Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

Qual o caça ideal para o FX?

F/A-18 Super Hornet
Gripen NG
Total de votos: 1320

Carlos Mathias


#4336 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:11 pm

Sendo assim, CM, ótima jogada da FAB. Mas já pensou se eles colocam no papel?

Seria um bolôlô total, já pensou???? Aí o povo ia ter que queimar a mufla. MAs você chuta quais as chances de os EUA igualarem a Rússia e a França neste quisito? :wink:
Nesse ponto nao ha muito o que criticar os americanos. Quando dizem que nao, eh nao. Quado entram em uma disputa, nao costumam falar muito e nem prometer o que nao podem cumprir. O que garante a liderenca em algum campo eh justamente a vantagem tecnologica. Eh custosa para criar e bem mais barata para reproduzir. Quando alguem diz que transfere quase de graca, desconfio. Geralmente eh papo de vendedor ou pode esconder outras intencoes. Por este motivo acho que propostas oficiais sao a melhor opcao e nao uma compra direta sem menhum tipo de concorrencia.

Na boa, se a proposta russa ou a de qq pais for a mais vantajosa, tera todo o meu apoio (apesar de nao valer nada, rs).
Ninguém está oferecendo nada de graça ou quase de graça, será tudo muito bem pago. A questão é que certos fornecedores nem pagando.

Você deve olhar sob a ótica do "Quem precisa ceder mais? Quem realmente precisa do Brasil? Quem tem real interesse em criar relações deste tipo? ".

É outra forma de se avaliar as coisas. :wink:

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#4337 Mensagem por Wolfgang » Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:13 pm

De todo modo, não é um alívio não ter que engulir M2000BR (seja lá o que isso significa)?

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#4338 Mensagem por Wolfgang » Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:15 pm

Aliás, nós estamos parecendo aquele pobre que comia arroz, feijão e farinha todo dia (carne só de domingo) e ganha um dinheiro, entra em um restaurante chique e pela primeira vez tem $ para pedir algo além de fritas e Coca-Cola... :mrgreen:

Carlos Mathias


#4339 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:23 pm

Olha, acho nosso bolso está bem mais cheio que isso. Só que os anos de "fome" nos ensinaram que é melhor a´prender a fazer nossas refições e adaptá-las ao nosso gosto, entende?

Tem restaurante que só vende pronto, outros vendem e ensinam a fazer depois de tantos pratos comprados. Tem uns que ensinam a fazer ovo frito, outros fingem que ensinam, outros ensinam porque estão querendo aumentar a concorrência contra a loja à frente.

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#4340 Mensagem por Wolfgang » Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:25 pm

Mas dos três restaurantes, só dois alimentam de verdade. :mrgreen:

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#4341 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:43 pm

Wolfgang escreveu:Mas dos três restaurantes, só dois alimentam de verdade. :mrgreen:
Se o restaurante servir um prato desta forma, fica dificil resistir. A FAB pode ser oferecido um prato semelhante:

US Govt authorized the export of APG-79 AESA to India: Boeing official
http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/bus ... 18522.html

New Delhi, Feb 17 (IANS) The US government has “authorized” Boeing to offer a state-of-the-art radar with the F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter that is vying for an Indian Air Force (IAF) order for 126 multi-role combat aircraft, the company said Sunday. However, whether or not the technology for the radar would also be transferred “is an issue for the US government to decide”, a Boeing official said.

He was clarifying remarks attributed earlier Sunday to Chris Chadwick, president of Precision Engagement and Mobility Systems of Boeing Integrated Defence Systems, that the technology for the AESA (Advanced Electronically Scanned Array) radar would also be transferred with that of the aircraft for licensed manufacture in India in case Boeing wins the IAF order.

The AESA radar enables the F-18 seamlessly shift into an AWACS (airborne warning and control system) mode while flying on a combat mission.

“I can confirm that we will be complying with all the requirements of the request for proposal (RFP) we have received from the Indian Air Force,” Chadwick told reporters earlier Sunday on the sidelines of the ongoing DEFEXPO-2008 international defence exposition here.

