F-35 News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: F-35 News

#646 Mensagem por A-29 » Seg Mai 26, 2008 11:52 am

Essa da ALIDE nós todos deixamos passar batido:
Israel entrega pedido de compra de caças F-35


O Ministério da Defesa de Israel entregou um pedido oficial ao Pentágono duas semanas atrás solicitando a autorização para a compra de caças stealth F-35 (Joint Strike Fighters - JSF). Estima-se que cada aeronave custe entre US$70-80 milhões.

Além dos 25 aviões construidos pela firma americana Lockheed Martin, o Defense Ministry também solicitou uma opção para adquirir 50 células adicionais. Desde setembro do ano passado, as Forças de Defesa de Israel - IDF - anunciaram sua intenção de comprar até 100 caças JSF ao longo da próxima década. Duas semanas atrás, finalmente, foi enviada uma Carta de Solicitação oficial (Letter of Request - LOR) ao Pentágono.

O anúncio do pedido israelense foi comunicado no mesmo momento em que uma delegação síria de alto-nível se encontrava em Moscou para discussões de aquisição de armamento junto ao Ministério de Defesa russo. A Síria está interessada na compra de caças MiG avançados, mísseis anti-aéreos S300 e submarinos avançados.

No pedido, Israel também solicitou o fornecimento de uma quantidade de caças JSF capazes de realizar decolagens e pousos verticais (F-35B). Esta seria a primeira vez em que a IAF obteria tal capacidade. O pedido nasceu da preocupação de que os aeródromos pudessem ser paralizados após um ataque inimigo com mísseis em um hipotético conflito futuro.

A entrega, muito provavelmente começará em 2013 e Bob Trice, Vice President Sênior da Lockheed Martin atualmente em Israel, disse nesta quinta-feira que a LM providenciaria todo o apoio necessário para que os governos israelense e americano consigam concluir este acordo.

É possível, no entanto, que os aviões cheguem ainda mais cedo. Em outubro, o jornal Jerusalem Post reportou que o Ministro da Defesa Ehud Barak havia solicitado aos americanos que as entregas se iniciassem ainda em 2012.

O interesse de Israel pela versão de decolagem vertical (STOVL) foi mencionado pela primeira vez no Jerusalem Post em dezembro. A decisão de se considerar a aeronave de decolagem vertical, chamado de F-35B, foi feita devido ao entendimento de que durante um conflito as bases aéreas e as pistas israelenses devem ser fortemente alvejadas por mísseis inimigos.

Nesta configuração, o F-35B pode pairar, decolar verticalmente, decolar em algumas dezenas de metros com sua carga máxima, ou decolar verticalmente com uma carga leve. Quando a aeronave transiciona de dos jatos verticais para o vôo horizontal, as portas se fecham e o piloto pode então acelerar até velocidades supersônicas.

Oito países - incluindo a Grã-Bretanha, Turquia e Austrália - são membros do programa JSF. Israel apresenta o status de Participante da Cooperação de Segurança (Security Cooperation Participant) após pagar, em 2003, US$20 milhões para poder ter acesso à informação acumulada durante o desenvolvimento da aeronave.

Além desta requisição pelo JSF, Israel também solicitou ao Pentágono a autorização de compra para entre 5 e 6 C-130 Hercules de transporte para iniciar a substituição de sua frota obsoleta.
Julio Verne ressucitou e é jornalista da área de Defesa :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Re: F-35 News

#647 Mensagem por PRick » Seg Mai 26, 2008 3:11 pm

A-29 escreveu:Essa da ALIDE nós todos deixamos passar batido:
Israel entrega pedido de compra de caças F-35


O Ministério da Defesa de Israel entregou um pedido oficial ao Pentágono duas semanas atrás solicitando a autorização para a compra de caças stealth F-35 (Joint Strike Fighters - JSF). Estima-se que cada aeronave custe entre US$70-80 milhões.

Julio Verne ressucitou e é jornalista da área de Defesa :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

O mais interessante são os preços, agora, já estão falando em mais de 70 milhões a unidade do F-35. É preço para todo o lado. :twisted: :twisted:

[ ]´s

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Re: F-35 News

#648 Mensagem por soultrain » Qua Mai 28, 2008 12:55 pm

STOVL F-35 completes last major step before first flight
By Stephen Trimble

Hover pit tests completed two days ago moved the first short-takeoff-and-vertical-landing (STOVL) variant of the Lockheed Martin F-35 within days or weeks of its first flight.

