around 150 engineers and support personnel forming the UK presence.

Goals for the two-week exercise were to hone tactics, techniques and procedures, and to prove the Typhoon's ability to operate in the CAS role: a skill which 11 Sqn pilots had been practising in the UK since the middle of 2007 with British Army units.

Each of the 10 Green Flag exercises supported from Nellis per year involves around 5,000 troops from the US Army's Fort Irwin training site in California, plus the USAF and some coalition partners. The manoeuvres simulate the Iraqi theatre of operations, with villages, airfield complexes and surface-to-air missile sites built and bulldozed into the desert.

Up to 5,000 US-based Iraqi civilians are also brought in to live in the villages for a fortnight, providing a realistic backdrop for soldiers to practice the mission of winning "hearts and minds" before deploying for real.

"It's a very important exercise, because these [army] guys are going into combat," says Lt Col Ron Hanselman, commander Green Flag West. "We train to the current fight."

Live ordnance is not used near villages, but over 450,000kg of weapons, including cluster bombs, are dropped on the Leach Lake range to the north of the training area every year.

Up to 24 aircraft participated in daily operations over a continuous 9h period of activity above parts of California's Death Valley, with these including USAF General Atomics MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper unmanned air vehicles and Boeing B-1B bombers.

Two Typhoons carrying Litening III pods typically operated with four Lockheed Martin F-16s from the USAF's 14th Fighter Squadron based at Misawa AB in Japan, which will be redeployed to Iraq later this year. This co-operation also provided an opportunity for the Link 16-equipped Typhoon to work in partnership with F-16s using situational-awareness datalink technology. "We're getting into the era of digital CAS," says Parker, while Atha notes: "This is new business for the RAF."

The congested skies also provided a test of 11 Sqn's airspace integration skills, with some urban CAS missions seeing airspace divided into small sectors - referred to by the USAF as "kill boxes", but by the UK as "key pads" - for pairs of fighters to operate within.

"The Typhoons have done extraordinarily well in keeping in their airspace," says Hanselman. "At times we have given them less room than our guys have had."

Other exercise scenarios included acting as escorts for convoys of up to 24 ground vehicles, and locating and tracking insurgent activity near an aircraft crash site, potentially performing so-called shows of force: flying fast and low to deter and disperse enemy combatants.

"The complexity of the exercise is astonishing," says Parker. "This is the best pre­paration for contemporary operations that money can buy. We're learning huge amounts."

Exercises also involved one team of four British Army forward air controllers, while 11 Sqn also has a ground liaison officer assigned to it from the 4th Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment. "I can appreciate the difference the Typhoon is going to make," says Maj Simon Newiss. "Its ability to stay over the top is superior to what we've got [on current operations]." 11 Sqn pilot Sqn Ldr Mark Pearce adds that the aircraft also "can get to where the fight is more quickly".

Typically, Typhoons would leave Nellis in dry power carrying four Enhanced Paveway IIs, a Litening III pod and two external fuel tanks, plus two Raytheon AMRAAM and two MBDA ASRAAM air-to-air missiles. The fighters would then transit to the exercise area at 40,000-50,000ft, delivering an unrefuelled mission endurance of between 1h 50min and 2h.

Aircraft availability at Nellis was 100%, with engineering support provided in two shifts a day. "They came here prepared," says Hanselman. "I'd expect a higher [sortie] cancellation rate, but they've done very well. They're thinking not just about the aircraft, but the tactics."

The 11 Sqn aircraft were flown to the USA along with a so-called primary equipment pack, sufficient to support operations of eight aircraft with first line spares over a four-week period. The equipment was transported using about three-quarters of one Lockheed C-130 transport load. Previous tests of the squadron's support demands were made through "austere" deployments to RAF bases including Fairford, Kinloss and Leeming in the UK.

"All the problems we've had previously have now been resolved, and we are seeing the true mettle of what this aircraft will deliver," says senior engineering officer Sqn Ldr Phil Brooker. And spares provision is soon expected to improve, as Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK are to take control of national inventories, breaking the pooled model used so far.

While the prospect of a near-term deployment to Kandahar has receded - the UK Ministry of Defence on 16 June announced that BAE Harrier GR7/9s now operating at the base will be replaced in early 2009 by "an equivalent force of Tornado GR4s" - Atha says: "We've inserted a great deal of capability on to the platform in a really short period of time. In terms of the difficult stuff, it's job done. We are ready to declare." However, minor work remains to be completed, such as gaining full clearance with the Litening III.