Transfer of technology and licensed manufacture in the country is mandated under India’s Defence Procurement Procedure enunciated in 2006. This procedure is now being fine-tuned in relation to the offsets clause under which 30 percent of all defence deals worth over Rs.3 billion have to be re-invested in India.

In the case of the IAF order, however, the offsets obligation has been raised to 50 percent.

“We have readied a fully compliant proposal (on the IAF tender) and will submit this three days early (against the March 3 deadline),” Chadwick said.

“We are very well positioned to establish a long-term relationship with the Indian Air Force and the ministry of defence,” he added.

Should Boeing win the IAF order, the aircraft would be supplied in four phases.

“In phase 0, we will supply 18 aircraft in fully assembled condition. In Phase 1, we will supply the aircraft in semi-knocked down condition with 1,800 parts and 300 tools,” said Mike Rietz, F-18 programme manager for India.

“In phase 2, the aircraft will come in completely knocked down condition with 17,000 parts and 1,000-plus tools. In phase 3, the aircraft and its entire range of 30,000 parts will be indigenously manufactured in India,” he added.

In this way, we will gradually raise the level of technology that HAL (Hindustan Aircraft Ltd which will build the aircraft in India) will have to absorb,” Rietz explained.

The delivery schedule means that 108 of the 126 aircraft will be assembled in India, roughly half of them with Boeing-supplied parts while the balance would be totally built in this country.

The RFP lays down that the first aircraft is supplied within 36 months of the contract being signed and the 18th within 48 months. The 19th aircraft, the first to be assembled in India, will come within 54 months.

“Thereafter, there will be an incremental increase with the last aircraft to be delivered by 2020,” Rietz said.

Espero que os demais consigam detalhar (mesmo superficialmente, para o publico) uma proposta de transferencia de tecnologia/producao de forma objetiva e sem enrolacao como esta, com objetos e prazos definidos.

Editado pela última vez por Penguin em Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:54 pm, em um total de 3 vezes.
Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Carlos Lima
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#4342 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:46 pm

Olha pessoal

O CM tocou em um ponto importante... "Quem 'e que precisa ceder mais?"

Sei nao pessoal... essa questao pode ter multiplas respostas e nao acho que seja facil responder assim como essa 'aparente' ideia que os EUA precisam 'ceder mais' do que qualquer outro pais eu acho bem equivocada.

A diferenca 'e que os caras sao abertos quando dizem nao e deixam claro (antigamente as coisa era meio diferente, mas hoje em dia nao acho que 'e bem assim nao... assim como nao somos mais o Brasil de antigamente). :wink:

Russos, Franceses, Americanos, Ingleses, etc querem grana...$$$$... querem dependencia e 'relacionamentos duradouros', querem mais parceiros para financiar os seus projetos... nesse ponto honestamente ninguem 'e diferente... eu sei l'a cara... para mim nao existe nada mal dito dos americanos que nao seja aplicado a nenhum outro desses ' fornecedores'...

A MB esta equipando os "sistemas de combate" de seus subs (arma de ataque por natureza e "A arma estrategica" de protecao das nossas costas) com sistemas americanos... sera que se eles fossem tao 'ruins assim' a MB colocaria os subs nas maos deles?! ... Digo.. logo a MB!?

'E sobre esse prisma que eu vejo... negociacoes dependem muito mesmo de todas as partes... pelo visto a MB faz bem isso... resta saber se a FAB sabe fazer isso ou como nao sabe esta' procurando alternativas "atreladas a politica" como forma de disfarcar algumas carencias...

Nao estou atirando pedras na FAB porque acho que tem gente com competencia por la... mas eu de longe (e bota longe nisso :mrgreen: ) vejo uma certa fumaca nessa historia toda...

