Marinha da Federação Russa

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Marinha da Federação Russa

#1 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Jan 22, 2007 1:53 pm



Um blog com noticias:

Do qual retirei este artigo referente ás Forças Submarinas:

How many submarines are on patrol?

The series of sea-based missile launches conducted last week (Bulava, R-29RM, and R-29) was clearly part of a fairly large-scale naval exercise. On September 10 the Minister of Defense reported to President Putin that the exercise was successful. The report was brief and had some interesting bits of information in it:

Today, eight nuclear submarines are at sea on operational patrol or in transfer. Of these, five are strategic submarines and three – multipurpose [attack] submarines, but all they have nuclear weapons on board.
Let’s start with strategic submarines. According to the latest publicly available START data exchange, Russia has 17 submarines that can carry sea-launched ballistic missiles – five Project 941 (Typhoon), one of which has been converted to carry RSM-56 (i.e. Bulava) missile, six Project 667BDR (Delta III) and six Project 667BDRM (Delta IV) submarines.
Project 941 submarines cannot possibly be among those five on patrol – the division that included these ships was disbanded in April 2004 and Dmitri Donskoy - the submarine that is used for Bulava tests – obviously cannot carry nuclear weapons.

This leaves Delta submarines. Of the six Project 667BDR, two are deployed with the Northern Fleet - K-44 Ryazan and K-496 Borisoglebsk. Four more are in the Pacific - K-211 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, K-223 Podolsk, K-433 Sv. Georgiy Pobedonosets, and K-506 Zelenograd. But according to the START data, the Northern Fleet submarines have only 29 deployed missiles, instead of full complement of 32, while the submarines in the Pacific have 56 deployed missiles for their 64 tubes. This means that the Navy began removing missiles from at least two submarines and it is highly unlikely that these two are available for patrol. (An alternative explanation for the empty tubes – that they are used for space launches – does not seem to work. In 2005, when the Borisoglebsk submarine was used for space-related launches twice, on June 21st and October 7th, START data listed 32 missiles at the Northern Fleet.) This leaves only four operational Project 667BDR submarines.

The situation with Project 667BDRM (Delta IV) submarines is a bit different. Far from being decommissioned, they are undergoing overhaul during which they are equipped with newly manufactured R-29RM Sineva missiles. But this still mean that not all of the START-accountable submarines are in active service. Two submarines – K-117 Bryansk, and K-18 Karelia – are currently in overhaul. Of the four others – K-51 Verkhoturie, K-84 Ekaterinburg, K-407 Novomoskovsk, and K-114 Tula – one (Novomoskovsk) has not been in overhaul yet, so it is reasonable to assume that it about to begin it, now that Tula has returned to the active service. Besides, Novomoskovsk was one of the submarines (with Karelia) involved in the failures of February 2004. So, I think it is reasonable to assume that Novomoskovsk is out and only three Project 667BDRM submarines are operational.

Would it be possible for the Russian Navy to have five of its seven operational submarines at sea? Certainly. We know that two of them were there – the Sv. Georgiy Pobedonosets and Ekaterinburg launched their missiles. Add two Project 667BDRM submarines fresh from overhaul, Tula and Verkhoturie, and one Project 667BDR (Borisoglebsk seems to be the only other sea-worthy submarine of this class) and you get five. But I really doubt that this deployment rate can be sustained for any period of time. Not that there is anything wrong with that – first, even one or two submarines on patrol would be perfectly adequate for any imaginable mission, and, second, as long as the Russian Navy can increase the number of submarines on patrol when necessary, they don’t have to keep them at sea all the time. ... _pat.shtml

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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#2 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Fev 06, 2007 9:27 am

New Russian Amphib Warfare ship


Data gleaned from an article about it in USNI's Proceedings February 2007 magazine interspersed with input from my other sources. I put it together for another discussion board on request. Some info will be paraphrases and some direct quote excerpts:

"Details Emerge On The Russian Navy's New Big Amphibious Ships" by Marcin Schiele "an expert in Russian designed warships".

"The current VMF procurement program calls for four-five ships" but a total of as many as 15 -20 is required.

They will replace 14 Project 1171 Tapir/Alligator class ships(only five survive), the 3 Ivan Rogov class ships(of which only one survives: 2?) and at least some of the Project 775 class ships of which 28 were built of which only 18 survive with some in reserve.

First of Class:
Ivan Gren BDK???
Keel layed December 2004
Delivery Early 2009
Full Load displacement approx 5000tons
Legth 120 meters

Two large separate supertructures: Forward Bridge Aft Hanger

Room in between for "removable ISO standard containers"

Hull is six meters tall:

Vehicle Deck:

Can carry 13 MBT of 60tons each or

36 armored vehicles of 15 tons each or

"several tons of ...military trucks" or

Along with those stored topside 1500t of loaded ISO standard containers.

"Data on machinery not yet confirmed" but it appears that two marine diesels drive two shafts.


2 MLRS A215Grad M

"Each mount designated as MS 73, has 40 smoothbore tubes of 122mm caliber, which can fire 9M22 spin-stabilized rockets....Under the deck are two independent sores with a total number of 320 such rockets."