A Lockheed spokesman confirms the propulsion system for the STOVL demonstrator – named BF-1 – completed a series of conversions from conventional mode to vertical landing mode.

The tests were conducted at Lockheed’s hover pit, where the aircraft is tethered to the ground on top of a steel grate. The pit allows Lockheed’s engineers to measure vertical thrust generated by the engine.

The hover pit is the last major stop before the first flight event for BF-1, which has been scheduled for late May or early June.

Despite the need to complete hover pit tests before first flight, the lift-fan that helps power the aircraft during STOVL mode will not be engaged in a flight test for several more months. BF-1 will fly in conventional mode throughout the first flight.

Getting the aircraft airborne has wider implications for Lockheed. The US Department of Defense has linked the release of production funding for the first batch of six F-35B low rate initial production (LRIP) aircraft to completing the first flight event.

In addition, BF-1 is the first “weight-optimized” airframe produced after Lockheed re-designed all three variants in 2005 to reduce or offset weight by as much as 2,268kg (5,000lbs).

The F-35B, on order by the US Marine Corps, the UK Royal Air Force and UK Royal Navy, is the first western aircraft to combine supersonic speed with the STOVL capability.



"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: F-35 News

#649 Mensagem por A-29 » Qui Mai 29, 2008 3:05 pm

Estou impressionado com o nível de participação da classe política holandesa nas decisões sobre a aquisição do F-35:
PvdA Bark Worse than Bite on Joint Strike Fighter

(Source: Netherlands Information Service; issued May 29, 2008)

THE HAGUE --- The Labour (PvdA) coalition party does not appear to want to create a crisis over the cabinet's decision to participate in the next phase of the Joint Strike Fighter. This means the Lower House is likely to back the purchase of these US fighter aircraft by the Netherlands.

Defence State Secretary Jack de Vries wants to promise the aircraft builder, Lockheed Martin, that the Netherlands along with other customers will together take a guaranteed 1,000 JSF aircraft. If the Netherlands and the other customers promise this, the manufacturer is prepared to set a fixed price in which the development costs are more fairly divided between the customers, the state secretary said in the Lower House.

De Vries did not yet wish to say how many JSFs he wants to purchase. In the corridors, there is talk of 57 aircraft. These are in due course to replace the F-16 fleet.

The cabinet agreed in the coalition accord - a very rigid document - that it will make a decision on the purchase of a "first batch" of JSF aircraft during the current administrative period to 2011. The decision is expected to be made in 2010.

PvdA was previously an opponent of the JSF but feels itself bound by the coalition accord. On Tuesday evening, the PvdA did demand an external investigation of alternatives to the JSF. But yesterday, it no longer found this necessary.

De Vries does support an investigation, but not by external experts. PvdA MP Angeline Eijsink reluctantly agreed that the Christian democrat (CDA) state secretary would carry out the study himself. She "trusts" that De Vries is in a position to guarantee the independence of the research.

Eijsink wants De Vries to investigate seven alternative fighter aircraft, of which the Eurofighter is one. But Eijsink did not want to name the other six aircraft. De Vries reacted with irritation. He said he expected the House to know what it was talking about.

The House will vote today on the question and on De Vries' wish to participate in the test phase of the JSF. He wants to sign a declaration of intend this month for the purchase of two test aircraft for 274 million euros.

The Socialist Party (SP), leftwing Greens (GroenLinks) and Party for Freedom (PVV) are opposed to Dutch participation in the test phase. The CDA, conservatives (VVD) and small Christian parties ChristenUnie and SGP are in favour. The PvdA's support is essential for this participation.

Dou especial atenção ao grifo. É o secretário de defesa holandês confirmando o que o Sintra (ou foi o Soultrain?) sempre afirmou: simplesmente não se sabe quanto vai custar cada F-35.

E olha que ainda vão fazer estudos comparativos com outras alternativas para a FA holandesa, o que sempre pode gerar decisões políticas contrárias ao JSF.