E sabe como 'e que 'e... aonde ha fumaca... :wink:

Honestamente, acho que existe mais de um 'bicho papao' nessa historia... e s'o nao ver quem nao quer:

Como venho dizendo a muito tempo, cabe ao Brasil se posicionar diante dele. E quando leio que o F-18 ou o EF-2000 est'ao l'a s'o para ' encher linguica'... putz...
...eu s'o tenho a lamentar pois vai para o ralo uma 'disputa de verdade'.

E diria e lamentaria da mesma forma caso me falarem que o Su-XX/Rafale/Gripen estao' la para encher linguica tambem! :|

Deveriamos estar 'e tristes com essa "politiqueta Brasiliana" :cry:


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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#4343 Mensagem por Wolfgang » Qui Jun 19, 2008 9:54 pm

Santiago escreveu:
Wolfgang escreveu:Mas dos três restaurantes, só dois alimentam de verdade. :mrgreen:
Se o restaurante servir um prato desta forma, fica dificil resistir. A FAB pode ser oferecido um prato semelhante:

US Govt authorized the export of APG-79 AESA to India: Boeing official
http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/bus ... 18522.html

New Delhi, Feb 17 (IANS) The US government has “authorized” Boeing to offer a state-of-the-art radar with the F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter that is vying for an Indian Air Force (IAF) order for 126 multi-role combat aircraft, the company said Sunday. However, whether or not the technology for the radar would also be transferred “is an issue for the US government to decide”, a Boeing official said.

He was clarifying remarks attributed earlier Sunday to Chris Chadwick, president of Precision Engagement and Mobility Systems of Boeing Integrated Defence Systems, that the technology for the AESA (Advanced Electronically Scanned Array) radar would also be transferred with that of the aircraft for licensed manufacture in India in case Boeing wins the IAF order.

The AESA radar enables the F-18 seamlessly shift into an AWACS (airborne warning and control system) mode while flying on a combat mission.

“I can confirm that we will be complying with all the requirements of the request for proposal (RFP) we have received from the Indian Air Force,” Chadwick told reporters earlier Sunday on the sidelines of the ongoing DEFEXPO-2008 international defence exposition here.

Transfer of technology and licensed manufacture in the country is mandated under India’s Defence Procurement Procedure enunciated in 2006. This procedure is now being fine-tuned in relation to the offsets clause under which 30 percent of all defence deals worth over Rs.3 billion have to be re-invested in India.

In the case of the IAF order, however, the offsets obligation has been raised to 50 percent.

“We have readied a fully compliant proposal (on the IAF tender) and will submit this three days early (against the March 3 deadline),” Chadwick said.

“We are very well positioned to establish a long-term relationship with the Indian Air Force and the ministry of defence,” he added.

Should Boeing win the IAF order, the aircraft would be supplied in four phases.

“In phase 0, we will supply 18 aircraft in fully assembled condition. In Phase 1, we will supply the aircraft in semi-knocked down condition with 1,800 parts and 300 tools,” said Mike Rietz, F-18 programme manager for India.

“In phase 2, the aircraft will come in completely knocked down condition with 17,000 parts and 1,000-plus tools. In phase 3, the aircraft and its entire range of 30,000 parts will be indigenously manufactured in India,” he added.

In this way, we will gradually raise the level of technology that HAL (Hindustan Aircraft Ltd which will build the aircraft in India) will have to absorb,” Rietz explained.

The delivery schedule means that 108 of the 126 aircraft will be assembled in India, roughly half of them with Boeing-supplied parts while the balance would be totally built in this country.

The RFP lays down that the first aircraft is supplied within 36 months of the contract being signed and the 18th within 48 months. The 19th aircraft, the first to be assembled in India, will come within 54 months.

“Thereafter, there will be an incremental increase with the last aircraft to be delivered by 2020,” Rietz said.

Espero que os demais consigam detalhar (memso superficialmente, para o publico) uma proposta de transferencia de tecnologia/producao de forma objetiva e sem enrolacao como esta, com objetos e prazos definidos.

Isso que chamei atenção outro dia. O F-X do jeito que vem sendo noticiado é coisa para 120 caças... 6 menos que a concorrência da India.

