Aeronaves da Guerra Fria

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Delta Dagger
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Aeronaves da Guerra Fria

#1 Mensagem por Delta Dagger » Ter Abr 17, 2007 3:28 pm

Criei este tópico para os que assim como eu admiram as aeronaves do tempo da Guerra Fria, como os grandes bombardeiros e caças que entraram em operação até 1975. Vamos trocar informações e fotos sobre o período de maior criatividade e variedade de aeronaves de combate.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain
Roy Batty - Blade Runner
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Delta Dagger
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#2 Mensagem por Delta Dagger » Ter Abr 17, 2007 3:33 pm

Para iniciar





I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain
Roy Batty - Blade Runner
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#3 Mensagem por alcmartin » Ter Abr 17, 2007 3:41 pm

Só um adendo: tempo da guerra fria? Então só exclui Rafale,EF2000, F35,F22 e Gripen...aeronaves da 4 e 5 geração. Ainda assim, não contando o requerimento inicial...

Cuidado...nosso tempo "pessoal" não é o mesmo da história...

Um Abs e desculpe desvirtuar seu tópico!

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#4 Mensagem por Túlio » Ter Abr 17, 2007 3:42 pm


With its introduction in 1960 the B-58 Hustler was the world's first supersonic bomber and had a very controversial life right from the designing stage to operational service. The Strategic Air Command had never really wanted the Hustler, because of its range which was regarded as too short and the high costs of production and maintaining the B-58 Hustler. It was designed to fly at the speed of mach 2 and therefore could not compete with the fuel consumption of the bigger and slower B-52. For example, the B-58 had to refuel once to get the range the B-52D had without refueling (7,400 miles). However, the real reason for its short life turned out to be the cost aspect. The cost of maintaining and operating two B-58 wings equaled that of six wings of B-52's. ( :shock: ) Therefore the B-58 Hustler was already taken out of service in 1970 but nevertheless had left an impressive series of records and achievements behind.

The design of the B-58 was ahead of its time and because of its extreme capacities a select group of pilots, radar navigators and defensive systems operators of the Strategic Air Command were able to fly this bomber. It still looks as futuristic as it did back in the fifties when it was designed and aesthetically few planes have ever come close.

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Re: Aeronaves da Guerra Fria

#5 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Ter Abr 17, 2007 3:43 pm

Delta Dagger escreveu:Criei este tópico para os que assim como eu admiram as aeronaves do tempo da Guerra Fria, como os grandes bombardeiros e caças que entraram em operação até 1975. Vamos trocar informações e fotos sobre o período de maior criatividade e variedade de aeronaves de combate.

Avião da Guerra fria.

POWs é o AVRO Vulcan.

E não se fala mais nisso.

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
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#6 Mensagem por chm0d » Ter Abr 17, 2007 3:47 pm


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Re: Aeronaves da Guerra Fria

#7 Mensagem por Bolovo » Ter Abr 17, 2007 4:05 pm

cicloneprojekt escreveu:
Delta Dagger escreveu:Criei este tópico para os que assim como eu admiram as aeronaves do tempo da Guerra Fria, como os grandes bombardeiros e caças que entraram em operação até 1975. Vamos trocar informações e fotos sobre o período de maior criatividade e variedade de aeronaves de combate.

Avião da Guerra fria.

POWs é o AVRO Vulcan.

E não se fala mais nisso.

Realmente era o bicho.


A Guerra Fria foi marcado pelos grandes bombardeiros, outro que eu gosto é o Tu-95.


São o que são, fodas ao extremo.

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
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#8 Mensagem por Beronha » Ter Abr 17, 2007 4:20 pm

Gosto muito desse rejeitado... :D


Editado pela última vez por Beronha em Ter Abr 17, 2007 4:22 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
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#9 Mensagem por Túlio » Ter Abr 17, 2007 4:21 pm

XB36 ao lado de um B29: pequena diferença... :lol:


Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.