É, a vida do projeta não está nada fácil [006]

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Carlos Lima
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Re: F-35 News

#650 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qui Mai 29, 2008 3:17 pm

A-29 escreveu:Estou impressionado com o nível de participação da classe política holandesa nas decisões sobre a aquisição do F-35:
PvdA Bark Worse than Bite on Joint Strike Fighter

(Source: Netherlands Information Service; issued May 29, 2008)

THE HAGUE --- The Labour (PvdA) coalition party does not appear to want to create a crisis over the cabinet's decision to participate in the next phase of the Joint Strike Fighter. This means the Lower House is likely to back the purchase of these US fighter aircraft by the Netherlands.

Defence State Secretary Jack de Vries wants to promise the aircraft builder, Lockheed Martin, that the Netherlands along with other customers will together take a guaranteed 1,000 JSF aircraft. If the Netherlands and the other customers promise this, the manufacturer is prepared to set a fixed price in which the development costs are more fairly divided between the customers, the state secretary said in the Lower House.

De Vries did not yet wish to say how many JSFs he wants to purchase. In the corridors, there is talk of 57 aircraft. These are in due course to replace the F-16 fleet.

The cabinet agreed in the coalition accord - a very rigid document - that it will make a decision on the purchase of a "first batch" of JSF aircraft during the current administrative period to 2011. The decision is expected to be made in 2010.

PvdA was previously an opponent of the JSF but feels itself bound by the coalition accord. On Tuesday evening, the PvdA did demand an external investigation of alternatives to the JSF. But yesterday, it no longer found this necessary.

De Vries does support an investigation, but not by external experts. PvdA MP Angeline Eijsink reluctantly agreed that the Christian democrat (CDA) state secretary would carry out the study himself. She "trusts" that De Vries is in a position to guarantee the independence of the research.

Eijsink wants De Vries to investigate seven alternative fighter aircraft, of which the Eurofighter is one. But Eijsink did not want to name the other six aircraft. De Vries reacted with irritation. He said he expected the House to know what it was talking about.

The House will vote today on the question and on De Vries' wish to participate in the test phase of the JSF. He wants to sign a declaration of intend this month for the purchase of two test aircraft for 274 million euros.

The Socialist Party (SP), leftwing Greens (GroenLinks) and Party for Freedom (PVV) are opposed to Dutch participation in the test phase. The CDA, conservatives (VVD) and small Christian parties ChristenUnie and SGP are in favour. The PvdA's support is essential for this participation.

Dou especial atenção ao grifo. É o secretário de defesa holandês confirmando o que o Sintra (ou foi o Soultrain?) sempre afirmou: simplesmente não se sabe quanto vai custar cada F-35.

E olha que ainda vão fazer estudos comparativos com outras alternativas para a FA holandesa, o que sempre pode gerar decisões políticas contrárias ao JSF.

É, a vida do projeta não está nada fácil [006]
Os caras levam muito a sério esse tipo de discussão e a sociedade tem participação e se sente 'obrigada' a participar...

Impressiona mesmo, mas isso faz parte da educação e cultura dos caras, além da herança de que não muito tempo atrás o país deles tinha a chance de ser pulverizado do mapa em poucos minutos...

Isso me lembra uns debates transmitidos pela BBC no parlamento Inglês com relação ao Eurofighter ou mesmo o destino do "Sea Harrier" (quando decidiram pela sua aposentadoria). Lembro que estava com a TV ligada fazendo comida e não pude acreditar que os caras estavam realmente debatendo esse assunto na TV com direito a "Comodoro" se exaltando e vaias e aplausos (vaias tipo - "oooooooooooooooo" ou aplausos tipo - "aeeeeeeeeeeee" são comuns no parlamento inglês vindo dos parlamentares).

Excelente mesmo! [100]


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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Re: F-35 News

#651 Mensagem por soultrain » Qui Mai 29, 2008 4:42 pm


Fomos os dois, é um facto publico, só aqui no DB é que não acreditaram.


"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

Carlos Mathias

Re: F-35 News

#652 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Mai 29, 2008 7:55 pm

E pensar que eu já estive lá dentro, no parlamento inglês...

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Re: F-35 News

#653 Mensagem por soultrain » Qui Mai 29, 2008 8:14 pm

V.exa Lord Carlos :lol:

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

Carlos Mathias

Re: F-35 News

#654 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Mai 29, 2008 8:49 pm

Cara, eu certa vez estava em Londres(a serviço, claro) e uns amigos me chamaram para caminhar. Caminhamos umas cinco horas e uma das paradas foi no parlamento. Entramos, passamos por uns quatro detectores de metal e sentamos na galeria, asssitindo os debates.