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#4344 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Jun 19, 2008 10:04 pm

Wolfgang escreveu:
Santiago escreveu: Se o restaurante servir um prato desta forma, fica dificil resistir. A FAB pode ser oferecido um prato semelhante:

US Govt authorized the export of APG-79 AESA to India: Boeing official
http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/bus ... 18522.html

New Delhi, Feb 17 (IANS) The US government has “authorized” Boeing to offer a state-of-the-art radar with the F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter that is vying for an Indian Air Force (IAF) order for 126 multi-role combat aircraft, the company said Sunday. However, whether or not the technology for the radar would also be transferred “is an issue for the US government to decide”, a Boeing official said.

He was clarifying remarks attributed earlier Sunday to Chris Chadwick, president of Precision Engagement and Mobility Systems of Boeing Integrated Defence Systems, that the technology for the AESA (Advanced Electronically Scanned Array) radar would also be transferred with that of the aircraft for licensed manufacture in India in case Boeing wins the IAF order.

The AESA radar enables the F-18 seamlessly shift into an AWACS (airborne warning and control system) mode while flying on a combat mission.

“I can confirm that we will be complying with all the requirements of the request for proposal (RFP) we have received from the Indian Air Force,” Chadwick told reporters earlier Sunday on the sidelines of the ongoing DEFEXPO-2008 international defence exposition here.

Transfer of technology and licensed manufacture in the country is mandated under India’s Defence Procurement Procedure enunciated in 2006. This procedure is now being fine-tuned in relation to the offsets clause under which 30 percent of all defence deals worth over Rs.3 billion have to be re-invested in India.

In the case of the IAF order, however, the offsets obligation has been raised to 50 percent.

“We have readied a fully compliant proposal (on the IAF tender) and will submit this three days early (against the March 3 deadline),” Chadwick said.

“We are very well positioned to establish a long-term relationship with the Indian Air Force and the ministry of defence,” he added.

Should Boeing win the IAF order, the aircraft would be supplied in four phases.

“In phase 0, we will supply 18 aircraft in fully assembled condition. In Phase 1, we will supply the aircraft in semi-knocked down condition with 1,800 parts and 300 tools,” said Mike Rietz, F-18 programme manager for India.

“In phase 2, the aircraft will come in completely knocked down condition with 17,000 parts and 1,000-plus tools. In phase 3, the aircraft and its entire range of 30,000 parts will be indigenously manufactured in India,” he added.

In this way, we will gradually raise the level of technology that HAL (Hindustan Aircraft Ltd which will build the aircraft in India) will have to absorb,” Rietz explained.

The delivery schedule means that 108 of the 126 aircraft will be assembled in India, roughly half of them with Boeing-supplied parts while the balance would be totally built in this country.

The RFP lays down that the first aircraft is supplied within 36 months of the contract being signed and the 18th within 48 months. The 19th aircraft, the first to be assembled in India, will come within 54 months.

“Thereafter, there will be an incremental increase with the last aircraft to be delivered by 2020,” Rietz said.

Espero que os demais consigam detalhar (memso superficialmente, para o publico) uma proposta de transferencia de tecnologia/producao de forma objetiva e sem enrolacao como esta, com objetos e prazos definidos.

Isso que chamei atenção outro dia. O F-X do jeito que vem sendo noticiado é coisa para 120 caças... 6 menos que a concorrência da India.
Se a FAB nao estiver batendo fofo, a proposta da Boeing nao devera ser muito distinta do ofertado a India.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
Mensagens: 122
Registrado em: Qua Mar 26, 2008 11:12 pm


#4345 Mensagem por hviana » Qui Jun 19, 2008 10:24 pm

Legal é que se a FAB não tiver batendo fofo e a proposta da Boeing for parecida com essa, já pensou como isso vai elevar o nível das outras propostas? E possivelmente diminuir seus custos (o F-18 é cotado em dolar).. vai vir Meteor, vai vir Flankão mais equipados que os de chavito...
Mas.. existe a possibilidade de alguém dizer ô, vai alterar o equilibrio militar da AL, vendo nao. ?