Warren Buffett
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#10 Mensagem por Tu160bomber » Ter Abr 17, 2007 4:27 pm

Tu 22 Blinder

The Tu-22 was originally intended as a supersonic replacement for the Tupolev Tu-16 bomber. The design, designated Samolet 105 by Tupolev, was drawn in 1954, but the first flight of the prototype did not take place until 21 June 1958. The availability of more powerful engines, and the TsAGI discovery of the Area rule for minimizing transonic drag, led to the construction of a revised prototype, the 105A. This first flew on 7 September 1959.

The first serial-production Tu-22B bomber, built at Kazan Factory No. 22, flew on 22 September 1960, and the type was presented in the Tushino Aviation Day parade on 9 July 1961. It initially received the NATO reporting name 'Bullshot,' which was deemed inappropriate, then 'Beauty,' which was felt to be too complimentary, and finally 'Blinder.' Soviet crews called it "shilo" (awl) because of its shape.

Tu-22 Blinder parked.The Tu-22 entered service in 1962 and 1963, but it experienced considerable problems, leading to widespread inserviceability and a number of crashes. Amongst its many faults was a tendency for skin heating at supersonic speed, distorting the control rods and causing poor handling. The landing speed was 100 km/h (62 mph) higher than previous bombers and the Tu-22 had a tendency to pitch up and strike its tail on landing. The undercarriage sometimes collapsed with serious consequences, particularly when carrying a fueled missile. Even after some of its teething problems had been resolved, the 'Blinder' was never easy to fly, and it was maintenance-intensive. Throughout its career, the Tu-22 was exceptionally unpopular with both ground personnel and flight crews, who on certain occasions in the 1960s refused to fly it[citation needed].

By the time the Tu-22B (Blinder-A) entered service it was already clear that its operational usefulness was limited. Despite its speed, it was inferior to the Tu-16 in combat radius, weapon load, and serviceability. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev felt that ballistic missiles were the way of the future, and bombers like the Tu-22 were in danger of cancellation. As a result, only 15 (some sources say 20) Tu-22Bs were built.

A combat-capable reconnaissance version, the Tu-22R ('Blinder-C'), was developed alongside the bomber, entering service in 1962. The Tu-22R had an aerial refueling probe that was subsequently fitted to most 'Blinders,' expanding their radius of operation. 127 Tu-22Rs were built, 62 of which went to the AVMF for maritime reconnaissance use. Some of these aircraft were stripped of their camera and sensor packs and sold for export as Tu-22Bs, although in other respects they apparently remained more comparable to the Tu-22R than to the early-production Tu-22Bs.

Color profile. Copyright by Giovanni Paulli.
A trainer version of the 'Blinder,' the Tu-22U ('Blinder-D') was fielded at the same time, with a raised cockpit for an instructor pilot. The Tu-22U had no tail guns, and was not combat-capable. 46 were produced.

To try to salvage some offensive combat role for the Tu-22 in the face of official hostility, the 'Blinder' was developed as a missile carrier, the Tu-22K ('Blinder-B'), with the ability to carry a single Raduga Kh-22 (AS-4 'Kitchen') stand-off missile in a modified weapons bay. The Tu-22K was deployed both by DA (Strategic Aviation) and AVMF (Naval Aviation).

The last Tu-22 subtype was the Tu-22P ('Blinder-E') electronic warfare version, initially used for ELINT electronic intelligence gathering. Some were converted to serve as stand-off ECM jammers to support Tu-22K missile carriers. One squadron was usually allocated to each Tu-22 regiment.

The Tu-22 was upgraded in service with more powerful engines, in-flight refueling (for those aircraft that didn't have it initially), and better electronics.

Tu-22s were exported to Iraq and Libya in the 1970s. An Egyptian request was turned down after the cooling of Soviet-Egyptian relations in the wake of the Yom Kippur War.

[edit] Decline
The Tu-22 was gradually phased out of Soviet service in favor of the more-capable Tupolev Tu-22M. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union there were 154 remaining in service, but none are now believed to be flying. More than 70 were lost in various operational accidents.