É isso mesmo, tem vaia, aplauso, bronca num cara que botou o pé na cadeira da frente... Muito bacana saber que é uma instituição tão antiga.

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Re: F-35 News

#655 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Jun 08, 2008 10:13 pm

How much will the Joint Strike Fighter cost Australia? by Andrew Davies
Monday, 12 May 2008
One of the uncertainties surrounding Australia’s proposed purchase of the Joint Strike Fighter is its cost. At the half way mark of the development program we can make some reasonable estimates of what Australia will have to pay. This Policy Analysis concludes the result is a positive one—there seems to be enough money in the project budget to buy 100 aircraft, especially if some of them can be purchased a bit later.

Interessante documento:

http://aspi.org.au/publications/publica ... &pubtype=9

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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Re: F-35 News

#656 Mensagem por Sintra » Seg Jun 09, 2008 6:58 pm

Santiago escreveu:How much will the Joint Strike Fighter cost Australia? by Andrew Davies
Monday, 12 May 2008
One of the uncertainties surrounding Australia’s proposed purchase of the Joint Strike Fighter is its cost. At the half way mark of the development program we can make some reasonable estimates of what Australia will have to pay. This Policy Analysis concludes the result is a positive one—there seems to be enough money in the project budget to buy 100 aircraft, especially if some of them can be purchased a bit later.

Interessante documento:

http://aspi.org.au/publications/publica ... &pubtype=9
Interessante MESMO, os nºs que eles indicam como retirados do documento "Budget USAF 2009" SÃO COMPLETAMENTE DIFERENTES dos que realmente se encontram no documento... "Budget USAF 2009"... :shock:
Documento Australiano com nºs supostamente tirados do "Budget USAF 2009"

"Budget USAF 2009"
http://www.saffm.hq.af.mil/shared/media ... 04-081.pdf
Agora gostava que fizessem o mesmo exercicio só que com os nºs correctos...

Budweiser 'beer' is like making love in a canoe - 'F***** close to water'...
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Re: F-35 News

#657 Mensagem por soultrain » Qui Jun 12, 2008 7:31 am

Da Lockheed Martin:

With test pilot Graham Tomlinson at the controls, the short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] F-35B Lightning II streaked into blue Texas skies Wednesday, marking the first flight of an aircraft that will provide a combination of capabilities never before available: stealth, supersonic speed and STOVL basing flexibility.

Tomlinson, a former Royal Air Force Harrier pilot now employed by BAE Systems, performed a conventional takeoff at 10:17 a.m. CDT from Lockheed Martin’s Fort Worth facility. As planned, all initial F-35B flights will be made using conventional takeoffs and landings, with transitions to short takeoffs, hovers and vertical landings beginning early next year. Tomlinson guided the jet to 15,000 feet and performed a series of handling tests, engine-power variations and subsystems checks before landing at 11:01 a.m. CDT.

“A great team effort led to a relaxed first flight, with the aircraft handling and performing just as we predicted based on STOVL simulator testing and flying the F-35A,” Tomlinson said. The F-35B, known as BF-1, becomes the second Lightning II to enter flight test, preceded by the conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) F-35A, which first flew in December 2006 and has completed 43 flights. The F-35B that flew today is the second of 19 System Development and Demonstration aircraft and the first to incorporate new weight-saving design features that will apply to all future F-35 aircraft.

June 11, 2008 01:46 PM

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: F-35 News

#658 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Jun 23, 2008 10:19 pm

F-35 Offers Multirole Surprises

http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/ ... 0Surprises

Jun 20, 2008
David A. Fulghum

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) will “redefine the concept of multirole strike” aircraft, Lockheed Martin officials say, but they offer few details to flesh out that claim.

Still, while the future concept of operations, electronic attack (EA) capability and derivative options remain undefined, at least publicly, some capabilities can be picked out of their purposely vague descriptions.

Starting from the notion that new hardware is the least likely addition to the aircraft and that it has an open architecture for avionics, look for the big multirole capability additions to involve electronic attack.

Because of the ability to penetrate while using low-probability-of-intercept radar and passive sensors, the JSF will not operate in proximity to current, so-called fourth-generation aircraft. It will instead roam well-defended enemy airspace while feeding precision targeting data to nonstealthy aircraft with standoff-range weapons.