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#4346 Mensagem por Wolfgang » Qui Jun 19, 2008 10:25 pm

Mas daí ninguém nos segue. Para pagar 120 caças do porte desses que estão na disputa, na AL, além do Brasil não há.

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#4347 Mensagem por knigh7 » Qui Jun 19, 2008 10:27 pm

Wolfgang escreveu:Geralmente o RFI/RFP tem um prazo curto ou longo para a resposta? O que podemos esperar tendo em vista outras concorrências/ compras internacionais?

O RFI e o RFP são por natureza longos (mais de 1 ano). Entretanto, este será mais curto, uma vez que a FAB já estava avaliando os vetores. (Como anunciam há 1 ano atrás que o o Estado reservou US$2,2bi para caças e ela não avaliou?).

Este RFI, como falei, é apenas para dar uma certa lisura: envia-se um convite a empresas dos EUA, Suécia, aos países do consórcio do EFA, a França e à Rússia.
Dá um aspecto de um não privilégio a uma nação ou nações. Assim, evita-se insinuações de que estamos nos alinhando a um determinado país.
Diminui o revanchismo, a tendência de retaliações.
Evita prejuízos à Embraer.
Entretanto, as coisas já estão bastante adiantadas.
E a FAB sabe até onde cada empresa e sua nação pode oferecer a ela. É o mesmo caso quando você faz uma pergunta sabendo a resposta, mas mesmo assim o faz para deixar claro, explícita a resposta, capisco?

É o mesmo caso dos hellis de ataque. O Hind já estava definido como o vencedor, antes de ter sido lançada a disputa. Entretanto, foram convidadas empresas norte-americanas (que não responderam ao RFP), inglesas/italianas, francesas e russas.
Evitou-se danos, caso tivéssemos adquirido o Hind sem dar margens as outras empresas. Tipo assim: "convidamos todos, estes são os requisitos, não há favoritos."
O Su tem forte apoio dentro da FAB e dentro de outros setores do Governo, o mesmo caso do Rafale. Mas o PT tem fortes ligações com os Franceses. Há 4 meses atrás, o Genuíno defendeu o Rafale...



P. S.:Tanto o Su35, quanto a evolução dele, o BM foram avaliados.

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#4348 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Jun 19, 2008 10:34 pm

Santiago escreveu:
Wolfgang escreveu: Se o restaurante servir um prato desta forma, fica dificil resistir. A FAB pode ser oferecido um prato semelhante:

US Govt authorized the export of APG-79 AESA to India: Boeing official
http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/bus ... 18522.html

New Delhi, Feb 17 (IANS) The US government has “authorized” Boeing to offer a state-of-the-art radar with the F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter that is vying for an Indian Air Force (IAF) order for 126 multi-role combat aircraft, the company said Sunday. However, whether or not the technology for the radar would also be transferred “is an issue for the US government to decide”, a Boeing official said.

He was clarifying remarks attributed earlier Sunday to Chris Chadwick, president of Precision Engagement and Mobility Systems of Boeing Integrated Defence Systems, that the technology for the AESA (Advanced Electronically Scanned Array) radar would also be transferred with that of the aircraft for licensed manufacture in India in case Boeing wins the IAF order.

The AESA radar enables the F-18 seamlessly shift into an AWACS (airborne warning and control system) mode while flying on a combat mission.

“I can confirm that we will be complying with all the requirements of the request for proposal (RFP) we have received from the Indian Air Force,” Chadwick told reporters earlier Sunday on the sidelines of the ongoing DEFEXPO-2008 international defence exposition here.

Transfer of technology and licensed manufacture in the country is mandated under India’s Defence Procurement Procedure enunciated in 2006. This procedure is now being fine-tuned in relation to the offsets clause under which 30 percent of all defence deals worth over Rs.3 billion have to be re-invested in India.