Most of the Iraqi aircraft that survived the Iran-Iraq war were destroyed in the 1991 Gulf War. Libyan aircraft are probably now unserviceable because of a lack of spare parts.

It is possible that the Ukraine still operates a small number of "Blinders", though the IISS's Military Balance and other sources do not list any in service.

[edit] Combat service

A junked Iraqi Tu-22 "Blinder" fuselage at Al Taqaddum, Iraq.
Tu-22 Blinder landing.Libya used the 'Blinder' in combat against Tanzania in 1979, striking the town of Mwanza on 29 March 1979. The Libyan aircraft were subsequently used in Chad, with strikes into Sudan and Chad. In the 1980s Libyan bombers intervened in the civil war in Chad, and also hit targets in Sudan. At least one of the bombers was reported shot down during the fighting with Chad 1987. One eyewitness report suggests that the pilot ejected but his parachute was seen on fire.

Iraq used its 'Blinders' in the Iran-Iraq War from 1980 to 1988, losing about seven of its 12 aircraft in combat, including one shot down by an Iranian SAM over Tehran, and a second shot down by an Iranian Grumman F-14 Tomcat. The greatest loss was from air-to-ground strikes by Iranian Air Force, which forced Iraq to evacuate its Tu-22's to Yemen for some time[citation needed].

The only Soviet combat use of the 'Blinder' took place in 1988, during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Radar-jamming Tu-22PD aircraft covered Tu-22M bombers operating in Afghanistan near Pakistan border, protecting strike aircraft against Pakistani air defence activity.

[edit] Description
The Tu-22 has a 55° swept wing. The two large turbojet engines, originally the Dobrinin VD-7M, later the Kolesov RD-7M2, are mounted atop the rear fuselage on either side of the large vertical fin. Continuing a Tupolev OKB trademark, the main landing gear are mounted in pods at the trailing edge of each wing. The highly swept wings gave low drag at transonic speeds, but led to very high landing speeds and a long take-off run.

The Tu-22's cockpit placed the pilot forward, offset slightly to the left, with the weapons officer behind and the navigator below, within the fuselage. The cockpit design was abominable, with very poor visibility (doing nothing for the 'Blinder's' poor runway performance), uncomfortable seats and poor location of instruments and switches.

The Tu-22's defensive armament, operated by the weapons officer, consisted of a tail turret beneath the engine pods containing one or two AM-23 23 mm cannon, each with 250 rounds of ammunition. The turret was directed by a small PRS-3A 'Argon' gun-laying radar to compensate for the weapons officer's lack of rear visibility. The bomber's main weapon load was carried in a fuselage bomb bay between the wings, capable of carrying up to 24 FAB-500 general-purpose bombs, one FAB-9000 bomb, or various free-fall nuclear weapons. On the Tu-22K, the bay was reconfigured to carry a single Raduga Kh-22 (AS-4 'Kitchen') missile semi-recessed beneath the fuselage. The enormous weapon was big enough to have a substantial effect on handling and performance, and it was also a safety hazard.

The early Tu-22B had an optical bombing system (which was retained by the Tu-22R), with a Rubin-1A nav/attack radar. The Tu-22K had the Leinents PN (NATO reporting name 'Down Beat') to guide the Kh-22 missile. The Tu-22R could carry a camera array or an APP-22 jammer pack in the bomb bay as an alternative to bombs. Some Tu-22Rs were fitted with the Kub ELINT system, and later with an underfuselage palette for M-202 Shompol side-looking airborne radar, as well as cameras and an infrared line-scanner. A small number of Tu-22K were modified to Tu-22KP or Tu-22KPD configuration with Kurs-N equipment to detect enemy radar systems and give compatibility with the Kh-22P anti-radiation missile.

[edit] Variants
A total of 311 Tu-22s of all variants were produced, the last in 1969.