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Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Eurofighter

#242 Mensagem por LEO » Ter Jun 24, 2008 1:40 pm

Parece até uma bandeirinha brasileira ao lado da aeronave [000]

"Veni, vidi, vinci" - Júlio Cesar ... djornal=43

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Re: Eurofighter

#243 Mensagem por Glauber Prestes » Ter Jun 24, 2008 1:59 pm

LEO escreveu:Parece até uma bandeirinha brasileira ao lado da aeronave [000]
né???? Muito mais legal que no eurofighter, F-18 ou Su-35...
Cuidado com os sintomas.

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Re: Eurofighter

#244 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Jun 28, 2008 6:44 pm


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Glauber Prestes
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Re: Eurofighter

#245 Mensagem por Glauber Prestes » Seg Jun 30, 2008 5:21 pm

glauberprestes escreveu:
LEO escreveu:Parece até uma bandeirinha brasileira ao lado da aeronave [000]
né???? Muito mais legal que no eurofighter, F-18 ou Su-35...
errei o lugar do "que"...

a frase correta era: Muito mais legal no eurofighter, que F-18 ou Su-35...
Cuidado com os sintomas.

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Re: Eurofighter

#246 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Seg Jun 30, 2008 7:47 pm

Na figura em raio-x o piloto também deveria estar em estado de caveira rsrsrs... acho que esqueceram desse detalhe, a não ser que seja um "piloto de chumbo". :idea:


amor fati
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Re: Eurofighter

#247 Mensagem por Glauber Prestes » Seg Jun 30, 2008 8:21 pm

Brasileiro escreveu:Na figura em raio-x o piloto também deveria estar em estado de caveira rsrsrs... acho que esqueceram desse detalhe, a não ser que seja um "piloto de chumbo". :idea:

Cuidado com os sintomas.

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Re: Eurofighter

#248 Mensagem por Paisano » Sáb Jul 05, 2008 11:00 pm

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Re: Eurofighter

#249 Mensagem por manuel.liste » Qua Jul 09, 2008 6:27 pm

Los Eurofighter de la RAF británica alcanzan oficialmente el estatus de capacidad multimisión. El hecho se celebró en una ceremonia en la base de Coningsby

Recientemente diez Eurofighters británicos se ejercitaron en la base de Davis Monthan (EUA), donde realizaron lanzamientos de bombas guiadas Paveway II y III, bombas de caida libre y disparo aire-tierra con su cañón Mauser BK 27mm ... _1_n.shtml

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Re: Eurofighter

#250 Mensagem por LEO » Qua Jul 09, 2008 7:15 pm

glauberprestes escreveu:
glauberprestes escreveu: né???? Muito mais legal que no eurofighter, F-18 ou Su-35...
errei o lugar do "que"...

a frase correta era: Muito mais legal no eurofighter, que F-18 ou Su-35...
Na figura em raio-x o piloto também deveria estar em estado de caveira rsrsrs... acho que esqueceram desse detalhe, a não ser que seja um "piloto de chumbo".
Sempre tem um defeito :lol: :lol:
A figura é muito bonita, mesmo com o piloto inteiro :mrgreen:

"Veni, vidi, vinci" - Júlio Cesar ... djornal=43

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Re: Eurofighter

#251 Mensagem por cvn73 » Qua Jul 09, 2008 7:38 pm

Brasileiro escreveu:Na figura em raio-x o piloto também deveria estar em estado de caveira rsrsrs... acho que esqueceram desse detalhe, a não ser que seja um "piloto de chumbo". :idea:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Eurofighter

#252 Mensagem por Bolovo » Dom Jul 13, 2008 7:09 pm

Não sei se já postaram.

Flexible. Capable. Combat Ready.
Eurofighter Typhoon at Farnborough

Hallbergmoos / Farnborough International – Eurofighter Typhoon flies into this year’s Farnborough International propelled by a wave of recent Air Force successes. Its Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) credentials proven, multi-role capability declared and its ready to deploy status confirmed, Eurofighter Typhoon is blazing a trail through the global defence market and cementing its position as the number one next-generation combat aircraft.

Aloysius Rauen, CEO Eurofighter GmbH, comments: “What we have witnessed over the last two months in terms of the aircraft demonstrating its operational capabilities has been groundbreaking. Eurofighter Typhoon came online in the QRA role for Southern Germany and assumed Air Surveillance responsibilities for the Austrian Armed Forces. However, its unmatched dominance in air defence is just the beginning as the Royal Air Force have declared their multi-role Eurofighter Typhoons as ready to deploy following the success of Exercise Green Flag West. Our product really is delivering for our Air Forces.”

Customer-driven achievements have become the norm in 2008, with joint exercises and foreign deployments stealing the defence headlines, including: the first four-nation Eurofighter Typhoon exercise, codenamed “Typhoon Meet”, held during two weeks in March at Morón AFB, Spain; the Italian Air Force hosting “Spring Flag” at Decimomannu AFB, Sardinia, in April with Eurofighter Typhoon taking a lead role in the NATO-organised manoeuvres; and the Royal Air Force opening up the multi-role capability of Eurofighter Typhoon during detachments to the United States.