In the case of the IAF order, however, the offsets obligation has been raised to 50 percent.

“We have readied a fully compliant proposal (on the IAF tender) and will submit this three days early (against the March 3 deadline),” Chadwick said.

“We are very well positioned to establish a long-term relationship with the Indian Air Force and the ministry of defence,” he added.

Should Boeing win the IAF order, the aircraft would be supplied in four phases.

“In phase 0, we will supply 18 aircraft in fully assembled condition. In Phase 1, we will supply the aircraft in semi-knocked down condition with 1,800 parts and 300 tools,” said Mike Rietz, F-18 programme manager for India.

“In phase 2, the aircraft will come in completely knocked down condition with 17,000 parts and 1,000-plus tools. In phase 3, the aircraft and its entire range of 30,000 parts will be indigenously manufactured in India,” he added.

In this way, we will gradually raise the level of technology that HAL (Hindustan Aircraft Ltd which will build the aircraft in India) will have to absorb,” Rietz explained.

The delivery schedule means that 108 of the 126 aircraft will be assembled in India, roughly half of them with Boeing-supplied parts while the balance would be totally built in this country.

The RFP lays down that the first aircraft is supplied within 36 months of the contract being signed and the 18th within 48 months. The 19th aircraft, the first to be assembled in India, will come within 54 months.

“Thereafter, there will be an incremental increase with the last aircraft to be delivered by 2020,” Rietz said.

Espero que os demais consigam detalhar (memso superficialmente, para o publico) uma proposta de transferencia de tecnologia/producao de forma objetiva e sem enrolacao como esta, com objetos e prazos definidos.

Isso que chamei atenção outro dia. O F-X do jeito que vem sendo noticiado é coisa para 120 caças... 6 menos que a concorrência da India.
Se a FAB nao estiver batendo fofo, a proposta da Boeing nao devera ser muito distinta do ofertado a India.[/quote]

Ou poderia receber um proposta assim:

India invited to become a partner of the Eurofighter programme

Dated 30/4/2008

India is invited to join the Eurofighter programme as a new partner. This invitation was highlighted by Bernhard Gerwert, CEO of Military Air Systems, an integrated activity of EADS Defence & Security, during a high-level Eurofighter event in New Delhi on Thursday.

Gerwert said: "As part of our industrial cooperation offer, we invite India to become a member of the successful Eurofighter family. India is our partner of choice and we are interested in long-lasting political, industrial and military relations which will be based on a win-win partnership. Therefore the door is widely open for India." Gerwert explained to representatives of the Indian Ministry of Defence, the Indian Air Force, suppliers and media that the Eurofighter partners have intensive experiences in international cooperation because the combat aircraft is developed and manufactured as a quadronational programme from the very beginning.

Gerwert underlined that four nations, four air forces and the four leading European aerospace companies EADS, EADS Casa, BAE Systems and Alenia Finmeccanica fully support the Eurofighter campaign in India. Gerwert said: "We have a strong and committed international team and we will make sure that Eurofighter will be a major player in a fair and transparent competition." On behalf of the Eurofighter consortium and the industrial partners, EADS will deliver the Eurofighter bid proposal for the Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) competition in India on 28 April 2008.

The requirements of the Request for Proposal (RFP) concerning transfer of technology, license production and 50 percent offset are challenging, however, Gerwert pointed out: "We are ready to meet these challenges and we will satisfy the expectations of our customer. Our team is working extremely hard in order to meet these requirements." As a fast growing and dynamic country, India is not only regarded as a market but most importantly as a partner for joint industrial and military projects in the future. As a recent example, EADS Defence & Security and TATA announced in February 2008 to join forces for the Indian Army's US $1 billion Tactical Communications System.