Tailored for EA

The F-35 aircraft is being designed to deliver electronic attack (jamming, spoofing and pulses of energy) with the same ease that it can deliver explosive weapons. Moreover, Lockheed officials say the F-35 – first of all a combat aircraft – will have full 360-degree awareness of what is going on around it.

That presents an interesting dilemma for EA versus kinetic weaponry. The new AIM-9X air-to-air missile can perform high off-boresight shots without turning the aircraft’s nose toward the target. However, delivering electronic effects require specialized antennae pointed toward the target. As far as is known, JSF has only its advanced active, electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar antenna in the nose to pump out its electronic firepower. It would then have the weakness of any AESA array in that it is flat with a field of view of less than 180 degrees, perhaps an effective field of regard for effective attack of 60-90 degrees.

Some radar specialists and Air Force planners already say they anticipate flying the F-35s in line, with the first aircraft being passive and the second emitting and passing target information to the first so that it can remain undetected. Therefore, it appears that without an add-on antenna, the JSF’s EA capability will be limited to the forward quarter.

However, within that field the electronic effects generator can be routed through the AESA radar, which allows the F-35 to invade, blind or fool enemy sensors and radars at ranges of up to hundreds of miles.


Lockheed officials do admit that the F-35’s sensor capabilities include advanced electronic surveillance allowing development of an instantaneous electronic order of battle – what’s emitting and from where.

Along with EA, the JSF will take on the mission of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. So instead of depending on a few specialized high-demand aircraft like Rivet Joint (for signals intelligence), Cobra Ball (measurement and signature intelligence) or Compass Call (EA) that can’t venture into enemy airspace, a fleet of F-35s will be able to conduct those missions deep into enemy territory to take advantage of physics (by being nearer the targets) while deepening the areas of surveillance.

They won’t say if information warfare is part of the package. Info warfare is generally the bailiwick of Commando Solo and Compass Call (including network penetration and attack), but with software upgrades radar specialists expect the capability to appear soon.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: F-35 News

#659 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Jul 11, 2008 10:59 pm

Singapore and Israel eye buying Lockheed fighter
Mon Jul 7, 2008 11:44pm BST

http://uk.reuters.com/article/UK_SMALLC ... nnel=10171

"The Israelis have said they'd take up to 100 aircraft," he said in an interview. "The Singaporeans have said basically the same thing." Embassy spokesmen of the two countries had no immediate comment.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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Re: F-35 News

#660 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Jul 14, 2008 6:53 am

Minister for Defence Views Progress of Joint Strike Fighter Fleet

(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued July 11, 2008)

The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, today visited Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas, to view progress on the US-led Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program.

In 2002 Australia joined the US and seven other partner nations to develop the fifth-generation, stealthy, multi-role JSF with the expectation that it would replace Australia’s aging fleet of F-111 and F/A-18 A/B Hornet aircraft.

Lockheed Martin is the JSF prime contractor. The Minister toured the JSF production line and discussed JSF’s progress with senior Lockheed officials.

The Minister reiterated that Australia is looking for an aircraft that can meet the full range of future threats. It must also be affordable to acquire, affordable to sustain and affordable to upgrade throughout its life.

The Minister acknowledged the good technical progress on the JSF Program but pointed out that typical of such complex projects, many challenges remain.

While the Government has yet to make a decision on the aircraft for its new air combat capability, Australia and the other partner countries continue to work very effectively together on the JSF Program.

Following the visit to Fort Worth, the Minister will meet with US Government officials in Washington DC to ensure that if Australia confirms its intention to acquire the JSF, Australia will get access to all the technology and data required to operate and support the aircraft to meet Australia’s sovereign defence requirements.

The final decision on the aircraft for Australia’s new air combat capability will be considered in the context of the new Australian Defence White Paper which is currently being developed.

“The Government’s investment in Australia’s next generation of air combat capability may be up to $16 billion, the largest single defence capability outlay in the nation’s history. The Government is determined to ensure that no final commitment is made until we know exactly what our future needs are, and we have greater certainty on both costs and delivery schedule. That is the message I took to Lockheed Martin in Texas today,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

http://www.defense-aerospace.com/cgi-bi ... ele=jdc_34

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*