Tu-22B - Original free-fall bomber variant. Only 15 built, ultimately used mostly for training or test purposes.
Tu-22R, RD, RK, RDK - Reconnaissance aircraft, retaining bombing capability. -K suffix denoted some aircraft fitted with Kub ELINT systems in the 1970s. About 127 built, including RDM.
Tu-22RDM - Upgraded reconnaissance version, converted from earlier RD aircraft in the early 1980s, with instruments in a detachable container.
Tu-22P, PD - Electronic warfare/ELINT version. 47 built.
Tu-22K, KD - Missile-carrier version built from 1965, equipped to launch the Raduga Kh-22 (AS-4 Kitchen) missile. 76 made, including KP / KPD.
Tu-22KP, KPD - Electronic warfare / bomber version, introduced circa 1968, carrying the Kh-22P anti-radiation missile.
Tu-22U, UD - trainer version, 46 made.
The -D suffix (for dalni, long-range) denotes aircraft fitted for aerial refueling.

[edit] Operators

Former operators of the Tu-22 "Blinder"All operators retired their Tu-22s.

Iraq: Iraqi Air Force
Libya: Libyan Air Force
Russia: Russian Air Force
Ukraine: Ukrainian Air Force
Soviet Union: Soviet Air Force

[edit] Specifications (Tu-22R)
General characteristics
Crew: three - pilot, navigator, weapons officer
Length: 41.60 m (136 ft 5 in)
Wingspan: 23.17 m (76 ft 0 in)
Height: 10.13 m (33 ft 3 in)
Wing area: 162 m² (1,742 ft²)
Empty weight: kg (lb)
Loaded weight: 85,000 kg (187,390 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 92,000 kg (202,400 lb)
Powerplant: 2× Dobrynin RD-7M-2 turbojets
Dry thrust: rated 107.9 kN (24,250 lbf) each
Thrust with afterburner: 161.9 kN (36,376 lbf) each
Maximum speed: 1,510 km/h (938 mph)
Range: 4,900 km (3,045 mi)
Service ceiling: 13,300 m (40,540 ft)
Rate of climb: m/s (ft/min)
Wing loading: 525 kg/m² (107 lb/ft²)
Thrust/weight: 0.38
Guns: 1× AM-23 23 mm cannon in tail turret
Bombs: 9,000 kg (20,000 lb) or
Missiles: 1× Kh-22 (AS-4 'Kitchen') cruise missile

[edit] Related content
Related development
Comparable aircraft
A-5 Vigilante
B-58 Hustler
Mirage IV
Designation sequence
Tupolev: Tu-102 - Tu-103 - Tu-104 - Tu-105 - Tu-106 - Tu-107 - Tu-110
VVS: Tu-14 - Tu-16 - Tu-20 - Tu-22/Tu-22M - Tu-24 - Tu-26 - Tu28





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#11 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Abr 17, 2007 5:30 pm



F-86 Sabre

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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#12 Mensagem por Morcego » Ter Abr 17, 2007 5:38 pm

E as BASES dessas aeronaves em??? estava olhando no GOOGLE EARTH a de KASPUTIN YAR, como aquele trem é grande.

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#13 Mensagem por Slip Junior » Ter Abr 17, 2007 5:56 pm

NB-36H: nenhuma aeronave mereceu mais o título de "Bombardeiro Nuclear" do que essa! :wink:




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Delta Dagger
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#14 Mensagem por Delta Dagger » Ter Abr 17, 2007 10:13 pm

alcmartin escreveu:Só um adendo: tempo da guerra fria? Então só exclui Rafale,EF2000, F35,F22 e Gripen...aeronaves da 4 e 5 geração. Ainda assim, não contando o requerimento inicial...

Cuidado...nosso tempo "pessoal" não é o mesmo da história...

Um Abs e desculpe desvirtuar seu tópico!

Bem, de repente não fui muito específico pois até F-16 e F-15 são do tempo da guerra fria. Por outro lado especifiquei os que entraram em operação até 1975, para limitar o tópico, pois aeronaves posteriores ja debatemos abundantemente em outros tópicos.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain
Roy Batty - Blade Runner
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Delta Dagger
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#15 Mensagem por Delta Dagger » Ter Abr 17, 2007 10:21 pm




I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain
Roy Batty - Blade Runner