The Eurofighter Typhoon is fully operational in four countries. With more than 700 orders from six customers (Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Austria, Saudi Arabia), the Eurofighter Typhoon is a mature and stabile combat aircraft programme. Most impressive key feature of the Eurofighter Typhoon is its multi- and swing-role capability, which provides military commanders with enormous flexibility. This means that the aircraft can fly either air-to-air or air-to-ground missions or both sorties at the same time. In terms of weapons payload, the aircraft is capable of carrying six air-to-air missiles plus additional air-to-surface weapons such as Paveway II or GBU-10/-16, or external fuel tanks on seven further hard points. Another operational benefit is the installation of the electronic warfare equipment in the wing tips without sacrificing external stores capacity.

Thanks to these air-to-ground and air-to-air capabilities, the Eurofighter Typhoon has proven itself as an awesome operational weapon system which combines advanced technology with world-class performance. The combat aircraft provides highest levels of mission effectiveness for all scenarios and a broad range of mission flexibility. In addition, its air-to-air refuelling capability extends mission duration and range. Therefore, the Eurofighter Typhoon is indeed outstanding regarding its agility, capability and flexibility to meet the challenges of fast-changing operational scenarios.

Military Air Systems is an integrated activity of EADS Defence & Security (DS). DS is a systems solutions provider for armed forces and civil security worldwide. Its portfolio ranges from sensors and secure networks through missiles to aircraft and UAVs as well as global security, service and support solutions. In 2007, DS

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Registrado em: Seg Mai 19, 2003 10:07 pm
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#4349 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Jun 19, 2008 10:54 pm

knigh7 escreveu:
Wolfgang escreveu:Geralmente o RFI/RFP tem um prazo curto ou longo para a resposta? O que podemos esperar tendo em vista outras concorrências/ compras internacionais?

O RFI e o RFP são por natureza longos (mais de 1 ano). Entretanto, este será mais curto, uma vez que a FAB já estava avaliando os vetores. (Como anunciam há 1 ano atrás que o o Estado reservou US$2,2bi para caças e ela não avaliou?).

Este RFI, como falei, é apenas para dar uma certa lisura: envia-se um convite a empresas dos EUA, Suécia, aos países do consórcio do EFA, a França e à Rússia.
Dá um aspecto de um não privilégio a uma nação ou nações. Assim, evita-se insinuações de que estamos nos alinhando a um determinado país.
Diminui o revanchismo, a tendência de retaliações.
Evita prejuízos à Embraer.
Entretanto, as coisas já estão bastante adiantadas.
E a FAB sabe até onde cada empresa e sua nação pode oferecer a ela. É o mesmo caso quando você faz uma pergunta sabendo a resposta, mas mesmo assim o faz para deixar claro, explícita a resposta, capisco?

É o mesmo caso dos hellis de ataque. O Hind já estava definido como o vencedor, antes de ter sido lançada a disputa. Entretanto, foram convidadas empresas norte-americanas (que não responderam ao RFP), inglesas/italianas, francesas e russas.
Evitou-se danos, caso tivéssemos adquirido o Hind sem dar margens as outras empresas. Tipo assim: "convidamos todos, estes são os requisitos, não há favoritos."
O Su tem forte apoio dentro da FAB e dentro de outros setores do Governo, o mesmo caso do Rafale. Mas o PT tem fortes ligações com os Franceses. Há 4 meses atrás, o Genuíno defendeu o Rafale...



P. S.:Tanto o Su35, quanto a evolução dele, o BM foram avaliados.
Entao pt saudacoes. Criamos uma nova modalidade de enrolacao internacional. Vai se tormar um case.
A Saab, a Boeing, Eurofighter e a AgustaWestland devem ser ingenuas em investir em esforcos comerciais neste pais.


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla


#4350 Mensagem por brisa » Qui Jun 19, 2008 11:00 pm


RFI, isto ja foi feito a muiiiiito tempo.

Acho que a palavra correta seria RFP.

Vamos discutir e analizar a parte financeira....precos, prazos, condicoes de pagamento, frete, IPI, ICMs e demais condicoes (inclusive as poíticas) para a dita aquisicao... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

No mais continuem a fazer as sua apostas :D