Two AK176M 76mm turrets
Two or Four "Tula AX630M Gatling guns" or "Palma combined gun /missile mounts"

Final fits of all the above guns have not been confirmed.


"several small landing boats" Can be carried topside amidships.

Im guessing in liue of containers.

The Hanger can hold two Helos such as the Kamov Ka 29TB or Ka 50.


Tayfun Pozitiv M1 Surface/Air search radar

Navigation radar
Helicopter aid radar
and a "low flying targets" detection radar

These last three radars may be of an "LPI concept"

Laska MR123-02 "gunfire control radar"

ESM/ECM system

"four integrated jamming/intercept antennas"
"two-four launchers of radar/IR/lazser decoys(probably the KT 216 mounts, ten barrels each).

"a few satellite antenna links"

"modern shipborne CIC"

"The general philosophy is similar to that of Europe's latest constructions, such as the Netherlands Navy's Rotterdam and Johan de Witt or the Royal Navy's Albion and Largs bay classes. They can act as humanitarian disaster managing vessels or typical beaching ships for heavy armored vehicles."


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#3 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Fev 13, 2007 2:16 pm ... lid=354932
Taken just before naval parade.
In foreground cruiser Moskva, next is large atisubmarine ship Kerch and Azov landing ship in background. Sevastopol 2006 ... lid=354929
only active sub of Russian Black Sea Fleet.
Project 877W ("W" for "wodmetny" - means "pump jest propulsion")
Sevastopol summer 2006

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#4 Mensagem por chm0d » Ter Fev 13, 2007 2:23 pm

Então, o pessoal vive dizendo que a marinha russa está sucateada... pelas fotos, me parecem em muito bom estado!!



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#5 Mensagem por REGATEANO » Ter Fev 13, 2007 6:26 pm

chm0d, vc conhece o photoshop?

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#6 Mensagem por Bolovo » Ter Fev 13, 2007 6:32 pm

chm0d escreveu:Então, o pessoal vive dizendo que a marinha russa está sucateada... pelas fotos, me parecem em muito bom estado!!

Maioria está sucateada, mas tem uma BOA parte dos meios que está na ativa e em boas condições.

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
Carlos Vulcano
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#7 Mensagem por Carlos Vulcano » Ter Fev 13, 2007 7:04 pm

Mais nos EUA, Inglaterra, França, Alemanha, China, Japão e até no Chile também o Photoshop ou não? :lol:

Carlos Vulcano
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#8 Mensagem por Carlos Vulcano » Ter Fev 13, 2007 7:05 pm

Mais nos EUA, Inglaterra, França, Alemanha, China, Japão e até no Chile também existe o Photoshop ou não? :lol:

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#9 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 14, 2007 10:05 am

A vontade de dizer mal não tem limites :roll:

Eu visitei 2 Navios Russos em 2004 e quem me dera ter "sucata" daquelas.

O problema da Rússia não é ter bons navios (que os tem), é não os ter em número suficiente

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#10 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 14, 2007 10:09 am

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#11 Mensagem por ferrol » Qua Fev 14, 2007 10:40 am

P44 escreveu:"The general philosophy is similar to that of Europe's latest constructions, such as the Netherlands Navy's Rotterdam and Johan de Witt or the Royal Navy's Albion and Largs bay classes. They can act as humanitarian disaster managing vessels or typical beaching ships for heavy armored vehicles."
Esto de servir de inspiración ós rusos creo que é novo en frío que vai por alá... :o

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#12 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Qua Fev 14, 2007 10:45 am

Creio que grande parte da frota da era soviética está em mau estado de operacionalidae.

Mativeram alguns navios operacionais, reduzindo o número de unidades e investindo na manutenção de unidades principais, como no caso do navio almirante da frota do norte, o Pedro o Grande.

O mesmo para alguns submarinos.

Deram baixa de alguns e mantiveram outros em estado de razoável operacionalidade.

Mas é um facto que a marinha russa é hoje uma sombra o que era na era soviética, até porque a nível de aumentos qualitativos não há grandes notícias de avanços.

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#13 Mensagem por JLRC » Seg Fev 19, 2007 11:05 pm

Imagens das provas de mar da corveta Steregushchyy



[URL=][img] ...[/img][/URL] ... 0380_1.jpg ... 0380_2.jpg ... 0380_3.jpg

Quiz por as imagens com o imageshack, a exemplo do que fiz no FD mas aqui não sairam. Há algum problema com o Forum?

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#14 Mensagem por chm0d » Seg Fev 19, 2007 11:40 pm

JLRC escreveu:Imagens das provas de mar da corveta Steregushchyy



[URL=][img] ...[/img][/URL] ... 0380_1.jpg ... 0380_2.jpg ... 0380_3.jpg

Quiz por as imagens com o imageshack, a exemplo do que fiz no FD mas aqui não sairam. Há algum problema com o Forum?

So faltou a tinta :D

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#15 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Fev 20, 2007 4:39 pm

Quiz por as imagens com o imageshack, a exemplo do que fiz no FD mas aqui não sairam. Há algum problema com o Forum?

De Facto!

Já escrevi ácerca disso há uns tempos nas regras mas ninguém me passou cartão....