The Commander-in-Chief Air Command of the RAF, Air Chief Marshal Sir Clive Loader, on 01 July described Eurofighter Typhoon as “the most operationally flexible aircraft it [the RAF] has ever had.”

Ten units in five Air Forces are operating the aircraft and, together, have accumulated over 42,000 in-service flying hours. This, added to the test fleet’s statistics amounts to over 48,000 flying hours logged by Eurofighter Typhoon.

For the Eurofighter consortium, 2008 has seen a great deal of activity in export. Requests for Proposal (RFP) have been received from India and Switzerland. EADS Military Air Systems, acting as campaign lead in both countries on behalf of the consortium, have delivered full written responses to both. Further RFPs are expected from Romania and Japan before year end while a draft Request for Information (RFI) has been received from Brazil.

Aloysius Rauen continues: “The high interest from export nations is a reflection of the strength of the programme. The handover of the ninth aircraft to Austria completes Tranche 1 deliveries in total. The paperwork for Tranche 2 Type Acceptance has been submitted to NETMA and the requisite flight tests have been concluded. Some 40 aircraft are already in Final Assembly. Finally, our targets for Tranche 3 have not changed. Negotiations with the customer are underway and we aim to have a contract ready by end of 2008 or early 2009.”

The Eurofighter presence at Farnborough International features a Business Pavilion showcasing the Cockpit Demonstrator (EOC standard) and a host of technology exhibits reflecting the advanced nature of the aircraft. In the aircraft displays, the Royal Air Force will have a fully-loaded Eurofighter Typhoon on static display while also providing a jet to the daily flying programme. Finmeccanica will also be displaying a Eurofighter Typhoon of the Italian Air Force on their exhibition area.

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Re: Eurofighter

#253 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Ago 04, 2008 9:17 pm ... 477461.ece
A Saudi defence official confirmed yesterday that the contract was signed on September 11 and initially is worth £4.43 billion. The contract will be called Project Salam, or al-Salam, meaning “peace”.

The initial contract will be supplemented with a further order for armaments and weapons systems estimated to be worth £5 billion.

The Saudis are expected to spend a further £10 billion on maintenance, training and support for the aircraft. ... 402913.ece
Al-Salam is expected to break down into an initial £5 billion contract to supply the fighters, a further £5 billion to be spent on munitions and armament systems, and the remaining £10 billion to come from through-life maintenance of the jets. ... _1_n.shtml
The deal, which the Saudi Ministry of Defence and Aviation said is initially worth GBP4.43 billion (USD8.9 billion), could eventually be worth more than GBP30 billion over the next 25 years to BAE Systems and its partners in the Eurofighter consortium.
Pepe mencionou o preco flyaway/limpo do Typhoon: 80 milhoes de euros.

De acordo com as noticias do contrato com os Sauditas para 72 unidades (com montagem local), apenas o valor dos cacas GBP4.43 bilhoes = EUR5.53 bilhoes = USD 8.68 bilhoes, ou seja USD 120mi/unidade. Bate com o valor da proposta (flyaway) apresentada a FAB e mencionada anteriormente.

Bate tb com o valor citado abaixo:
Negotiations on the “Saudification” of the £60 million aircraft will continue in the coming months.
GBP 60mi = USD 117mi

Os outros custos devem estar embutidos nos incriveis GBP15.0 bilhoes.
Segundo a Janes, o custo total do programa, incluindo manutencao pela vida util poderia chegar a GBP 30 bilhoes.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Eurofighter

#254 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Ago 04, 2008 10:48 pm

Oman Nears Eurofighter Typhoon Deal

Jul 18, 2008
Douglas Barrie/Farnborough

Serious discussions are underway over the potential purchase of the Eurofighter Typhoon by the Royal Air Force of Oman.

The negotiations are believed to be at an advanced stage, with the aircraft being considered as a replacement for Oman’s Jaguar aircraft. It is not known whether the air force is looking at other combat aircraft types as an alternative to a Typhoon purchase.

In the region, Saudi Arabia has already committed to 72 Tranche 2 Typhoons, with interest in additional Tranche 3 aircraft. The first eight Saudi aircraft are now in final assembly at BAE System’s site at Warton in England.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Eurofighter

#255 Mensagem por Wolfgang » Ter Ago 05, 2008 9:12 am

O Tiffie é um caça fuderoso. Vejam vocês que a A. Saudita, dona de dezenas de Eagles o escolheu paa substituí-los.
